School of Health Sciences Academic Appeal

Process Policy

Students who wish to appeal their dismissal from a health science program shall be held to the following timeline:

Working days from receipt
of program dismissal
Action step
10 Student consults with the Dean of the School of Health Sciences to discuss process.
13 Student submits written appeal to Dean of the School of Health Sciences.
18 Appeal Review Committee is convened and student's academic appeal is reviewed.
20 Outcome of appeal is communicated in writing to the student.


Questions should be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (VPLAA), Payne Hall 395.

Students shall submit a written academic appeal, with supporting documentation, to the Dean of the School of Health Sciences. Supporting documentation may include verifiable written statements from physicians, therapists, police, attorneys, financial counselors, family members, or others who can confirm the particular circumstances supporting the appeal. The student’s appeal letter must include the following:

  • Complete name, M number, email address, and telephone number.
  • Narrative statements about why the School of Health Sciences should consider the student’s academic appeal (resulting in the student being allowed to remain in the degree program).
  • Description of extraordinary situations or unusual difficulties encountered by the student that should be considered during review of this academic appeal.
  • Planned strategies for future success if allowed to continue in the degree program.

The School of Health Sciences Appeal Committee shall include three academic program coordinators of the School of Health Sciences not affiliated with the complaint and a Student Support Advisor (SSA). A thorough review of the student’s submitted written material shall be performed along with a review of the student’s academic history. The Dean of the School of Health Sciences shall notify the student about the committee’s decision in writing.

NOTE: Students who are successful in their academic appeal to remain in the academic program must contact the Dean of the School of Health Sciences to reschedule and/or reassess their academic progress. Such students may be required to participate in academic activities as a condition of their academic appeal approval.