Residence Hall Mid-Semester Breaks

The primary mission of Residence Halls is to provide housing when classes are in session during the semesters and summer sessions. MVCC recognizes that many students continue to rely on the housing services provided during short-term breaks including Thanksgiving and Spring Break and will remain open during those breaks.  Dining Services are limited. 

Residents are not required to remove their personal property during Thanksgiving Break, the end of the Fall semester and Spring Break, providing they are returning from the break.  At the end of the academic year, all of the resident’s belongings must be removed from the room by the closing deadline and the student must follow withdrawal or checkout procedures, including, but not limited to returning keys.

The remaining roommate must prepare the room for a new roommate. Failure to prepare this room for a possible new roommate will result in a monetary fine. The Dormitory Corporation staff reserves the right to prepare the room if necessary. Any staff preparation of rooms will result in a $50 fine.

Students do not have access to the Residence Halls during breaks, with the exception of Thanksgiving and Spring Break.

Any student who cannot meet the residence hall opening or closing deadlines or who have housing or food insecurities should contact Residence Life by the published deadline. Special arrangements can be made for individuals who have legitimate reasons for arriving early at the halls, or for leaving after the hall-closing deadline. Residence Hall closing is not an excuse for class absence. Arrangements can and will be made.

All students must vacate the buildings by the published closing time each semester. Failure to sign-out on a Room Inventory Form at the end of your residency during an academic year will automatically result in forfeiture of the security/damage deposit refund.

It is important to complete the following tasks in your room when you leave the Residence Halls for any break. Failure to do so will result in a $25 fine.

  1. Notify your R.A. of your departure date/time.
  2. Unplug everything, including defrosting the refrigerator. Please place towel under the refrigerator.
  3. Shut and lock all windows tightly.
  4. Close all blinds.
  5. Remove all trash to dumpster.
  6. Shut off all lights.
  7. Lock your door.
  8. Remove perishable food.

All prohibited items will be confiscated without notice and referred to Judicial Affairs & Community Standards.

Any student failing to remove large items from the property, e.g. a couch, when they end residency, will be charged a disposal fee of $50. This fee will be increased if the Dormitory Corporation incurs additional disposal fees.