• MVCC Stories
“I decided to go to MVCC because I wanted to save some money and have a good academic experience. I was happy to find out it was even more than I expect.”
Dr. Kyle Angelicola-Richardson ’10, Liberal Arts & Sciences: Sports Medicine
Orthopedic Surgeon, Rome Health


“MVCC gave me the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about becoming a police officer. What I enjoyed the most was the outstanding professors who are passionate about creating proactive, strong, and determined students.”
Amanda Tarbania ’22, Criminal Justice
U.S. Air Force Security Forces


“MVCC prepared me academically and the professors gave me the extra boost and motivation, a promise of excellence if I trusted in myself.”
Aman Awais ’19, Engineering Science
Systems Engineer, Plug Power


“Within six weeks of graduation, I was offered a position at a skilled nursing facility.”
Sherri Parker ’23, Health Information Technology
Administrative Assistant, Lutheran Home


“The professors in the MVCC graphic design department made a huge difference in my life — they all pushed returning adult students to gain new skills.”
Duane DeFrees ’11, Graphic Design
Project Manager/Estimator, Ansun Graphics


“I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be a college graduate, and now I have an associate and bachelor’s degree. It all began at MVCC!”
Mary Brewer ’20, Business Administration
Human Resources Manager, Remet Corporation


“MVCC offers great programs with excellent teachers that give you the resources to build a foundation for success. The entire engineering curriculum was very challenging and was a tremendous achievement to complete.” 
Nick Gelfuso ’21, Engineering Science
Engineer, Pursuit Aerospace


“MVCC was honestly a gift to me. I had amazing professors and other staff members who assisted me on my journey through two degrees.”
Nicole Wenham ’19, Chemical Dependency/Human Services
Dual Diagnosis Chemical Dependency Counselor, Syracuse Recovery Services


“MVCC was my steppingstone for bigger and better things. I’m now working to complete my master’s in social work.”
Briana Bowen ’20, Chemical Dependency Practitioner
Case Manager, Willow Park Assisted Living


“MVCC helped me get where I am now by providing me with the first steps of my college education.”
Jennah Nitti ’19, Psychology
Case Manager, Veterans Outreach Center
“At MVCC, I had a lot of amazing people in my corner.”
Nazzy DeLoach ’20, Business Administration
Owner/operator, Dreamer Studios, Utica


“MVCC taught me valuable information and strategies to use in my business model.”
Michael Pick ’20, Business Administration
Entrepreneur / Owner of Tents 4 You


“MVCC helped me get connected to the community while learning more about the business world.”
Adam Turnbull ’20, Business Administration
Insurance Agent, Turnbull Insurance
“It has always been my passion to support others through challenges, and reaching this goal would not be possible without my MVCC degree.”
Jenny Woods ’22, Human Services
Behavior Specialist, ICAN


“The skills and the values that I picked up at MVCC have benefitted me from the moment I walked onto campus to now, as a professional in the information technology field.”
Kevin Ciulla ’19, Cybersecurity
Technology Coach/Webmaster, Little Falls School District
“MVCC professors' dedication to helping students perfect their work really paid off for me in regard to how the real work environment would be.”
June Ciulla ’19, Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant, Little Falls High School
Angelicola-Richardson at work
Dr. Richardson ’10, Sports Medicine
Orthopedic Surgeon, Rome Health

I decided to go to MVCC because I wanted to save some money and have a good academic experience. I was happy to find out it was even more than I expected. I was very impressed with the sciences there — I had great experiences in Anatomy & Physiology and Chemistry — which prepared me well for the next four years of college and medical school. I had a lot of support while I was there and really enjoyed being on campus and meeting people. All the people I met at MVCC have this open-door policy and really have a different attitude toward students than many other places. They understand where we’re coming from and understand how to take care of us in a different way.

When I moved on to St. John’s University, I wanted to pass on what I experienced in mentorship at MVCC. On the baseball team, I spent a lot of time teaching people to hit, but also teaching them to do their schoolwork. I did a lot of supplemental instruction there and kept that theme through medical school. Now I spend a lot of time helping people figure out the path to reach their goals, whether that’s medicine or something else that they’re really passionate about.

