There are thousands of scholarships available to Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) members in the following categories:

  1. Guaranteed institution-specific scholarships for PTK members.
  2. Competitive national scholarships offered through PTK and partners of PTK.
  3. Competitive institution and national scholarships that are open to all students.

The Lambda Beta Chapter hosts a Scholarship Night each semester. This event provides students with an opportunity to learn about unique transfer opportunities available to our honor students, hear about PTK Connect, and learn all about Phi Theta Kappa and other competitive scholarships. Below you will find the handouts from that event.

Types of PTK Scholarships

Over 750 institutions in the U.S., the District of Columbia, and Canada provide transfer scholarships to PTK members. Some institutions grant a specific amount (e.g. $3,000/year) to each PTK student and others set aside a certain amount of money to be split between however many PTK students enter in a given year. During the application process, PTK members sometimes have to provide a copy of their certificate to prove membership. In rare situations, students need a letter of verification for their transfer school that certifies membership. If you need a letter, you can request it from the contact advisor for our chapter, Liz Doherty.

A complete list can be found on the PTK website. Additionally, if your transfer school is not listed as offering a PTK scholarship, you should still ask your admissions counselor if one is available as they are sometimes not publicized.

These include the Jack Kent Cooke, Lanza, and Oberndorf scholarships among others. There are scholarships with fall deadlines for students who will be transferring to a four-year college the following fall. There are scholarships with spring deadlines aimed at students entering their second year of community college. 

Information about these opportunities can be found on the PTK website.

Students in Phi Theta Kappa are often successful in receiving additional scholarships from other sources due to their high academic achievement and commitment to leadership and service. The MVCC Foundation offers over 250 scholarships to students who will be at MVCC for the next semester. The scholarships have a deadline of either Nov. 15 or April 1, and most utilize a common application. Additional information about the specific scholarships can be found on the Foundation website or in their office (Payne Hall room 220, Utica Campus).

For continuing or transferring students, there also are numerous scholarships through third-party foundations and organizations. The easiest way to access those is to create a profile on PTK Connect
