The College endorses the principle of Academic Freedom, desires to foster in its students a respect for differing points of view, and supports the faculty’s freedom to present controversial issues relating to topics in the classroom. It is the policy of MVCC to maintain and encourage full freedom, within the law, of discussion, inquiry, teaching, research, curriculum and program development, and evaluation and assessment. In the exercise of this freedom, faculty may, without limitation, discuss their subjects and contextual material in the classroom.  In their roles as citizens, faculty have the same freedoms as other citizens. However, in their extramural utterances, they have an obligation to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution. The College may invite outside speakers representing diverse points of view. In return, it reserves the right to insure that opportunity be provided to challenge these views.


Use and abuse of alcohol and drugs has a detrimental effect on the productivity, attendance, and health of our College community. As a public employer, we must protect the safety and welfare of all members of our College community.

It is the policy of the College that employees will be subject to criminal, civil and disciplinary penalties if they distribute, sell, attempt to sell, possess or purchase controlled substances while at the workplace or while performing in a work-related capacity. Such illegal acts, even if engaged in off duty, may result in disciplinary action. Where permitted, an employee may possess and use a controlled substance which is properly prescribed for him or her by a physician.


College employees are prohibited from on-the-job use of, or impairment from, alcohol or controlled substances. In cases where the College has a reasonable suspicion that an employee is not able to perform his or her duties as a result of the use of alcohol or a controlled substance, the College shall follow the process as outlined in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement, or in accordance with the provisions of Section 72 of the Civil Service Law for classified staff.

"Controlled substances" refers to the hundreds of chemicals listed in the Controlled Substances Act by the federal government. All so-called "street drugs" (heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, speed, acid) are controlled substances.
Where testing for alcohol or a controlled substance occurs, appropriate medical procedures and tests should be utilized to assure accurate and proper results. Confidentiality of the testing process and results is an important aspect of this procedure for any affected employee.

A "reasonable suspicion" must be based upon specific, reliable observation that the College can articulate concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odor of the employee. The following observations may indicate drug or alcohol use: unsteady gait, odor of alcohol on the breath, thick or slurring speech, aggressive or abusive language or behavior, and disorientation or lethargy.

The employee's time and attendance patterns, such as absences around weekends, pass days or payday, excessive use of sick leave, excessive lateness and unauthorized absences, on-the-job accidents, difficulty in recalling instructions or conversation, poor relationships with co-workers and supervisors, and other variations in productivity may also be considered when making a determination as to whether a "reasonable suspicion" is present.

College employees not covered under Section 72 if civil service law may also be required to undergo such a medical examination. Upon determination that an employee is using, is under the influence of, or is not able to perform his or her duties due to alcohol or a controlled substance, the College will determine the appropriate action to be taken. When considering the appropriate action to be taken, the College may determine that the affected employee should be disciplined as a result of alcohol or drug use. Disciplinary action may be taken pursuant to the procedures contained in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement or civil service law.

In accordance with The Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, all College employees who have been convicted of a drug related activity must report that conviction within five (5) days.  Please report any convictions to Human Resources.

Violations of this policy are subject to College issued sanctions, as well as federal, state, and local criminal sanctions. For a list of federal and state sanctions, please see the links below:

NYS Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Law: Article 5 – Special Provisions Relating to Liquor and
NYS Vehicle and Traffic (VAT) Law: Article 31 – Alcohol & Drug-related Offenses & Procedures

NYS Penal Law: Article 220 - Controlled Substances Offenses; Article 221 - Offenses Involving Marihuana; and
Article 178 - Criminal Diversion of Prescription Medications and Prescriptions

The College may also refer an employee to seek assistance through the College’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is available to all full-time and part-time employees.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Center for Family Life and Recovery 1-800-729-6822

For information regarding the health risks of using alcohol and drugs please visit the National Institutes of Health links below:
National Institute of Health Alcohol Abuse
National Institute of Health Drug Abuse

For more information…
New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services

Full-time members of the Professional Staff shall take part in either the December or May Commencement exercises at the discretion of the College.  Those who are unable to attend must request permission of the President or the President’s designee.

