Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) Online Authorization, Licensure, Complaints, and Policies

Mohawk Valley Community College is dedicated to upholding rigorous compliance standards. This website provides details regarding professional licensure status, state authorization for online course offerings, resources for students to submit complaints, web accessibility, data privacy, and policies on nondiscrimination. The website will be revised periodically to reflect any changes in relevant laws and regulations.


State Authorization for Online Education Delivery

MVCC has received approval to engage in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

In accordance with federal regulations, institutions of higher education that receive Title IV funding and provide degree programs via distance or online education to students located in other states are required to obtain authorization from those states to offer such programs.

MVCC is actively working to adhere to the regulations of each state and to secure the necessary authorization to continue delivering our online degree programs. As a participant in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), MVCC is permitted to offer its online degree programs to residents of all other states that are members of NC-SARA.


Mandatory Professional Licensure Disclosure

New York State is committed to maintaining the high standards of its licensed and certified professionals. To safeguard its citizens, specific criteria must be fulfilled by individuals seeking licensure or certification within the state. The academic programs offered by SUNY that lead to licensure or certification are meticulously structured to not only meet but also surpass these state mandates. This commitment reflects SUNY's role in ensuring public safety. It is important to note that other states may have distinct requirements; therefore, this disclosure serves as a resource for verifying the necessary criteria in those states if you intend to practice elsewhere.

In accordance with U.S. Federal Regulations, §668.14 and §668.43, and in alignment with the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) Manual version 24.2, MVCC provides the following information regarding the educational prerequisites for professional licensure and certification.

Professional Licensure/Certification Disclosure

Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) complies with U.S. Federal Regulations §668.14 and §668.43 regarding professional licensure disclosures.

Per NC-SARA Policy Manual (Version 24.2), MVCC provides the following information for students enrolled in programs leading to professional licensure or certification in U.S. states or territories:

Important Notes

  • Students seeking licensure outside of New York State should verify that MVCC’s program meets requirements in their desired state.
  • Federal regulations require institutions to provide accurate state-by-state licensure information. Students should contact their state licensing board for confirmation.

More Information


Student Problem Resolution for Non-New York Residents

Students are advised to utilize the college's student problem resolution process before submitting a complaint to a state agency.

MVCC is a participating institution in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Students enrolled in distance education programs outside of New York State may file consumer protection complaints following the process outlined below.

Step 1: MVCC Internal Complaint Process

Before escalating a complaint, students must first attempt to resolve the issue using Student Complaint Process

Step 2: Escalation to SUNY System

If a resolution is not reached, students must file their complaint with the SUNY System Administration Complaint Resolution Office before proceeding to state-level resolution.

Step 3: Appeal to NC-SARA Portal Entity (NYSED)

If the complaint is not resolved at the institutional or SUNY level, students may appeal to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) within two years of the incident.

Important Notes

  • NC-SARA does NOT cover complaints related to grades or student conduct violations.
  • The New York State Education Department (NYSED) does not handle initial complaints. Students must first follow MVCC and SUNY resolution processes.

External Complaint Resources

The United States Department of Education mandates that all higher education institutions provide prospective and current out-of-state students with the contact details of the relevant state agency or agencies responsible for handling complaints against postsecondary education institutions that offer distance learning in that state.

The information provided for each state is subject to change and will be updated regularly.

Contact details for each state are available, and students may also reach out to their respective state department of higher education.

Student Problem Resolution Non-New York Residents

Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Arkansas Department of Higher Education
423 Main St.
Suite 400
Little Rock, AR 72201

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

According to the Department of Education, the state of California at this time does not participate in the nationwide State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA).  Further, the state of California does not have a process for managing complaints of California residents attending out-of-state public or non-profit institutions at a distance via online programs.  Until such time that these items are resolved, students are encouraged to work with their institution regarding any complaints, or contact the California Attorney General's Office.

California Attorney General's Office

Updated: July 23, 2019

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

Connecticut Office of Higher Education
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 510,
Hartford, CT 06103-1841

Connecticut Attorney General's Office

Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
2082 East Exchange Pl.
Suite 220
Tucker, GA 30084-3300

Georgia Attorney General's Office

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

Idaho State Board of Education
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0037

Idaho Attorney General's Office

Illinois Board of Higher Education
1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza,
Suite 333
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1377

Illinois Attorney General's Office

Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson St.
Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368

Kansas Attorney General's Office

Louisiana Board of Regents
1201 N. Third St., Suite 6-200
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Louisiana Attorney General's Office

Maine Department of Education
23 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0023

Maine Attorney General's Office


Student complaints will be investigated by the Office of the Attorney General or the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Complaints should be directed to:

Maryland Attorney General's Office
Consumer Protection Division
200 St. Paul St.
Baltimore, MD 21202

toll free: 888-743-0023
local: 410-528-8662

Minnesota Office of Higher Education
1450 Energy Park Drive
Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55108

Minnesota Attorney General's Office

Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation
3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211-6453

Mississippi Attorney General's Office

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

Missouri Department of Higher Education
P.O. Box 1469
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1469

Missouri Attorney General's Office

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education
8778 South Maryland Pkwy.
Suite 115
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Nevada Attorney General's Office

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

New Hampshire Department of Education
Division of Higher Education - Higher Education Commission
101 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301-3860

New Hampshire Attorney General's Office

New Mexico Higher Education Department
2048 Galistro St.
Santa Fe, NM 8705-2100

or contact online

  • New Mexico complaints
  • complaint form, FERPA release form and HIPPA release form available at the link above as fillable Word documents

New Mexico Attorney General's Office

University of North Carolina Board of Governors

  • North Carolina student complaints
  • send to:
    North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
    c/o Cherisa Williams
    University of North Carolina General Administration
    910 Raleigh Rd.
    Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688

North Carolina Attorney General's Office

North Dakota University System

  • North Dakota student complaints
  • send to:
    Tanya Spilovay, D.Ed.
    Director of Distance Education and State Authorization
    1815 Schafer St.
    Suite 202
    Bismark, ND 58501-1217

North Dakota Attorney General's Office

Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion
Office of Degree Authorization
1500 Valley River Dr.
Suite 100
Eugene, OR 97401

Oregon Attorney General's Office

Pennsylvania Department of Education
Division of Higher and Career Education
333 Market St.
12th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
1122 Lady St.
Suite 300
Columbia, SC 29201

South Carolina Attorney General's Office

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

Tennessee Higher Education Commission
404 James Robertson Pkwy.
Suite 1900
Nashville, TN 37243

Tennessee Attorney General's Office

Note: You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF documents. If it is not installed on your computer, download it for free from Adobe.

 Vermont State Agency of Education (Board of Education)
120 State St.
Montpelier, VT 06620

Vermont Attorney General's Office

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission
1018 Kanawha Blvd.
E. Suite 700
Charlestown, WV 25301

Wisconsin Educational Approval Board
201 W. Washington Ave.
3rd Floor
Madison, WI 53703

Wisconsin Attorney General's Office

Wyoming Department of Education
2300 Capitol Ave.
Hathaway Building, 2nd Floor
Cheyenne, WY 82002-2060

Wyoming Attorney General's Office

Note: The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) conducts an annual state authorization survey which is a major resource for this webpage.  The survey information can now be found at the NC-SARA website under the title of "The State Authorization Guide: A collection of state laws, regulations, and requirements for institutions serving out-of-state students".  For information about the State Authorization Guide, please contact Marianne Boeke at NC-SARA: or (303) 242-5037.