Partner Schools

The following high schools take part in our Dual Credit program. Click on the name of each to see the list of Dual Credit courses offered.

  • AA111 Introduction to Keyboarding
  • AC110 Principles in Accounting
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • BM120 Principles in Marketing
  • CB101 Carpentry 1
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • ET153 Introduction to Electronics
  • FA100 Creativity in Art
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA125 College Algebra & Trig
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • MT140 AutoCAD
  • PS101 American National Government
  • MA108 Concepts in Math
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • AC110 Principles of Accounting
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • CH141 General Chemistry 1
  • CH142 General Chemistry 2
  • CT101 Drafting
  • ET235 Digital Logic
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FA106 Color Theory
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • FR302 Advanced French 2
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • HI214 New York State History
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • IS102 Computer Applications & Concepts 2
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • MT140 AutoCAD
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • SP301 Advanced Spanish 1
  • SP302 Advanced Spanish 2
  • AC115 Financial Accounting
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FA105 Foundation Drawing
  • HI103 History of Western Civilization: Early Civilization to 1453
  • HI104 History of Western Civilization: 1453 to Present
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • PS101 American National Government
  • AA111 Introduction to Keyboarding
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN110 Oral & Written Communication
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • MA108 Concepts in Math
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • CT265 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • CT266 Capstone Geographic Information Systems
  • CT267 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
  • UA102 Introduction to Remote Sensing
  • UA120 RPAS Operational and Industrial Operations
  • UA215 RPAS Mission Planning and Operations
  • AC110 Principles of Accounting
  • BM101 Survey of Economics
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • FA100 Creativity In Art
  • FA105 Foundation Drawing
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • GD110 Digital Design
  • HI103 History of Western Civilization: Early Civilization to 1453
  • HI104 History of Western Civilization: 1453 to Present
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • HU186 Music Appreciation
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA125 College Algebra & Trig
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • MT140 AutoCAD
  • MT251 Advanced AutoCAD
  • PS101 American National Government
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • MA108 Concepts in Math
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA125 College Algebra & Trig
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • BM100 Introduction to Business
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • CB101 Carpentry 1
  • CB121 Masonry 1
  • CB126 Blueprint Reading
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN110 Oral & Written Communication
  • GD145 Digital Applications 1
  • GD146 Digital Applications 2
  • HC100 Intro to Healthcare
  • HM100 Medical Terminology
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • PS101 American National Government
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FA105 Foundation Drawing
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • AC115 Financial Accounting
  • BM100 Introduction to Business
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FL111 Elementary Chinese 1
  • FL112 Elementary Chinese 2
  • FL211 Intermediate Chinese 1
  • FL212 Intermediate Chinese 2
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • C115 Financial Accounting
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • FR301 Advanced French 1
  • FR302 Advanced French 2
  • HI103 History of Western Civilization: Early Civilization to 1453
  • HI104 History of Western Civilization: 1453 to Present
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP302 Advanced Spanish 2
  • UA101 Introduction to Drones
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • HU188 Film Appreciation
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA125 College Algebra & Trig
  • PS101 American National Government
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • CF100 College Foundations Seminar
  • BM100 Introduction to Business
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • ET154 Computer Programming
  • GD145 Digital Applications 1
  • HM100 Medical Terminology
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • MA115 Intermediate Mathematics
  • MA125 College Algebra and Trig
  • MT140 Drafting and Design
  • PY101 Introduction to General Psychology
  • SO101 Introduction to Sociology
  • AC115 Financial Accounting
  • BM101 Survey of Economics
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FA105 Foundation Drawing
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • GD145 Graphic Design 1
  • HI103 History of Western Civilization: Early Civilization to 1453
  • HI104 History of Western Civilization: 1453 to Present
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • HI113 United States in Vietnam
  • HI214 New York State History
  • IS101 Computers and Society
  • IS200 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA125 College Algebra and Trig
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • PS101 American National Government
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • UA101 Introduction to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • AC110 Principles of Accounting
  • AC131 Business Law
  • BM100 Introduction to Business
  • BM101 Survey of Economics
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • EN150 Effective Speech
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FA105 Foundation Design
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • IS102 Computer Applications & Concepts 2
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA125 College Algebra & Trig
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • PS101 American National Government
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • AA111 Introduction to Keyboarding
  • AC131 Business Law
  • BM101 Survey of Economics
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • FA100 Creativity in Art
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • IS102 Computer Applications & Concepts 2
  • IT191 Review Italian 1
  • IT192 Review Italian 2
  • IT201 Intermediate Italian 1
  • IT202 Intermediate Italian 2
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • PS101 American National Government
  • PT101 Photography 1
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • AC115 Financial Accounting
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • HI104 History of Western Civilization: 1453 to Present
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA151 Calculus
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • AC115 Financial Accounting
  • BM100 Introduction to Business
  • BM101 Survey of Economics
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • BM129 Business Math
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • MA108 Concepts in Math
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • PS101 American National Government
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • ET235 Digital Logic
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • HI113 United States in Vietnam
  • HU186 Music Appreciation
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • PS101 American National Government
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • FA100 Creativity in Art
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • HI103 History of Western Civilization: Early Civilization to 1453
  • HI104 History of Western Civilization: 1453 to Present
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • PS101 American National Government
  • AC110 Principles of Accounting
  • BM100 Introduction to Business
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • BM110 Microeconomics
  • BM115 Macroeconomics
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • EN110 Oral & Written Communications
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FB101 Introduction to Fab Lab
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • GD145 Digital Applications 1
  • HI111 American History 1492-1850
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • HU186 Music Appreciation
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • IS102 Computer Applications & Concepts 2
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA125 College Algebra & Trig
  • MA131 Finite Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • MT112 Architectural Drafting
  • MT140 AutoCAD
  • MT251 Advanced AutoCAD
  • PS101 American National Government
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • UA101 Introduction to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • FA100 Creativity in Art
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FA105 Foundation Design
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • HI112 American History 1850-Present
  • MA108 Concepts in Math
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • MA151 Calculus 1
  • MT140 AutoCAD
  • MT251 Advanced CAD
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • C115 Financial Accounting
  • BM101 Survey of Economics
  • BM108 Personal Finance
  • BM120 Principles of Marketing
  • CI110 Principles of Programming
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature
  • FA101 General Drawing
  • FA105 Foundation Design
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • GD145 Digital Applications 1
  • HI103 History of Western Civilization: Early Civilization to 1453
  • HI104 History of Western Civilization: 1453 to Present
  • HU186 Music Appreciation
  • IS101 Computers & Society
  • IS102 Computer Applications & Concepts 2
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MA150 Pre-Calculus
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • C115 Financial Accounting
  • EN101 English 1: Composition
  • FR191 Review French 1
  • FR192 Review French 2
  • FR201 Intermediate French 1
  • FR202 Intermediate French 2
  • HI111 American History 1492-1859
  • HI112 US History 1850-Present
  • HU186 Music Appreciation
  • MA110 Elementary Statistics
  • MA115 Intermediate Math
  • MT140 AutoCAD
  • PS101 American National Government
  • SO101 Introduction to Sociology
  • SP191 Review Spanish 1
  • SP192 Review Spanish 2
  • SP201 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SP202 Intermediate Spanish 2