     How to know if MVCC is closed due to weather: When bad weather strikes, tune to local radio or television news to find out if there are any closures or delays for Mohawk Valley Community College. When the decision is made to close the college, local electronic media is notified and stations will make announcements as soon as they receive information. Closure announcements are also posted on the college´s home page at

      How early will MVCC closure/delays be announced: Weather closures or delays can be announced at any time as conditions worsen. Every effort is made to report early morning closure/delay information by 6 a.m., and evening closure information by 3 p.m. Evening classes are those that begin at or after 5 p.m.

 Any college officer or employee who has, will have or later acquires an interest in any actual or proposed contract with the college of which he is an officer or employee, shall publicly disclose the nature and extent of such interest in writing to the Board of Trustees thereof as soon as he has knowledge of such actual or prospective interest.

No college officer or employee shall be interested financially in any contract entered into by the college pursuant to Sections 800-808 of the General Municipal Law.  This also precludes acceptance of gratuities, financial or otherwise, by the above persons, from any supplier of materials or services to the college (Limit $75).


 The College has established written guidelines for the evacuation of buildings during fire and other emergencies.  Included are specific instructions for the safe evacuation of individuals who use wheelchairs or are otherwise mobility impaired.

Emeritus/Emerita or Distinguished Retiree are honorary titles awarded for distinguished service to the academic community.

All full-time employees of MVCC are eligible for consideration for recognition of their contributions to the College upon retirement.  Such recognition is conferred by the Board of Trustees.  The Trustees may waive any of the criteria in favor of a retiree of exceptional merit.

There shall be two honorary titles:  “Emeritus/Emerita” or “Distinguished Retiree”.  Administrators with titles Director and above (including all exempt administrators) who have achieved level III status or higher; all faculty who have achieved the rank of associate professor or higher; and all professional staff who have achieved the rank of level III or higher in their position at the time of retirement are eligible for Emeritus/Emerita title.  All other staff are eligible for the Distinguished Retiree title.  The Emeritus/Emerita title will be preceded by administrative position title at the time of retirement, Professor, or Professional Staff as appropriate. 

To be eligible for recognition, a retiree must meet the following criteria:
• Have a minimum of ten years contiguous full-time service at MVCC
• Have retired in good standing
• Have a demonstrated record of meritorious service to the College

Other criteria which should be considered depending on a retiree’s title are:
• The final rank for those who are eligible for promotion
• Consistent service to the College above and beyond the job description
• Consistent service to students
• Consistent fulfillment of professional responsibilities outlined in the job description
• Scholarship or volunteer service within the nominee’s professional field
• Continuous professional development or service to others through professional development


Nominations may be made by any member of the College community.  Such nominations are to be made to the retiree’s immediate supervisor and should document how the nominee meets the criteria set forth above.  Such nomination will normally be made within three years of retirement.

The supervisor will forward the nomination with the supervisor’s recommendation and justification through the administrative organization until the nominations and justifications reach the appropriate Vice President.  The Vice President will review the recommendations, justifications, and the retiree’s personnel file.  The Vice President will then forward a recommendation with justification to the President.

The President will review the nominee’s file and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for their final decision.  Nominees who are being recommended to the Board for recognition and who have held multiple titles, except for promotion in academic rank, will be asked which title they wish used.  Those involved in the nomination process including the nominee will be notified of the final outcome.


• Participation in academic processions.
• Use of the College library.
• College ID identifying the person as a “Emeritus/Emerita” or “Distinguished Retiree.”
• College employee fee for cultural events.
• Use of recreational/athletic facilities without cost.
• College e-mail account.
• Parking privileges in an appropriate gated lot as space allows.
• Listing in the College Catalog.
• Invitation to all Distinguished Retiree, Emeritus, and retiree events held by the College.
• Use of complimentary box of business cards with Emeritus or Distinguished Retiree title.


 Employees who have a change in address, name, family status (such as separation, divorce, birth, adoption) should contact Human Resources within thirty (30) days.  Failure to report changes may result in health insurance coverage/eligibility issues. 

When you have a change in status please complete the Emergency Contact Information Form and provide to Human Resources as soon as possible.

