This club promotes the interests of students in the academic field of nursing. The club holds blood pressure clinics at various health fairs, goes into elementary schools and teaches the children how important it is to have proper hygiene to help prevent the spread of germs while demonstrating proper hand washing techniques. They raise money and participate in various walks in the area including Making Strides, Heart Run/Walk, Alzheimer's Walk, and the Relay for Life. They plan a trip to the Annual National Student Nurses Association Convention, support/sponsor the EBO mixer that takes place at the beginning of each semester, and sell apparel and various items through out the year to benefit the nursing students, nurses at area facilities, and friends of nurses to help raise money for the various events that we have through out the year.
Club Advisors: Amanda Sandstrom
Feel free to email a club advisor with any questions you may have!
***This club is open to all students!***