Woods at work
Jenny Woods ’22, Behavior Specialist

As the pandemic hit, I had an opportunity to take part in an apprenticeship program through my employer at the time. MVCC did such a great job of supporting me that I ended up turning it into a Human Service degree!

It has always been my passion to support others through challenges, and I am now a Behavior Specialist with ICAN, working within the Utica City School District. Reaching this goal would not be possible without my MVCC degree and the support of Professor Dina Radeljas, who helped me decide on the best path to take for the goals I had set. It relieved some of the stress, knowing I had that extra support.

MVCC was also wonderful at making a point to give us adult students the same recognition as “traditional” students, noting our successes as well. I didn’t get good grades in high school but was able to be a part of the Spire honor society at MVCC.

Tarbania at work
Amanda Tarbania ’22, Security Forces
U.S. Air Force

In 2020 I made the life-changing decision to go to college. Today I am a part of the United States Air Force Security Forces, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without MVCC!

MVCC gave me the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about becoming a police officer. I learned self-discipline, optimism, and the real meaning of being ambitious. From college courses to corrections and becoming a police officer, I continue to use everything MVCC has taught me. What I enjoyed the most was the outstanding professors who are passionate about creating proactive, strong, and determined students. My advice is to always chase your dreams because if you put your heart into it, you can do anything!

Parker at work
Sherri Parker ’23, Health Information Technology
Administrative Assistant, Lutheran Home

MVCC's online Health Information Technology program, and the incredible staff who helped me enroll, made going back to school - my 40th birthday gift to myself - remarkably easy. The immersive coursework ensures that students absorb the materials essential to applying the knowledge we’ve gained in our field of choice. The Professional Practice Experience internship in a local hospital's medical records department was invaluable to my education, and that hands-on experience confirmed I had chosen the right field. Professor Heidi Palmiter's teaching techniques, field expertise, and guidance helped build my confidence, and within six weeks of graduation, I was offered a position at a skilled nursing facility, where I continue to learn new skills and gain experience daily. With the encouragement of Professor Palmiter, I sat for my Registered Health Information Technician certification exam within five months of graduation and passed on the first try. MVCC set the bar high for any educational institution I choose to continue my studies. Graduating from college was one of the best days of my life, thanks to the enriching experience provided by MVCC and the HIT Program. I could not be more grateful.

Brewer at work
Mary Brewer ’20, Business Administration
Human Resources Manager, Remet Corporation

Without the adult cohort program at MVCC, I would never have obtained my first college degree! I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be a college graduate, and now I have an associate degree and a bachelor’s degree. The experience that helped shape who I am today was going through college during a global pandemic after not being in school for over 20 years. That roadblock taught me about the perseverance and determination I had buried deep within myself. I am proud to say I am a college graduate, and it all began with MVCC!

I recently accepted a new position as a human resources manager at Remet Corp in Utica after working for Brookdale Senior Living these last seven years. I gained confidence in myself and actually had to choose between three job offers! The monetary reward was amazing, but nothing beats the sense of pride I had when companies were fighting to get me in the door.

Defrees at work
Duane DeFrees ’11, Graphic Design
Project Manager/Estimator, Ansun Graphics

All the professors in the graphic design department made a huge difference in my life. They pushed returning adult students to gain new skills. I was a printer all my career and now am a graphic designer, too. Isenberg, Selden, LaBuz, Hyldelund, and Connor are super special people to me and became great mentors and friends.

I work as a project manager for Ansun Graphics. All the design and printing knowledge I learned in college set me up for success. I love finding solutions for clients when they need a complex project printed. My advice is to listen to your professors, stay in the lab, and work as hard as you can because the knowledge you gain will pay off down the road.

Wenham at work
Nicole Wenham ’19, Chemical Dependency/Human Services
Dual Diagnosis Chemical Dependency Counselor, Syracuse Recovery Services

MVCC was honestly a gift to me. I had several amazing professors and other staff members who assisted me on my journey through two degrees at both the Rome and Utica campuses, including Dr. Mark Russell, Dr. Katie Cordary, and Dr. Montgomery. I have a special place in my heart for Professor Cormican, who, through tough love and the need to gain personal insights, has kept me moving in the field of human services and chemical dependency. I thank MVCC for everything it has given me as well as the connections of friends and colleagues along the way. I highly recommend doing the dual program for Chemical Dependency and Human services together; it taught me so much that I have carried into my career.