Employee information may only be released to someone other than the employee if:

  • Human resources is provided a written release signed by the employee

  • Employee information is requested through a subpoena or court order

  • Information is required by law

 Mohawk Valley Community College, in order to further its mission, must endeavor to employ the most qualified individuals available.  In addition, all employees should avoid conflicts of interest that might challenge their duty while at work to promote the best interests of the MVCC community  Therefore, employees shall neither directly initiate, participate in, nor influence institutional decisions involving a direct benefit to a close relative. A direct benefit shall be defined as including decisions affecting initial appointment, retention, performance review, promotion, salary, leave of absence, or any other benefit affecting a close relative.  Employees may not supervise, at any level, a close relative.   For the purposes of this policy, members of the MVCC Board of Trustees are considered employees of the college; they shall be restricted to the same parameters regarding such institutional decisions.  

For purposes of this policy, a “close relative” refers to a person related consanguineously ("blood relatives") and to a person related by affinity (“relatives by marriage").  This includes spouses, the employee’s or the spouse’s children, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, brothers, sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, first cousins, first cousins once-removed and persons married to them, including adopted, step, and foster relationships, or anyone serving in such a relationship.  A close relationship is also considered to exist when there is a committed relationship and/or the persons share the same household.

An employee or prospective employee must report the existence of a close relative relationship, as described above, to the Human Resources Department as soon as a potential conflict is first known. The Employment of Close Relatives policy described herein shall not apply to close relatives who already occupied positions prior to the adoption of this resolution, where such employment would be prohibited by this policy; but it shall apply to these positions and these persons if any reclassification, change in assignment or other significant personnel action occurs.  Exceptional circumstances may be reviewed by the Director of Human Resources, the President, and/or the Board of Trustees.

It is the policy of Mohawk Valley Community College to provide equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons; to prohibit discrimination in employment; and to promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuing program for the College.

This policy:
Applies to all persons without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, except where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification, sexual orientation, military status, disability, or marital status.
Applies equally to all job classifications and titles at the College whether full-time or part-time.
Governs all College policies, practices, and actions including recruitment, employment, rate of pay or other compensation, advancement, upgrading, promotion, demotion, renewal, non-renewal, termination, transfer, layoff, leave, training, and employee benefits.
Requires that each contractor, supplier, union, public agency or cooperative agent to support this policy by complying with applicable state and federal equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.
Full and continuing realization of this policy shall be undertaken by the development of an Affirmative Action Programs which shall:
a.    Provide detailed actions designed to realize the College’s commitment to equal employment;
b.    Analyze employment patterns;
c.    Set forth plans to rectify any deficiencies;
d.    Identify and remove impediments to equal employment opportunity;
e.    Establish goals and timetables for affirmative action;
f.     Provide for the internal and external dissemination of College policy;
h.    Provide for the review, assessment, evaluation, and improvement of College action in carrying out this policy and affirmative action programs.
2.    The College shall support all necessary actions to make effective equal employment policies and programs and shall embrace activities such as.
a.    Developing policy statements and Affirmative Action Programs;
b.    Developing internal and external communication techniques;
c.    Identifying problem areas and establishment of goals and objectives:
d.    Assisting campus administration and compliance;

e.    Establish goals and timetables for affirmative action;
f.     Provide for the internal and external dissemination of College policy;
h.    Provide for the review, assessment, evaluation, and improvement of College action in carrying out this policy and affirmative action programs.
2.    The College shall support all necessary actions to make effective equal employment policies and programs and shall embrace activities such as.
a.    Developing policy statements and Affirmative Action Programs;
b.    Developing internal and external communication techniques;
c.    Identifying problem areas and establishment of goals and objectives:
d.    Assisting campus administration and compliance;
f.     Providing liaison to enforcement agencies, minority organizations, community action groups; and
g.    Designing and implementing audit and reporting systems required for effective monitoring and operation of affirmative action programs.
The College affirms its right to take appropriate action if it, or other duly constituted authority, should determine that applicable federal and state equal employment opportunity laws and regulations have been violated, or that the effect and intent of this policy has been willfully or habitually abrogated.

 EVACUATE: Proceed immediately to the neatest exit in an orderly fashion. DO NOT use the elevators. Keep low or as close to the floor as possible if smoke is present at or near your eye level. After leaving the building, move well away from it taking care not to block entry and exit to the building. DO NOT re-enter the building until being notified by Public Safety or other law enforcement has given the “all clear” notification.

