MVCC Student Title IX Sanctions
The College views education to be its primary focus. However, when a violation of College Title IX policy occurs and a student is found in violation of that policy, consequences for such actions must be enforced. The sanctions below may be applied by a Title IX Investigator and subsequently approved by a Title IX Coordinator. These sanctions apply to students.
Oral or written notice that further violations may be cause for further disciplinary action.
Recommendation that assistance be sought out from various college services and/or outside agencies to specifically address the situation
Probation may be specifically articulated as Title IX Probation and determined for a specific period of time (e.g., minimum: the remainder of a current semester; maximum: for as long as a student is at the College). Formal notification that further violations may result in additional sanctions or restrictions from the College. Past probation will be considered in the event of similar future violations.
Educational Sanctions may include but not be limited to the following:
- A formal apology in writing and/or in person;
- A behavioral contract between the student and the College specifying the behavioral requirements to be followed while the student is enrolled at the College;
- A reflective essay on a designated topic;
- A referral to the Counseling Department in order for the student to gain insight into his/her behavior;
- Alcohol and/or drug education.
A ban from specific facilities, services or activities for a designated period of time or contact with another person for a designated period of time (No Contact).
A reassignment from one area of the College or Residence Halls to another (including but not limited to a classroom, residence hall room/floor/building, etc.).
A supervised work assignment or a requirement to attend a College or community event.
Removal from a specific course. Depending on the infraction, the student may be permanently barred from re-enrollment in the course or may be allowed to re-enroll after a specified period of time. Students will receive a final grade for the course as determined by the faculty member’s grading scale listed on the course syllabus. Any work not completed at the time of expulsion will be factored in as zeros. Grades of incomplete or ongoing (ON) are not options is expelled from a course.
Removal from a program. Students may be removed from a program for a Title IX violation. Depending upon the program and the infraction, the student may be permanently barred from re-enrollment in the program or may be allowed to re-enroll after a specified period of time. The student may be eligible to enroll in an alternative program and should seek guidance from a College Advisor.
The student may be dismissed from the Residence Hall for a designated period of time (singular days up to eight semesters). The dismissed student must leave by the deadline issued. Room fee will be adjusted according to the Room and Fee Reduction Policy. Continuing a meal plan is usually optional, however, you must inform staff at check-out if you wish to continue your meal plan. The dismissed student is also banned from the Residence Halls/quad area for the specified period of time and will be subject to arrest for trespassing in that area.
Removal from the College for a specific period of time (singular days up to eight semesters) with final grades determined by the faculty members’ grading scale listed on each course syllabi. Any work not completed at the time of suspension will be factored in as zeros. Grades of incomplete or ongoing are not options if suspended from the College. The student will not be allowed on College property or be eligible to participate in College-sponsored activities. All access to the College, including email and student identification will be rescinded.
Permanent removal from the College with final grades determined by the faculty members’ grading scale listed on each course syllabi. Any work not completed at the time of suspension will be factored in as zeros. Grades of incomplete or ongoing are not options if expelled from the College. The student will not be allowed on College property or be eligible to participate in College-sponsored activities. All access to the College, including email and student identification will be rescinded. The College will make a notation on the transcripts of students found responsible for crimes of violence. The notations are for suspension, expulsion, or withdrawal with charges pending.
Mohawk Valley Community College reserves the right to take action against any individual who has willfully provided a statement/report that is found to be false.
- College proceedings (investigations, hearings and outcomes) continue whether or not a student participates assuming that the student was made aware of the proceedings according to the College’s usual and customary communication mechanism. A student who withdraws from the College pending the investigation and outcome will be the recipient of an outcome letter at the completion of the investigation.
- A transcript notation is required for any student who is found responsible for violations equivalent to Part 1 crimes of violence, as set forth in 34 C.F.R. §668.46(c) as defined in the Clery Act (as updated by the Violence Against Women Act Final Regulations). Those crimes are: murder; manslaughter; rape, fondling, incest and statutory rape; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; and arson.
- If a student has been expelled for one of the above violations, the transcript notation remains permanently. If a student has been suspended for any of the above violations, the student may make a request to the Vice President for Student Affairs that the transcript notation be removed at the expiration of the suspension period. The request may be made after the expiration date not in anticipation of the expiration date.
- Sanctions that include dismissal, suspension or expulsion are subject to College refund policies in accordance with Federal and New York State regulations.
MVCC Employee Title IX Sanctions
When an MVCC employee is found in violation of the College’s Title IX policy, consequences for such actions shall be approved by the Title IX Coordinator and enforced by the Executive Director of Human Resources in accordance with the appropriate collective bargaining agreement and/or Board of Trustee Policy.
Employees may be mandated or suggested to seek assistance through the College’s Employee
Assistance Program.
Work Assignment Change – may be done so as long as it does not significantly impact
the operations of the College.
Employees may be suspended from the employment with the College for one (1) or more days depending on the severity of the violation and in accordance with the appropriate collective bargaining agreement and/or BOT Policy.
The College reserves the right to take appropriate actions (as previously stated) with any employee who has willfully provided a statement/report that is found to be false.