Bowen at work
Briana Bowen ’20, Chemical Dependency Practitioner
Case Manager, Willow Park Assisted Living

MVCC was my steppingstone for bigger and better things. I graduated with an associate degree in Chemical Dependency and knew I could do more, so I pursued my bachelor’s degree. I am now working to complete my master’s in social work.

I am currently working as a Case Manager at an assisted living facility with a 70% mental health population. I love my job because mental health is where I want to focus my attention to as a social worker.

Awais at work
Aman Awais ’19, Engineering Science
Systems Engineer, Plug Power

As a woman of color in science, MVCC made me feel included while teaching me how to hone my skills. My biggest inspirations were Professor Shahida Dar, Joyce Baumann, and Gabriel Melendez. Seeing and doing activities like the STEM Fest or giving me the opportunity to lead one of the biggest clubs on campus gave me self-confidence, setting me up as an example of a great leader.

Currently, I work with Plug Power as a systems engineer where I do a lot of system integration like designing fuel cells and putting them together with car engines all around the world. MVCC prepared me academically and the professors gave me the extra boost and motivation, a promise of excellence if I trusted in myself. I have been an essential part of a great team here at Plug and I enjoy the fact that there is something new to learn every day. Professors at MVCC are great resources for advice, career suggestions, and even just great at voicing their opinions if asked. In the upcoming years, I plan on getting my MBA and continue my efforts to work to make the environment better, clean and green.

Gelfuso at work
Nick Gelfuso ’21, Engineering Science
Engineer, Pursuit Aerospace

I transferred to Clarkson University after MVCC and had a few job offers before graduation. MVCC has a wonderful relationship with Clarkson, and all my credits transferred quickly and easily. MVCC's Engineering programs are very educational and offer skills I know will be applied in most jobs. The curriculum was very challenging and was a tremendous achievement to complete. MVCC offers great programs with excellent teachers who give you the resources to build a foundation for success.

Nitti at work
Jennah Nitti ’19, Psychology
Case Manager, Veterans Outreach Center
Turnbull at work
Adam Turnbull ’20, Business Administration
Insurance Agent, Turnbull Insurance
DeLoach at work
Nazzy Deloach ’20, Business Administration
Owner/operator, Dreamer Studios

I had started school in 2016 and ended up dropping out because I didn't really know what I wanted to do, so I traveled. I learned a lot about music and met a lot of really cool people who helped me figure out how to do what I love and make money from it at the same time. So I ended up going back to school. In 2020, I graduated with my Business Administration degree from MVCC, where I had a lot of amazing people in my corner. My Entrepreneurship professor, Ryan Miller, really helped me. He’s the director of thINCubator at MVCC that helps startups launch their companies. After I graduated, I went through thINCubator to start this company, and he helped me on my whole journey. He’s one of the main reasons I even got to start this studio. It’s been a dream of mine since high school to have a space for all creatives - musicians, artists, rappers, singers, whoever - to be able to express themselves with someone who understands them. And I finally got to make my dreams come true with Dreamer Studios, a recording studio I built with my best friend, Sheri. We do music production, videography, photography, everything you can think of — creative is your one-stop shop here. And this is what I want to do in life, so MVCC will always have a place in my heart.

Pick at work
Michael Pick ’20, Business Administration
Entrepreneur / Owner of Tents 4 You

MVCC taught me a lot about myself as a person, and I learned a lot of key elements about the business world, as well. I recently purchased a tent rental business, and after my first year, I’m looking into expanding the business. MVCC taught me a lot of valuable business strategies and information to put into my business model. For incoming and present students, I highly recommend connecting with classmates and faculty in your specific studies.

Kevin at work
Kevin Ciulla ’19, Cybersecurity
Technology Coach/Webmaster, Little Falls School District
June at work
June Ciulla ’19, Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant, Little Falls High School