DISTANCING: You may be asked to evacuate a building or an area within a building due to emergency circumstances. Some examples may be:

•Hazardous Incident (biological, chemical, radiological)
•Fire or explosion
•Odor of gas or noxious substance

When you evacuate:
•Follow instructions
•Do not use elevators
•Take what you need, not what you want.
•Pay attention to your surroundings
•Plan ahead


SHELTER IN PLACE:The term, Shelter in Place, means to seek immediate shelter and remain there during an emergency rather than evacuate the area. Certain events may necessitate Shelter in Place protocols. All college personnel and students are to remain in the rooms they currently are in. At no time should anyone leave until the situation has been resolved. This will allow Public Safety, law enforcement and other emergency operations persons to address the building or campus emergency or threat and reduce the risk of contact with any innocent bystanders in the immediate area. Some events may be:

  • Hazardous Incident (biological, chemical, radiological)
  • Man Made Event (active shooter, bomb threats)
  • Natural Events (straight line wind, tornado)
  • Other Events (hostile intruder, violent person)


DO NOT open doors for anyone unless their identity has been verified. Stay away from windows, doors and outside walls.
Anyone outside during a situation which requires sheltering in place should go to the closest building unless otherwise directed.

 In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1973, Mohawk Valley Community College will grant an eligible employee unpaid FMLA leave following established procedures. Procedures are found at (link) or on file in the Human Resources office.

Each student has the right to inspect and review the information contained in her or her official educational records, subject to limitations as noted below. To do so, students must make a written request on a form available in the Office of Records and Registration. This request will be honored within 45 days after it is reviewed.

  1. Inspection and review include:
    1. An explanation and interpretation of the record.
    2. The right to a copy of the educational record. The charge for an official transcript is $5.00 per copy; copies of the records are $.10 per page. A copy may be denied:
      • When a “hold” has been placed on the record because of an unsatisfied obligation to the college
      • For a transcript from another institution. (The transcript is available from the originating institution.)
  2. The following educational records are not available for the inspection and review by the student:
    1. Financial information submitted by parents.
    2. Confidential letters and recommendations to which students have voluntarily waived rights of inspection and review.
    3. Education records containing information about more than one student. In such cases, however, students will be informed of that information that pertains to them.

Students have the right to challenge the contents of their record. In general, disputes regarding the contents of files will be handled by informal means. If these means should prove unsatisfactory to the student, the Vice President for Student Affairs may be requested in writing to convene a formal hearing. The Vice President for Student Affairs will appoint a member of the College faculty who has no direct interest in the outcome of the proceeding to hear the case. The hearing shall be held within a reasonable time following the request and the student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issue raised. The decision shall be rendered in writing by the hearing official within a reasonable period of time after the conclusion of the hearing.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U. S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D. C. 20202-5920

Note: This is not the official notification of your rights under FERPA. The official notification can be found in the Student Handbook.

37 Powerful Words...  No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

The Broad Scope... Title IX of the Education Amendments was passed by the U.S. Congress in June 1972, and signed into law on July 1, 1972. The protection of Title IX also extend to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault or Violence that impairs or interferes with access to equitable educational and employment opportunities.

The Board of Trustees shall adopt a proposed College Staffing Plan annually in conjunction with the College’s budget.  The staffing shall include but is not limited to, all proposed budgeted position titles and applicable position number.

The President shall make recommendations for appointment to the Board of Trustees in accordance with the College’s Hiring Process (link).

Human resource files for employees are maintained by the Office of Human Resources located in the Academic Building, Room 113.

Employees may have access to their human resource file during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) and by appointment by calling (315)792-5636. Human resource files may contain records of College actions as well as information submitted by the employee. Requests for copies of materials from the employee’s human resource file may be made by the employee at the employee’s expense. Human resource files may be made available to employee representatives, promotion review committee members or continuing/career appointment review committee members upon written approval of the employee.

Human Resources also maintain confidential medical files which contain health insurance enrollments, and other medical information.  This information is available to employees and to employee representatives on a limited basis only.

