Peer tutoring

CONTENT TUTORS are students and professionals who have excelled in their subject area. They share their curiosity, enthusiasm, and knowledge in on-campus and online sessions. Content tutors support student learning through tailored review of course material, engaging discussions, and individualized study strategies. 

Content tutors also facilitate study groups and supplemental instruction sessions. From accounting and American Sign Language to radiology and respiratory care, content tutoring is available for courses across disciplines. To see all courses for which tutoring is available, check out this page: tutors hours by subject.

Meet the Tutors

Jonas America, Content Tutor & Learning Commons AmbassadorEducation | Jonas has earned two associate degrees at MV, one in the liberal arts & sciences and another in theater.

You might not guess that | He was born on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean [20 points to Gryffindor if you can guess which one].

Favorite filmmakers and films | The Coen Brothers & David Fincher | No Country for Old Men & In Bruges

Values & aims | Jonas values humor, kindness, and awesome(tive)ness. He made up that last word and hopes to make films in the future. 

How he can help | Jonas can answer almost any question about MV and provides support for select video production (VP) and theater (TH) classes. He's also a brilliant guide to Adobe Premiere Pro.

Sara Silverman, Content TutorEducation | Sara earned her bachelor's in history from Brandeis University, has a master's in special education from SUNY New Paltz, and has completed course work toward a doctorate in physical therapy.  

You might not guess that | Sara minored in theater as an undergrad and has a twin sister.

Favorite film genres | musical and fantasy

Values & Aims | Sara values honesty, humor, and fairness and aims to improve herself everyday. 

How she can help | In addition to writing and statistics tutoring, Sara supports students studying select biology (BI), chemistry (CH), history (HI), and criminal justice (CJ) courses. 

Shelly Gorney, Content TutorEducation | Shelly is an MV alum. After earning her associates in general studies, she went on to earn a bachelor's in economics from St. Lawrence University and a master's in human resource development from Rochester Institute of Technology.   

You might not guess that | Shelly can't ice skate but she can dance. She has even taught Latin ballroom dance.

Favorite authors | Patricia Cornwell and Margaret Mitchell

Values & Aims | Shelly values honesty, integrity and kindness. She aims to embody those values and also aims to see as many National Parks as she can. 

How she can help | Shelly offers one-on-one appointments for students taking biology courses including human life science (BI103), nutrition & dietetics 1 (BI151), and anatomy and physiology 1 & 2 (BI216 & BI217). 

Availability | Shelly works by appointment in Utica and is able to meet with students online.