Planning your next step

Transferring to another college or university after MVCC? We know transfer planning can be quite complex, but the Holistic Student Support Office is here to support you with expert guidance, unique programming, and transfer events.

Make sure to meet with your Student Support Advisor early to talk about your transfer goals and plans. Also be sure to check out the transfer resources below.

Transfer Advisement

Your student support advisor is available for in-depth discussions about your educational and career plans. Click here for more information and to schedule an appointment with your SSA.

Transfer Resources

Helpful resources for planning your transfer from MVCC to another college or university include a general transfer timeline, scholarship opportunities, and tips for transferring to a SUNY school vs. a private school. Click here for more information.

Transfer Events

Each semester, we offer numerous transfer events that provide students the opportunity to meet with colleges from around the Northeast. Click here to learn more.


Get the most from your associate degree by transferring your hard-earned credits to one of our partner institutions, including SUNY Polytechnic Institute, SUNY Oneonta, Bellevue University and Southern New Hampshire University.

Transfer Agreements

MVCC has signed more than 170 articulation agreements with four-year colleges and universities outlining specific requirements for transferring to parallel programs at those institutions. Click here to see the Transfer Agreements. 

Reverse Transfer

If you began your studies at MVCC and transferred to another college before completing a degree here, you may be eligible for your associate degree. Click here to learn about Reverse Transfer.