Anyone who makes an unauthorized disclosure of information from human resource files or medical files will be disciplined appropriately up to and including dismissal

Information Technology Procedure (Revision – July 2021)
Reference: Board of Trustees Policy 5001

Audience and Scope

Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to providing its employees, students and partners with current technology and computing resources and to protect them from illegal or damaging actions carried out, either knowingly or unknowingly, by individuals who use these resources. Therefore, to protect themselves and others, all MVCC employees, students, alumni, contractors, consultants, temporary employees, tenants, and guests (are defined as: end users) of MVCC are required to adhere to the established procedures related to all College Information Systems, including:  

  • MVCC owned and supported desktop and laptop computers.  
  • Non-MVCC computers used to access MVCC network resources.  
  • Voice and data networks, wired and wireless, that are owned and operated by MVCC, and any equipment directly attached to them (such as personally owned laptops, computers, tablets, smart phones, networking devices, etc.)  

Terms of Computing and Network Usage

  • It is expected that primary use is restricted to any activity that supports the Mission, Vision, and Purpose of the College. End users are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding personal use. If there is any uncertainty, employees should consult their direct supervisor, the Executive Director of Human Resources, or the Executive Director of Information Technology. MVCC desires to provide reasonable levels of privacy; however, users should be aware that all material and data they create on the College's systems may be requested and possibly disclosed under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) or by government subpoena.   
  • MVCC aspires to provide, but cannot guarantee, a high expectation of electronic privacy in use of its computing and networking systems. MVCC will implement anti-intrusion, anti-virus, anti-SPAM, and other appropriate systems to provide a secure and private computing environment. 
  • All information stored, processed, or transmitted by electronic devices may be monitored or legally disclosed to appropriate personnel, or law enforcement agencies. Any such monitoring or disclosure shall be conducted for a stated purpose and will expose confidential information as minimally as possible and only as needed for the stated purpose. The MVCC Executive Director of Human Resources must approve, in writing, the monitoring and/or dissemination of any individual’s e-mail communications, web/internet activities or stored data.  
  • Any information that is considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that college procedure indicates is sensitive or confidential must be appropriately protected as described within this procedure.  
  • MVCC reserves the right to block all Internet communications from sites, hosts or devices that are involved in disruptive or damaging practices, or that provide services that may expose the College to legal liability, or that are deemed to not meet the Mission, Vision or Purpose of the College.  
  • MVCC reserves the right to prioritize the allocation of network resources in times of peak resource demand. 
  • MVCC makes no warranties of any kind for the access being provided, and assumes no responsibility for the quality, availability, accuracy, nature, or reliability of the material accessed from the Internet.  
  • MVCC will not be responsible for any damages suffered by a user resulting from the use of the Internet. MVCC will not be responsible for any unauthorized financial obligations resulting from the use of the Internet.  
  • Authorized users are responsible for the security of their passwords and accounts and are responsible for any violation that may originate from their computer or account. 
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or other sensitive data must not be stored on local hard drives or removable media (including but not limited to floppy disks, PDAs, flash/thumb drives, writable CDs, DVDs, portable hard drives, smart phones, or MP3 players).  
  • All devices connected to MVCC networks, whether owned by the employee or MVCC, shall have current anti-virus and operating system security patches installed.  
  • It is the responsibility of employees to physically secure their mobile devices. Any instances of theft of MVCC equipment must be immediately reported to the Executive Director of Information Technology and Public Safety for on-campus incidents. For off-campus incidents, it is the responsibility of the employee to immediately report the theft to the Executive Director of Information Technology and appropriate police agency. A copy of the police report must be filed with the Executive Director of Information Technology.
  • MVCC reserves the right to audit networks and systems to ensure compliance with these procedures.  

