MVCC Honors Program Mentor Expectations
- Arrange a meeting early in the semester with your mentee to discuss:
- Project expectations
- Consensus on timeline/schedule and set benchmark tasks
- Agreed- upon criteria/rubric for the project
- Agreed-upon meetings for the remainder of the semester
- Meet a minimum of once every other week of the semester to:
- Narrow the scope of the project
- Assess progress toward project goals
- Document the days/times of meetings
- Provide your mentee with assistance meeting project goals
- Provide your mentee with critical feedback on:
- Written work and allow sufficient time for them to edit their work before final submission
- Oral presentation and communication skills before the Honors Symposium
- Evaluate your mentee’s overall performance specifically focusing on:
- The quality and accuracy of the student's research
- The synthesis of sources and proper citation based on the discipline
- Complete the mentorship by:
- Submitting a brief assessment of the student’s work on the project, the final project
itself, and the timeline of meetings to the HP201 Instructor
- Submitting the student’s final graded project to the HP201 Instructor