The purpose of the Appeals Committee is to review student academic appeals at the College by reviewing data for reinstatement to academic programs and make recommendations on those appeals as well as ensure students the right of due process, providing for a fair, timely, and impartial hearing of disciplinary decisions, including those relating to Title IX of the Education Amendments of the 1972 Landmark Federal Civil Rights Law at the College.

Charter Sponsor
College Senate

Charter Contact
Committee Chair

 Aaron Lewis, At-Large Faculty, Chair
Michelle Kelly, At-Large Faculty
Jason Yager, At-Large Faculty
Ross Wittenberg, At-Large Faculty
Rich Kelly, At-Large Faculty
Sharon Zohne, Professional Staff
Sandy Cummings, Professional Staff
Nikki Benton, Professional Staff
Diana Stefanovich, Classified Staff
Jesse Zavaro, Classified Staff
Tina Trybalski, Classified Staff

Individual Committee Members Should
Be knowledgeable of campus regulations as outlined in the Student Handbook
Share availability with the Chairperson
Attend an appeal request meeting and/or hearing upon Chairperson’s request
Safeguard all appeal request meeting and/or hearing documents
Review packet before appeal request meeting and/or hearing
Participate in appeal request meeting and/or hearing by listening attentively and asking clarification questions
Participate in Committee's decision discussion.
Ensure confidentiality by not discussing any aspect of the hearing with anyone except fellow Committee members
Agree to step down from any case where a conflict of interest or bias may be perceived.

The Committee, Individually and As a Whole, Does Not
Engage in conversation with petitioner or Conduct Officer outside of the formal hearing
Act as investigators
Interrogate the individual
Recommend policy changes to Conduct Officers
Speak to any third party including parents or attorneys
Guiding Points
Safety of the entire campus community; students and staff must be taken into account during deliberations and when speaking to witnesses.
Be professional in the hearing and the deliberations.
Think beyond the sanction - try to make it an educational experience, when possible and reasonable.
The College recognizes the need to utilize progressive discipline when adjudicating incidents.