Frequently Asked Questions

Below is an orientation video about the Office of Accessibility Resources' involvement and services with students with disabilities on the MVCC campus. It might be helpful to watch this short video (25 minutes) provided during an Open House to parents and students.

No. However, if you want the school to provide accommodations, you must identify yourself as having a disability. Likewise, you should let the school know about your disability if you want to ensure that you are assigned to accessible facilities. Usually this is done by bringing the appropriate documentation to the Office for Services to Students with Disabilities. In any event, your disclosure of a disability is always voluntary.

Yes. You will be required to provide documentation that shows you have a current disability and need academic adjustment. You may be required to provide documentation prepared by an appropriate professional, such as a medical doctor, psychologist or other qualified diagnostician. Although an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 plan may help identify services that have been effective for you in the past, it generally is not sufficient documentation and must be accompanied by your most recent psychological evaluation. If the documentation that you have presented is not sufficient, a school official must tell you in a timely manner what additional documentation you need to provide. 

The appropriate academic adjustment must be determined based on your disability and individual needs. Academic adjustments may include auxiliary aids and modification to academic requirements as are necessary to ensure equal educational opportunity. In providing academic adjustment, your postsecondary school is not required to lower or make substantial modifications to essential requirements. For example, although your school may be required to provide extended time, it is not required to change the essential content of a test.

Although you may request an academic adjustment from your postsecondary school at any time, you should request it as early as possible. Some academic adjustments may take more time to provide than others. You should follow your school's procedures to ensure that your school has enough time to review your request and provide an appropriate academic adjustment. 

In most cases, a college will not share specific information regarding a student's disability with a third party, including parents, without the student's written permission to do so. Once a student has signed the forms required by his or her college, the disability services provider may distribute information to the appropriate faculty and/or staff members regarding a student's need for accommodations. It is the student's right not to disclose specific information regarding his or her disability to faculty and/or staff; however, the disability services provider can help the student determine when it is appropriate and helpful to do so.