MVCC reviews students’ academic progress after each semester or term, and will work with students who are not achieving academic standards to assist them in developing strategies for success. Students receive notification, through college email and a letter to their permanent home address, at the conclusion of each fall and spring semester or summer term in which they were enrolled that alerts them to their academic standing.

Academic standard policies can be found in the Student Handbook and in the College Catalog. Your academic standing is determined on the basis of your institutional grade point average (GPA) and total number of attempted hours according to the following table:

Total Hours Attempted Unsatisfactory Progress
Institutional GPA
Minimum Progress
Institutional GPA
0.50 - 12.00 0.00 - 1.49 1.50
12.50 - 36.00 0.00 - 1.64 1.65
36.50 - 48.00 0.00 - 1.79 1.80
48.50 - 60.00 0.00 - 1.99 2.00


Your institutional GPA is calculated by using all of the course work you have completed, including non-credit courses, such as MA089 (Basic Arithmetic) and/or EN099 (Introduction to College English). We use the number of billing hours each course is assigned as well as the letter grade earned to determine the number of quality points for the GPA calculation.

Credit and equivalent credit hours (non-credit coursework) taken at MVCC count in the total attempted hours as well as the institutional GPA used to determine academic standing. Transfer credits are counted in the total number attempted hours but do not impact the GPA.

The first semester a student is making unsatisfactory academic progress, he/she will be placed on academic intervention. Residential students placed on academic intervention may continue to reside in the Residence Halls only if the previous semester GPA is greater than or equal to 1.0.

After the intervention semester, the student’s transcript will be reviewed and the student can either be moved back into good standing, remain on continuing intervention, or move to academic probation.

Students on continuing intervention are considered to be making progress toward good standing based on their recent semester or term GPA, but have not yet met the minimum progress cumulative GPA.

Students who do not earn a minimum of 1.5 for their intervention semester GPA are placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation are limited to 14 credit hours for the next semester and have an advising hold on their student account. This requires any changes to the student’s schedule to be approved by an advisor in the Academic Advisement Center. 

Additionally, residential students placed on academic probation may continue to reside in the Residence Halls only if the previous semester GPA is greater than or equal to 1.0.

After the probation semester, the student’s transcript will be reviewed and the student can either be moved back into good standing, remain on continuing probation, or be academically dismissed from the College.

Students on continuing probation are considered to be making progress toward good standing based on their recent semester or term GPA, but have not yet met the minimum progress cumulative GPA.

Students who do not earn a minimum GPA of 1.5 for their probation semester GPA are academically dismissed from MVCC. 

Dismissed students may either not attend MVCC for one semester or take up to two courses (maximum of nine credits) during their dismissal semester as a non-matriculated student. Non-matriculated students are not eligible for federal or state financial aid, including student loans.

Students who wish to appeal the dismissal decision may submit a written statement with supporting documentation such as verifiable written statements from physicians, therapists, police, attorneys, financial counselors, family, or other who can confirm the issues supporting the appeal. The appeal must be submitted by the deadline in the dismissal letter received by the student to the Academic Appeals Committee, Office of the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs.

Students who are returning from their dismissal semester (whether they took classes as a non-matriculated student or not) must meet with a College Advisor in the Academic Advisement Center to be re-admitted to the College. Students returning from dismissal will be placed on academic probation.

  • A student is not excused from academic intervention, probation, or dismissal by changing his/her major, as a student’s cumulative GPA is used to calculate academic standing.
  •  Students returning from an absence at the College will remain in the academic standing they were assigned in their last semester of attendance.