• ATD student Images
    A resource for faculty, staff, and students
    MVCC's Achieving the Dream
  • ATD student Images
  • ATD student Images
  • ATD student Images
  • ATD student Images
  • ATD student Images
  • ATD student Images

For too long in American higher education, the conversation has been about access without enough emphasis on student success. It's no longer enough to just get students into college-we must focus on improving their success rates and helping more students achieve their desired outcomes, persist in school, and graduate on time. 

At MVCC we are turning around the conversation about student success. We are committed to better outcomes for more of our students, so MVCC has joined the national Achieving the Dream Network. Ours is the first community college in the SUNY system to take this transformational step forward.

This web page provides information, resources, and opportunities to participate in MVCC's Achieving the Dream planning and initiatives. If this is your first time visiting, please take a moment to view an interactive introductory presentation