New York's tuition-free degree program, the Excelsior Scholarship, is the first of its kind in the nation. The Scholarship is making college possible for hundreds of thousands of students across the state and helping to alleviate the crushing burden of student debt. A college education is increasingly necessary to secure the jobs of tomorrow, and the Excelsior Scholarship ensures New York's students have access to a quality education and the skills they need to succeed.

If you are a New York State resident whose family household adjusted gross income (as filed on your 2022 federal tax returns) does not exceed $125,000 for the 2024-2025 academic year and you complete 30 credits per year, you will be able to attend MVCC tuition free.

Excelsior FAQs

General Questions

Yes. If you are a NYS resident whose family household federal adjusted gross income (as filed on your 2021 New York State Income Tax Returns) does not exceed $125,000 for the 2023-2024 academic year and you complete 30 credits per year, you will be able to attend college tuition free.

Yes. Students can apply between May 24 and August 31, 2023 to potentially receive awards to attend college tuition free in the fall.

Yes. Students who are currently attending college are eligible to receive an award, provided they are currently on track to complete their degree on time.

Yes. A student who transferred between colleges is eligible for an Excelsior Scholarship if they are on track to complete on time based on the number of credits accepted by their current college.

Applicants who have an associate’s degree can receive an award to pursue a bachelor’s degree, provided they immediately enroll in a four-year program upon completion of their two-year degree. You may not receive an award to pursue a second associate’s or a second bachelor’s degree.

No. Students who began an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree who are not on-track to complete on time are not eligible to receive an award.

No. The Excelsior Scholarship, in combination with all other awards, will only cover tuition up to $7,070 for the academic year.

No. The Excelsior Scholarship is available only for students enrolled in degree programs.

NYS Residency 

To be considered a resident for purposes of receiving this award, you must have resided in New York State for 12 continuous months prior to the term for which the award is being sought.

If your parents resided in New York State for 12 or more continuous months at the time you applied for the Excelsior Scholarship and you are claimed as a dependent by your parent(s), you will be determined to meet the NYS residency requirement. If your parent(s) resided outside of New York State at the time of application, and you are claimed as a dependent, you will not be considered a resident for purposes of this award.


To be considered a resident for purposes of receiving this award, you must have resided in New York State for 12 continuous months prior to the term for which the award is being sought.

If your parents resided in New York State for 12 or more continuous months at the time you applied for the Excelsior Scholarship and you are claimed as a dependent by your parent(s), you will be determined to meet the NYS residency requirement. If your parent(s) resided outside of New York State at the time of application, and you are claimed as a dependent, you will not be considered a resident for purposes of this award. 

Remedial Coursework 

Yes. Students taking remedial classes are eligible to apply. However, you will need to complete 30 credits per year (which can include summer and winter terms) in addition to your remedial classes.


If you are no longer on track to complete an associates degree in two years or a bachelors degree in four years, you will be ineligible for the award.

No. The Excelsior Scholarship will cover the full-time resident tuition charged by SUNY (currently $7,070) or the actual tuition charged, whichever is less.

Yes. Credits earned during a summer or winter term (as well as college credits earned while in high school) will count towards the 30-credit per year requirement.

If you fail to complete 30 credits over a 365-day period, the Excelsior Scholarship will cover your first term; however, you will be responsible for the tuition liability for your second term. In addition, because you will no longer be on track to complete your degree on time, you will be ineligible for any future award payments.

No. A student who fails to complete 30 credits in any year is ineligible for any future payments under the Program.

Yes. Students who first entered college in January 2022 will have until January 2023 to complete the required 30 credits, provided they enrolled in 12 credits in their first term.

Yes. You are eligible to apply for the Excelsior Scholarship if you are currently taking a summer course that brings you to 30 credits before the fall term.

Yes. College credits earned while a student in high school can be applied in any manner that results in 30 cumulative credits per year.

The Catch Up Year allows a student who first started college in 2021-22 and who has earned a total of 54 credits to use the 2023-24 academic year to catch up on his or her credits. If the student successfully earns 36 credits (for a total of 90 credits), he or she will be eligible to receive an Excelsior Scholarship beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements. The Catch Up Year also allows a student who first started college in 2022-23 and who has earned a total of 24 credits to use the 2023-24 academic year to catch up on his or her credits. If the student successfully earns 36 credits (for a total of 60 credits), he or she will be eligible to receive an Excelsior Scholarship beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements.

No. If you are a transfer student whose current college did not accept all your credits and you are no longer on track to complete your degree on time, you will be ineligible to receive an Excelsior Scholarship.

Tap Eligibility

No. You do not have to receive a TAP award to be eligible to receive an Excelsior Scholarship. However, a student who does receive a TAP award will have their Excelsior Scholarship reduced by the amount of their TAP award.

Post-Award Obligations 

The post-award residency requirement begins when you are no longer receiving an award. You will have up to six months after your last award payment has made before you must live in NYS to fulfill the residency requirement. If you have lost eligibility for the award and are continuing with your undergraduate studies at a NYS college, your residency requirement would begin while you are still in school. If you are pursuing a graduate or post-graduate degree at a NYS college, your residency requirement will begin while you are enrolled in graduate school.

Your post-award residency obligation is deferred while you continue your education outside of New York State. You will have six months to return to NYS to begin fulfilling your residency requirement.

Your award will be prorated when calculating your loan amount. If you received awards for four years and reside in NYS for three years, you will be required to repay one-fourth of the award as a no-interest loan. If you relocated due to an allowable hardship, your loan conversion may be waived.

The Excelsior Scholarship awards which you receive will convert to a zero-interest loan.

The Excelsior Scholarship will convert to a 10-year loan. Loans can be repaid early without penalty.

HESC will service loans that are in repayment, provided regular payments continue to be made. Unpaid loans will be referred to the NYS Office of the Attorney General.