Retention and Graduation Rates

Retention and graduation rates are reported annually to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS); they can be found by going to our IPEDS NCES College Navigator page.

As a member of Achieving the Dream, MVCC utilizes data to make decisions that will improve student retention and completion. Retention/persistence rates for matriculated students new to MVCC (first-time and transfer students) can be found on the ATD Student Retention/Persistence page. Completion rates for the same cohort can be found on the ATD Graduation Rates page.

Licensurestudents studying

MVCC offers programs that prepare graduates to apply for New York State licenses in three occupations: Radiologic Technology, Nursing, and Respiratory Care, Surgical Technology.

Licensure Pass Rates
Mandatory Professional Licensure Disclosure

Per U.S. Federal Regulations, and in compliance with the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements Manual version 19.2, SUNY Mohawk Valley Community College provides a disclosure related to the educational requirements for professional licensure and certification.

MVCC Student Achievement Measures

The Student Achievement Measure (SAM) tracks student movement across postsecondary institutions to provide a more complete picture of undergraduate student progress and completion within the higher education system. SAM is an alternative to the federal graduation rate, which is limited to tracking the completion of first-time, full-time students at one institution.

The Voluntary Framework of Accountability (VFA) is the principal accountability framework for community colleges with measures defined to encompass the full breadth of the community college mission and the diversity of students' goals and educational experiences.

The College Scorecard is a U.S. Department of Education planning tool to help students and their families make more educated decisions about college.  Each scorecard highlights five key pieces of data:  costs, graduation rates, loan default rate, average amount borrowed, and employment.

Goals and Outcomes

MVCC is committed to the use of assessment to improve academic programs. Assessment works best when the programs it seeks to improve have clear, explicitly stated purposes. It is a goal-oriented process. Each program, degree or certificate, has clearly stated goals and outcomes listed on their curricular display. To see the goals and outcomes for a particular program, click one of the links below to see a list of the available degrees/certificates. After opening a curricular page from the list look for a link to "Goals and Outcomes" near the middle of the page.

Associate Degrees and Certificates offered MVCC

Gainful Employment

MVCC is required by the Federal Government to disclose certain information about educational programs less than two years in length (certificate programs), including:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Books and supplies
  • Room and board
  • Available financing, including financial aid
  • How long it should take to complete the program
  • Completion rates
  • Related occupations

The required disclosure for each program can be found by following this link to Certificates offered by MVCC, clicking the desired program, and then finding the link to "Gainful Employment Information" near the bottom of the page.