Below are some common registration errors, an explanation of why they happen, and suggested solutions. If you need help, please contact our Advisement Center at 315-731-5710.

Common Registration Errors and Solutions

Many upper-level courses require students to complete introductory-level courses before registering for them. Also, courses such as Math and English require students to earn specific scores on our Placement Test to be eligible to register for them.

Prerequisite requirements can be overridden by a faculty advisor or a full-time advisor from the Academic Advising Center. The error will only be overridden once proper proof is shown indicating that the prerequisite has been successfully completed, such as transfer credit or Advanced Placement scores.

Courses cannot be scheduled during the same time as others, because we know you cannot physically be in two places at the same time.  If a course ends at 5 p.m. and another begins at 5 p.m., an error will also occur.

We require that each professor in the two courses give consent to override the time conflict. Once consent is given, you may bring the add/drop form to the Registrar's Office.

Some courses require a lecture section as well as a lab section. You are not allowed to register for just a lecture or just a lab section by itself.

You must register for both CRN codes at the same time, i.e. put both CRN codes into the boxes before submitting changes.

Sometimes courses you need close quickly, and waitlisting allows you to "get in line" for seats that open in the course.

Next to the course is a drop-down menu that will offer you the option to waitlist the course. Once you have chosen the "waitlist" option, click on "Submit Changes" and you will be added to the waitlist. 

PLEASE NOTE: Waitlisted courses will not show on your schedule, as you do not have a seat in them. To see what courses you are waitlisted for, please refer to your MyMV account and the "Add or Drop Courses" screen.

We offer courses that are limited to certain majors, such as EI201 (Interpreting 1), or certain groups of students, such as learning community courses. In order to register for these courses, they require permission from the instructors or from advisors.

Students wishing to get into learning community courses must speak with a full-time advisor from the Academic Advising Center. The instructors required for signatures are usually listed, and the Academic Advising Center can provide necessary contact information. 

Current and new students are allowed to register for a maximum of 21.5 credit hours each semester. Students on academic probation are limited to a total of 14, and students who have been academically dismissed are limited to six.

If you wish to take more than 21.5, you must speak with Associate Dean for Student Enrollment and Retention Services Jennifer DeWeerth for permission. Students on academic probation or dismissal will not be allowed to take more than the maximum number of credits allowed.