This form is an anonymous form and does not record your identifiable information unless you give it in the form.

NOTE: HawkEye Tips are not responded to in real time. Incidents that require immediate intervention should be reported to the Department of Public Safety at 315-731-5777 or the RA on Duty at 315-792-5310.

What have you seen or heard that prompted you to put in a TIP? Please be specific about location, time, re-occurrences, descriptions of individuals, vehicles, what was said, etc. The more information we have, the better to act on your TIP. While we respect your desire for anonymity, including your name/contact information is not required, but it is recommended.
Please be specific about location, time, re-occurrences, descriptions of individuals, vehicles, what was said, etc.
Contact Information

We understand the desire to sometimes vent. However, without your contact information we simply have no way to assist you. While this is optional, we highly recommend you provide a way we can connect you.