Prohibited Practices

The following is expressly prohibited:

  • Activity that is illegal under local, state, federal or international law while utilizing MVCC-owned computers or networks. 
  • Violations of the rights of any person or company protected by copyright, trade secret, patent, or other intellectual property.  
  • The installation or distribution of "pirated" software products that are not appropriately licensed for use by MVCC.  
  • The installation of “Bootable Devices” on any PC or Laptop.  
  • Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material including, but not limited to, digitized and distributed photographs from magazines, books or other copyrighted sources, copyrighted music or videos, and any copyrighted software for which MVCC or the end user does not have an active license.  
  • Misrepresenting one's identity or relationship to the College when obtaining or using College computers or networks.  
  • Exporting software, technical information, encryption software or technology that violates local, regional, international or export control laws.  
  • Introduction of malicious programs into the network or servers (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, phishing, etc.).  
  • Using an MVCC computing asset to actively engage in procuring or transmitting material that is in violation of anti-pornography, sexual harassment, libel, slander, or hostile workplace laws in the user's local jurisdiction.  
  • Using an MVCC computing asset for private commercial purposes or making fraudulent offers of products, items, or services originating from any MVCC account.  
  • Carrying out security breaches or disruptions of network communication. Security breaches include, but are not limited to, accessing data of which the employee is not an intended recipient or logging into a server or account that the employee is not expressly authorized to access, unless within the scope of regular duties. For purposes of this section, "disruption" includes, but is not limited to, network sniffing, pinged floods, packet spoofing, denial of service, and forged routing information for malicious purposes.  
  • Port scanning or security scanning.  
  • Executing any form of network monitoring which will intercept data not intended for the employee's host device unless this activity is a part of the employee's normal job/duty.  
  • Circumventing user authentication or security of any device, network, or account.  
  • Interfering with or denying service to any user (for example, denial of service attack).  
  • Using any program/script/command, or sending messages of any kind with the intent to interfere with or disable a user's terminal session, via any means, locally or via the network. 
  • Providing information about, or lists of, MVCC employees to parties outside MVCC, unless within the formal approved scope of one’s job, or without approval from Cabinet. 
  • Using the College's email system (outside of MVCC Today) to solicit or advertise personal products, productions or other items or events not related to the College's stated mission, vision, and purpose unless the user has obtained prior approval from his or her direct supervisor.  
  • Any form of harassment via email, telephone, instant messaging, or other electronic means, whether through content, frequency, or size of messages.  
  • Unauthorized use or forging of email header information.  
  • Solicitation of email for any other email address, other than that of the poster's account, with the intent to harass or to collect replies.  
  • Creating or forwarding "chain letters", "Ponzi" or other "pyramid" schemes of any type. 
  • Use of College equipment and communication systems by employees or other authorized users to attempt to influence legislation or in any other way lobby elected officials, except on behalf of SUNY or the College.  
  • Blogging that does not fall within the Mission, Vision or Purpose of the College.  

MVCC Network Access

Open Usage Computers: Computers are available for use in Open Labs by all current MVCC students, staff, and Board of Trustees members. A valid MVCC ID Card may be requested for verification. Computer access is gained by one’s username and password. 

Teaching Lab Computers: : Teaching Lab Computers are accessible to all MVCC students and faculty during a formal class period. Special hours of Open Lab time specific to the software / course being taught in the lab may be provided. 

Office computers: Only active MVCC employees (excluding students), who hold a Network Account for access to the MVCC Domain are authorized to access faculty and administrative office computers, unless otherwise authorized by the area Dean/Supervisor or the Executive Director of Information Technology. 

Wireless Network Access: Active Employees, active students, and Trustees are authorized to access MVCC Wireless Networks via their username and password. Using their own devices, guests of the college may request the guest account login at the Information Technology Help Desk.  

Physical Ports: Active network ports may only be used by faculty or staff if arrangements are made in advance with the Information Technology Department. Under no conditions should a preexisting network connection be unplugged or plugged in without the approval of the Information Technology Department. Any non-domain device will be prompted for a network username and password.

Operating Systems and Anti-Virus Updates: MVCC owned computers, upon connection to one of the network domains, will have patches and updates automatically downloaded and installed.

Access to Administrative Data

Banner / Degree Works / Argos / OnBase Accounts (Administrative Data)  

Employees with an MS-Windows Network Account (on the MVCC Domain), with “Administrative Data Supervisor” approval (or appointed designee), are authorized to access administrative data in which they have a legitimate business interest.  

