Robert Probst

Tenacious. Mechanic. Pathfinder.

“This program takes some dedication, but if you set your mind to it, you can do it.”

Robert will graduate the program in August of 2020, and now (six months ahead) he is already being recruited by Piedmont Airlines in Albany, N.Y. as an aviation maintenance technician.

What led you to MVCC’s Airframe & Powerplant program?

“I had been working on cars most of my life and wanted to try something new. I am from Manlius, N.Y., and MVCC had the closest program to my hometown.”

How do you like the program?

“I really enjoyed my first semester that just ended. There’s some great people in the class and I like how the instructors teach. My favorite part about the program is the diversity in job opportunities that will open up once I graduate.”

How is MVCC’s Airframe & Powerplant program preparing you for the future?

“It’s teaching me all the basic knowledge and more that I would need on the shop floor as an aircraft maintenance tech.”

In August, Robert will be graduating knowing he has a job opportunity at Piedmont Airlines.

“When I graduate, they will hire me on the spot. I will be working on aircraft repairs for Piedmont, and the lab work I am doing now in MVCC’s program overlaps with the skills I will need for a career at Piedmont. I like the pay and the hours Piedmont is offering and I am excited about being recruited for a good career in the field with two semesters still left to go.”

Would you recommend MVCC’s Airframe & Powerplant program to another student?

“I would absolutely recommend the program to another student. MVCC’s A&P program teaches us more than enough knowledge about aviation maintenance to give us an edge over our peers.”

Cody Rundle

Influencer. Go-Getter. Visionary.

“I see the sky as the limit.”

MVCC’s Airframe and Powerplant program is the highlight of Cody Rundle’s day, who wakes up every morning excited to get to the hangar.

Why did you decide to come to MVCC’s Airframe & Powerplant program?

“I saw there was a lot of jobs; the potential was great. I saw what an aviation career could lead to, ultimately. I didn’t see it as just a job, I saw it as an ultimate career.”

Cody is a native of New York State and currently puts in a full shift of work as a welder after finishing the day at MVCC.

 “I’ve had a lot of jobs in my life where I wasn’t happy, and I saw this as something I would enjoy.”

So, you are graduating in August of 2020. After your first semester, how has your experience been with the program so far?

“It was a little nerve-wracking at first getting used to the program, but now it’s the highlight of my day. When I wake up I actually look forward to coming here.”

Cody said he appreciates an education program where he “gets to put my brain to work.”

“It’s the best of both worlds – I get to learn mentally and physically in MVCC’s aircraft program.”

What career skills are you learning in the program?

“Last semester we learned how to maintain records and forms as an aircraft mechanic. This semester, we are working on hands-on skills. There is also a lot of theory involved about how things work. I am learning the basic thought of how things are made, metal fabrication, and communication skills.”

What do you want to do for a career?

“I want to be an aircraft mechanic and work on gaining new heights within the aviation field.”

Would you recommend MVCC’s Airframe & Powerplant program?

“Not only would I definitely recommend the program, I already recommend it anytime I talk to someone with similar interests to mine. Learning a trade is definitely a good skillset.”

Rebecca Cronce

Determined. Fun-Loving. Achiever.

“This isn’t just a college program – it’s a family.”

Rebecca Cronce came from her home village south of Albany to MVCC to add maintenance to her aircraft skills. In the process, she found a new family among her classmates.

Why did you decide to become an Airframe & Powerplant student?

“The aviation field is in my family. I got my private pilot’s license in high school through a BOCES program and later an Associate’s in Aviation Science from Schenectady Community College.”

Rebecca went on to earn more aviation credentials before coming to MVCC’s Airframe & Powerplant program, but wanted to expand her career options.

“I wanted to learn how to work on planes, instead of only flying them.”

What do you like most about the aviation field?

“The freedom of it. I can rent an airplane and go to Vermont if I want. I also like the job security that comes with aviation credentials.”

Rebecca will be graduating MVCC’s one-year Airframe & Powerplant program in August, 2020.

What has your experience been like in MVCC’s program?

“It’s been amazing. It’s family. I have 20 brothers now that I didn’t know I needed or wanted. But now I’m here.”

Rebecca and her “20 brothers” enjoy activities together after school.

“We’ve all accepted each other and we help each other along the way with projects. We hang out after school and have a club where we go bowling sometimes. Last semester we went on a fieldtrip to Washington D.C. and visited the Smithsonian. Another time, we went to Old Rhineback Aerodrome in Dutchess County, N.Y. where we got to fly in an open cockpit. It was so much fun to experience flying in an open cockpit together.”

Would you recommend MVCC’s Airframe & Powerplant program to another student?

“Yes. It’s a challenge, but it’s so worth it. It’s so rewarding at the end of the day."