MVCC is dedicated to transforming lives through learning, with a strong commitment to student success and academic excellence. The expectations outlined below serve to guide all new and returning adjunct instructors in their efforts to support the College's mission of providing accessible, high-quality educational opportunities to meet the diverse needs of our students.

Adjunct Faculty Expectations

All new adjuncts are required to provide an original academic transcript for the most recent degree earned to the Human Resources Office within 30 days of hire.

All adjuncts are asked to submit/update emergency contact information or any changes in name or home address to Human Resources during the first week of classes (name of contact, relationship of contact to adjunct, phone number).

All adjuncts must obtain an M Number (employee ID number) and PIN from Human Resources.

All adjuncts must obtain a photo ID card. MVCC photo ID cards and replacement cards are available through the Department of Public Safety, Room AB106 in Utica or PC118C in Rome.

All adjuncts must have a current Faculty Parking Sticker on their vehicle. Parking stickers may be obtained from the Department of Public Safety in Utica (AB106) or Rome (PC118C). Parking is free on both the Utica and Rome campuses. To obtain a parking decal, you will need to submit your M Number, valid driver's license, and your vehicle registration.

All adjuncts are expected to hold regular office hours. The office hours formula is one hour per week for every three classroom lecture contact hours. Office hours are not required for lab, practicum, or clinical courses. Find more information about setting office hours.

All adjuncts will submit an electronic copy of course syllabi to the appropriate College Services Associate.

Find more information about creating your course syllabi.

All adjuncts are required to have and use an MVCC email account to communicate with students, colleagues, other faculty, staff, and administrators when conducting MVCC-related business. It is expected that adjuncts will check their email accounts at least once a week during the semester, as important instructions about attendance certification, grading, etc., are communicated through email.

All adjuncts are expected to comply with MVCC policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, certifying attendance, entering mid-term and final grades, responding to the student-athlete academic progress inquiries, implementing/returning student evaluation surveys, and other requests for information as appropriate and as outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.


MVCC is obligated to ensure that enrolled students who are members of the Armed Forces (including reserve components) and who receive orders “to perform a period of service” (e.g., active duty, inactive duty training, or state service) are afforded the necessary accommodations in the classroom.

Specifically, instructors may not take the following actions when a member receives orders for a period of service:

  • Assigning the student a failing grade,
  • Reducing the student’s grade point average, or
  • Characterizing any student's absence(s) as unexcused 

Faculty are encouraged to contact MVCC's Veteran Education Coordinator for additional information.

All adjuncts have an MVCC mail folder, either in WH129 in Utica or in PC127E in Rome. It is expected that adjuncts will check their mail folders at least once a week during the semester. Please do not send students to check your mail folders.

There are walk-up satellite copiers in the following locations on campus:

  • Academic Building – Rooms 132 and 249
  • Payne Hall – Third-floor south and north corridors

Please follow these steps to log in and use the copiers. For assistance, call the Print Shop at x5385.

Copy limits: The number of copies you may make using any of the copiers is 40 pages (20 pages if it is two-sided copying). Any copying above this amount should be handled by the Print Shop. Turn-around is quick, typically 24 to 48 hours from the time they receive your originals to delivery. To make a request to the Print Shop, fill out this online form.

All adjuncts are required to use classrooms as assigned. If a room needs to be changed for some reason, please contact your Academic Dean. To ensure your safety and that of your students, please do not change classrooms without first making a formal request.