
The purpose of the College-Wide Curriculum Committee is to rigorously review curriculum and to evaluate impacts on students and the College as a whole and make recommendations to the appropriate parties.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  • Erica Brindisi, CWCC Chair, Chair
  • Dawson McDermott, Dean, Student Support or designee, Non-voting member
  • Jim Sunderhaft, Registrar or designee, Non-voting member
  • Carolyn DeJohn, Executive Director of CCED or designee, Non-voting member
  • Stephen Frisbee, Director of College Libraries or designee
  • Mike Faitell, Faculty - HUMT
  • Shannon Crocker, Faculty - HLTS
  • Katey Cordary, Faculty - PAHS
  • Scott Jackson, Faculty - STCR
  • Brandon Walcutt, Faculty - HOBS
  • Josh Piejko - Faculty - ARTD
  • Sean Davis, Faculty - STTR
  • Brad Dixon, VPLAA Representative, Non-voting member
  • Julie Dewan, Academic Dean, Non-voting member
  • Aaron Fried, Previous Chair


  • Review all curriculum proposals and make recommendations directly to the VPLAA and/or to the proposing School
  • Review and refine curriculum approval procedures
  • Develop communication systems regarding curriculum changes throughout the College
  • Recommend professional development opportunities regarding curriculum
  • Make periodic updates and recommendations to the College Senate regarding committee actions
  • Submit annual report to College Senate

Does Not

  • Make decisions

  • Discuss personnel issues

  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission front and center
  • Be creative and think big
  • Think about what’s best for students
  • Seek to understand and recognize there are multiple perspectives to each issue

Updated Oct. 21, 2020