Genesis Award

Each year the Genesis Group recognizes Central New York educators and programs who are making a difference in the quality of life in the Mohawk Valley region. Mohawk Valley Community College participates in this program by nominating the MVCC teacher and staff member that received the previous year's award for Heart of Hearts and Pride of Pride respectively. Additionally, MVCC seeks nominations for programs that exemplify what is most outstanding about New York State's first community college. 

Nomination Deadline:  September 20, 2024

Nomination Form (Program)

Genesis Award Recipients

Hawks that Soar Awards

The Aeries Award is selected annually in May by the MVCC Foundation from a list of nominations made throughout the academic year by members of the MVCC family.  This award recognizes any full-time employee, or group comprised mostly of full-time employees, who have made a significant volunteer contribution to a not-for-profit or charitable organization.  The recipient receives a personal desk plaque and their name is engraved on the Aeries Award wall plaque in the MVCC Board Room.  This recognition includes a $1000 prize that is given to a local charity in the name of the Aeries Award winner.

Nomination Deadline: February 14, 2025

Nomination Form

Award Recipients

This award is an annual recognition for outstanding innovation and/or entrepreneurial achievement within the scope of college operations on the part of any full-time employee, or group comprised mostly of full-time employees.  Nominations are presented to the Cabinet in March each year.  The Cabinet makes its recommendation to the President, who makes final approval and announces the award at Summer Institute Recognition Program. This recognition includes a framed certificate and a $1000 prize.

Nomination Deadline:  February 14, 2025

Nomination Form

Award Recipients

The MVCC Heart of the Hawk is awarded to a member of the full time teaching faculty who has recently shown excellence through specific achievement in one or more of the following areas: learning, accessibility, collaboration, excellence, operational efficiency, or integrity.  This recognition is awarded three times each academic year (October, January, and April) in order to allow the extraordinary efforts of MVCC teaching faculty to receive recognition in a timely fashion. Once a faculty member has received this award, they will not be eligible to receive the award again for another 5 years.

Nomination Deadline:  Oct. 11, 2024 / Jan.17, 2025 / Mar. 14, 2025  

Nomination Form

Award Recipients

The MVCC Pride of the Hawk is awarded to a member of the full time professional and classified staff who has recently shown excellence through a specific achievement in one or more of the following areas: learning, accessibility, collaboration, excellence, operational efficiency, or integrity.  This recognition is awarded three times each academic year (October, January, and April) in order to allow the extraordinary efforts of the MVCC to receive professional and classified staff recognition in a timely fashion. Once a (FT) staff member has received this award, they will not be eligible to receive the award again for another 5 years. 

Nomination Deadline:  Oct. 11, 2024 / Jan.17, 2025 / Mar. 14, 2025 

Nomination Form

Award Recipients

This annual recognition awards an outstanding employee, college organization, or program that has made exceptional efforts and contributions in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion.  Nominations are made to the Diversity Council in February of each year.  The Diversity Council makes its recommendation to the Cabinet, who makes final approval and announces the award at the Summer Institute Recognition Program. The award is announced at the Summer Institute Luncheon and comes with a framed certificate along with a $1,000 stipend to support special projects in the upcoming academic year.

Nomination Deadline:  February 14, 2025

Nomination Form

Group Award Recipients

This annual award recognizes outstanding achievement in the area of outcomes assessment on the part of an individual full-time employee, or group comprised mostly of full-time employees.  Nominations are made to the Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC) in February of each year.  The IEC makes its recommendation to the Cabinet, who makes final approval and announces the award at the Summer Institute Recognition Program. This award comes with a framed certificate along with $2,500 to support special Institutional Assessment projects in the upcoming academic year.

Nomination Deadline:  February 14, 2025

Nomination Form

Group Award Recipients

The Wings of the Hawk is awarded each fall and spring semester and recognizes exceptional team work within the Institution. The award for the coming semester is made by the group, office, or department currently holding the title and is “passed forward” via recommendation through the College Cabinet. This recognition includes an engraved plate on the Wings of the Hawk wall plaque in the MVCC Board Room, the right to display the Wings Sculpture (traveling award) in the winners’ office area, and an employee party valued up to $250 for the winning "team."   Recipients of the Wings of the Hawk will not be eligible to receive this award again for another five (5) years. 

Group Award Recipients

The Heart of Hearts award is made annually in May to one of the three current year Heart of the Hawk award recipients.  Selected by the Cabinet, this award recognizes the outstanding example of service and/or leadership excellence in this category for the current academic year.  The winner is formally recognized at the Summer Institute Recognition Program.  A star is engraved next to the Heart of Hearts winner’s name on the Board Room Heart of the Hawk plaque and the recipient also receives a personal desk plaque. The award also comes with a $1000 prize.


Award Recipients

The Pride of Pride award is made annually in May to one of the three current year Pride of the Hawk award recipients.  Selected by the Cabinet, this award recognizes the outstanding example of service and/or leadership excellence in this category for the current academic year.  The winner is formally recognized at the Summer Institute Recogntion Program. A star is engraved next to Pride of the Pride winner’s name on the Board Room Pride of the Hawk plaque and the recipient also receives a personal desk plaque. The award comes with a $1000 prize.


Award Recipients

MVCC's Excellence Awards

The MVCC Excellence Awards are campus based honors conferred to acknowledge and provide college-wide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement and to encourage the ongoing pursuit of excellence.  These awards underscore MVCC's commitment to sustaining intellectual vibrancy, professional excellence and to providing the highest quality of instruction and service leadership while serving the public good. Through these awards, MVCC publicly proclaims its pride in the accomplishment and personal dedication of its instructional faculty, and entire staff across all its campuses. The awards provide recognition in nine categories: Faculty Service, Librarianship, Professional Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, Teaching, Adjunct Teaching, Classified Service, Part-Time Service, and CCED Non-Credit Teaching. Individuals selected for this honor are the MVCC community's role models. In acknowledgement of their selection, recipients will receive public recognition at the annual Summer Institute Recognition Program along with a framed certificate and a $500 award.

SUNY Chancellor's Awards

The Chancellor's Awards for Excellence are System-level honors conferred to acknowledge and provide system-wide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement and to encourage the ongoing pursuit of excellence. These programs underscore SUNY’s commitment to sustaining intellectual vibrancy, advancing the boundaries of knowledge, providing the highest quality of instruction, and serving the public good. Through these awards, SUNY publicly proclaims its pride in the accomplishment and personal dedication of its instructional faculty, librarians and professional staff across its campuses. The awards provide SUNY-wide recognition in five categories: Faculty Service, Librarianship, Professional Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, and Teaching.

SUNY Shared Governance Award

The SUNY Shared Governance Award is a SUNY wide honor conferred on a campus for outstanding achievements in shared governance. This award underscores SUNY’s commitment to academic excellence and public good through collaborative models of governance.

Shared Governance is defined as administration/faculty/staff/student cooperation that is mutually recognized as effective engagement of the local governance structures and elected representatives on important campus issues and policies that impact the local campus and the State University of New York. This cooperation should include shared and timely decision making, shared accountability, collaborative dialogue, and open communication.

One campus each year may be selected for this award. Campuses selected for this award will serve as exemplars of the best practices in shared governance. A letter, certificate and a SUNY Shared Governance Award plaque will be bestowed to commemorate selection.