Student smiling, sitting in classroom

Program information

If you’re looking for a degree that will allow you to explore career options while preparing you for transfer, look no further than our Liberal Arts & Sciences: General Studies Associate in Science degree program. Its flexible curriculum allows a greater choice of electives than others, giving you the chance to learn about different fields and strengthen your critical thinking and communication skills, while also completing the general education courses required for transfer to upper-division colleges. 

Under the guidance of an advisor, you will begin initial coursework in one or two career fields in which you are interested. You decide your future educational objectives: internal transfer to another MVCC program, or external transfer to a four-year college in your chosen field.

The General Studies program is also a popular choice for students who are unsure of their goals or those who wish to explore career options. Any student admitted to MVCC who is not admitted to a particular curriculum, or who does not elect to enroll in a specific curriculum, will be matriculated as a General Studies student. If students are not ready to enter courses because they lack the necessary background, they are asked to take developmental courses first.

See semester-by-semester degree plan.

Upon completion of the two-year program, students should be competent in the following areas:

  • Writing, speaking, reading, and studying to increase chances for academic, personal, and professional success
  • Communicating information and ideas clearly in oral and written form using standard English
  • Identifying the main ideas and subtleties of simple and complex academic texts and literature
  • Creating written discourse using self-expressive, informative, persuasive, and literary aims
  • Effective integration of information from various sources (lecture, text, visual, etc.) for learning and research purposes
  • Critical thinking and creative inquiry
  • Developing well-reasoned arguments
  • Quantitative problem-solving

Transfer options

  • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • SUNY Albany
  • Utica University

Contact us to learn more

Jess Wilkie, Dean 
Phone: 315-792-5363