Benefits and Student Expectations

The EOP office at MVCC is dedicated to helping students become active participants in their own academic success so that they can maximize the benefit of our services. Academic success is defined by measurable outcomes and effort that lead to retention and eventual progress toward graduation.

EOP Female Students in Classroom

EOP strengthens personal development and assists in building academic skills as students transition to the College’s social and cultural environment. We work to do this in the following ways:

  • Supportive and Individual Attention: EOP students have an EOP Counselor to assist them in navigating the College.
  • Financial Support: EOP students receive an EOP Direct Aid to help subsidize the cost of attendance.
  • Assistance with Financial Aid: We help students navigate the process of applying for financial aid.
  • Academic Support: EOP students receive academic support through weekly study sessions, EOP Success Workshops, and peer tutoring.
  • Preparation for Transfer and Careers: We help to ensure that EOP students are ready to for both transferring to a four-year school and entering the workforce.
  • College Transition and Adjustment: All EOP freshmen attend the mandatory Summer Program in which they spend five weeks on campus getting to know the staff, college resources and personnel, and each other. Students also take classes in Math and Writing to ensure that they are classroom-ready on Day One.
  • Foster Youth College Success Initiative (FYCSI): Foster youth are eligible for additional services and funding to assist with applying for, enrolling in and succeeding in college.
  • Networking and Support System: Students are welcomed and immersed into an EOP family, which provides a pipeline of support for future generations of EOP students. Once accepted into the program, students are forever “Proud to be EOP.”

As an EOP student at MVCC, you are expected to:

  • Be brave and accept new challenges!
  • Demonstrate maximum effort in the completion of all assigned academic work.
  • Maintain a minimal cumulative 2.5 grade point average.
  • Regularly attend scheduled “ALL EOP” events (usually two a semester).
  • Attend all scheduled EOP counselor advisor meetings.
  • Log at least 20 hours of tutoring services, and visit instructors/professors and tutors during scheduled office hours each semester.