About CITE

Physical location: Academic Building 249

The Center for Inclusive Teaching Excellence serves all full-time faculty and adjuncts. Our work aims to cultivate community, foster equitable and inclusive teaching practices, support professional development, encourage research-based approaches, and share educational resources. Ongoing efforts are highlighted below.

image of two people talking at a tableThis instructor-hosted lunch series features guided discussion of challenges, innovations, best practices, and conference highlights. Topics are instructor-initiated, and conversation aims to foster the sharing of ideas and strategies. 

Lunch & Learn events occur in late morning or early afternoon in AB249. All faculty and adjuncts are invited via Outlook, and drop-in attendance is welcome.

To learn about upcoming Lunch & Learn events, view the CITE Events Calendar. 

To propose a topic for a future event, reach out to CITE@mvcc.edu or connect with a member from your area.

image of people sitting at a table with coffeeCoffee & Connections gatherings occur throughout each semester in AB249. These informal events have no agenda outside of connecting with teaching colleagues from across the college and enjoying refreshments.

All faculty and adjuncts are invited via Outlook and drop-in attendance is encouraged.

image of woman sitting at a table with a laptopThe Teaching Practice Bank features application-oriented, faculty-tested, research-supported educational practices. 

Use the category drop-down or keywords to search for practices that support active learning, assessment, classroom management, educational technology, equity, online instruction and more. 

Support teaching excellence by sharing a practice that has strengthened your teaching by using our Microsoft form.

Continue to the Bank

image of woman writing on a desk calendarOur events calendar features in-person and virtual professional development, including events across MV’s campuses and throughout and beyond the SUNY system.

View the Calendar

image of two people reading a bookThe faculty book club selects a new book each semester. Members read a selection each month and gather to discuss ideas, insights, and applications related to the text . 

This fall, faculty from across disciplines are invited to read Linda Nilson’s Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, and Saving Faculty Time (2014 ).

Specifications grading aims to clarify the relationship between student learning outcomes and grades. By simplifying the grading process and increasing transparency, it also facilitates student agency, makes feedback more meaningful, and saves instructors’ time. 

The fall 2024 faculty book club begins in mid-September and meets monthly in AB249. For a schedule of meetings, see the events calendar

To obtain a copy of the text, contact Todd Marshall  or visit the library's website for the ebook

instructor in front of sitting studentsFaculty spotlights are informal gatherings for faculty to showcase their passions, research interests, or hobbies through an upcoming presentation series. This platform allows faculty to share their expertise and enthusiasm with colleagues, fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and collaboration. Whether it's a research project, a cherished hobby, or a cause close to their heart, this series encourages faculty to engage in meaningful conversations and inspire others in our academic community.

Invitations to Faculty Spotlights will be emailed to faculty. They are also listed in the CITE calendar.

The CITE teaching library is a small but growing collection of books that aim to deepen and strengthen teaching at the college. 
Have a book to donate? Simply drop it off in AB249. Want to borrow a text? Help yourself!


Through collaboration with faculty and administration, The Center for Inclusive Teaching Excellence at MVCC supports a learning culture that values and rewards equitable and evidence-based teaching, facilitates reflective practices and professional development experiences that encourages the development of teaching as a scholarly activity. The Center encourages and facilitates innovation in curricular development and design, pedagogical and andragogical practices, and encourages the creation of diverse learning environments in which all students can learn and excel.


  • Foster equitable and inclusive teaching practices to enhance learning of all students
  • Facilitate and support faculty development
  • Develop new practices and approaches in Community College education
  • Encourage innovative and reflective teaching practices
  • Provide a safe space for experimentation and design in educational practice
  • Encourage adoption of research/evidence-based approaches to teaching in higher education
  • Coordinate and share educational resources and expertise

Chair: Todd Marshall, Executive Director of Equity and Inclusion

Todd Behrendt, Dean of the School of Art

Tabitha Carter, Educational Technologies

Katey Cordary, PAHS Faculty

Danielle Del Giudice, Learning Commons

Vanessa Cole, Office of Accessibility Resources

Jocelyn Ireland, Library

Michael Kuczynski, STTR Faculty

Michelle Parker, HLTS Faculty

Dina Radeljas, PAHS Faculty

Jim Roberts, HUMT Faculty

Bobby Rogan, Information Technology

Kenny Stover, STCR Faculty

Christine Van Namee, HOBS Faculty


Email Todd Marshall at tmarshall@mvcc.edu