Security is a top priority in the MVCC Residence Halls!

Some of our security measures include:

  • Front doors are locked 24 hours a day
  • All Residence Halls equipped with Fire Sprinklers
  • "Proximity card system" to manage all front door activity
  • Student rooms are all equipped with deadbolt locks
  • Emergency Alert Notification System
  • Peep holes are installed on room doors in quads
  • Security Cameras have been placed at over 50 strategic areas
  • Increased lighting has been installed on the exterior of buildings and in the parking lot
  • Public Safety Officers patrol the Residence Hall area throughout the night
  • "Assistance" emergency phones on each floor
  • Professional Security Officers, from an out-sourced security company, sit at the entrances to each building during high traffic hours
  • Each room has either a dresser or wardrobe closet that can be secured with a personal padlock

How can students help?

  • If you see something suspicious CURRENTLY occurring, contact Public Safety at 315-731-5777. In an emergency, dial 911
  • If you are aware of something that we should know about, please submit an anonymous HawkEye Tip
  • LOCK YOUR DOOR.  If your roommate is not locking the door, please discuss this with your Resident Assistant immediately
  • Notify the RA on Duty AT ANY TIME if you or your roommate lose your keys.  We will replace them immediately
  • Abide by the policies regarding “no candles or incense”, no “heat-producing appliances” or no extension cords
  • Do not people you do not know into the Residence Halls