Administrative Data Supervisors are defined as follows:  

  • Student – Registrar  
  • Advisement (Degree Works) – Registrar 
  • Admissions – Director of Admissions  
  • Finance – Controller  
  • Payroll – Controller  Student Accounts Receivable – Controller  
  • • Human Resources – Director of Human Resources  
  • Advancement – Executive Director of Institutional Advancement  
  • Financial Aid – Director of Financial Aid  
  • Banner General – Information Technology Database Administrator  

Access Review On a yearly basis a report of all individuals who have access to MVCC Administrative Systems and Data will be provided to the Administrative Data Supervisors for their review. Any irregularities in access rights must be reported to Information Technology Database Administrator for corrective actions.  

Self- Service Banner (“SIRS”) - - Upon departure from the college, employee access to SIRS will be disabled. Any requests to access SIRS after an employee leaves the college will need to be made through Human Resources.

MVCC Network and Email Accounts

The following individuals are authorized to hold active Network and Email Accounts:  

• Current employees and students of MVCC  

• Members of the MVCC Board of Trustees  

• Others as approved by the appropriate MVCC Presidential Cabinet Level or the Executive Director of Information Technology. 

End-User Accounts – Storage Quotas
Active employees and students are allocated 50GB of email storage and 1TB of file storage.  

Employee Email Address Format(s)  
The standard email address format is: ( or ( as determined by the employee's name on file for HR/Payroll purposes. Employees may request that a “preferred first name” be used in the email format in lieu of first name via application in the Human Resources Department. 

Employee Network Accounts
Employee network accounts, including email, accounts shall be disabled upon departure from the college. At the supervisor’s request, incoming emails to the employee’s account will be forwarded to a designee specified by the employee’s supervisor.  

Disabled accounts will be removed from the active directory.  

Employee SIRS Accounts
Employee SIRS account access shall be disabled upon departure from the college. Requests to reinstate accounts for document retrieval purposes will be handled by Human Resources. Upon approval, the account will be reinstated for a period of 48 hours.

Student Email Address Format  
The standard student email address format is: firstinitial.lastname”birthday day of month” ( Students may request that a “preferred first name” be used in the email format in lieu of first name via application in the Office of Records and Retention.  

Student Network Accounts
Student network accounts, including email, accounts shall be automatically disabled one year after the end date of the last attended semester, if the student is not scheduled. Disabled accounts will be removed from the active directory.  

Student SIRS Accounts
Student SIRS account access shall be disabled one year after the end date of the last semester the student attended.

Password Protocol
All passwords must meet the following standards to be considered a valid and “strong password”:  

  • A minimum of 8 characters  
  • May not contain User/Login Name  
  • Must contain the following two characteristics: 
  • At least one upper case character.  
  • At least one numeric

Password Expiration
Existing passwords will automatically expire after 180 days of creation. End-Users will be required to specify new passwords and may not repeat previously used passwords.

Account Security
A user has three opportunities to enter a correct password. If s/he does not enter the correct password after three tries the account will be locked and s/he will be prompted to contact the Information Technology Helpdesk for a reset.  

Sharing Account Information  
A user should not share his/her account password with others or allow use of his/her account by others, except for the Information Technology Department for the purpose of software troubleshooting or installation.  

Generic Accounts 
Creation of generic accounts shall be considered an exception to security best practices and will only be done with the approval of the Executive Director of Information Technology.  Generic accounts require a designated employee that will be responsible for the account.

Locking Machines
For security of data, end-users must “lock” their computers when leaving their workstations to prevent unauthorized access.

Connecting Personal Equipment to the Network  

The network will be configured to only allow personal equipment that is up-to-date, including virus protection to connect to the WiFi.  

VPN is available for active employees who are approved to work remotely. VPN will only be installed on MVCC owned devices. VPN utilizes multi factor authentication, this requires a separate device for the app. 

All remote work requests must be approved by the appropriate supervisor, Human Resources, and the Executive Director of Information Technology. All reasonable software, hardware, security, and support considerations will be provided upon approval of such requests; under the assumption that telecommuting is considered a courtesy and not a mandated employee right. 

Change of Job Duties
If an employee changes jobs within the College, access to computer network resources related to their old job will be removed. If access from their former job is still needed, written authorization must be obtained from the supervisor for the former job.  

If an employee changes jobs, and the new job requires access to new Administrative Systems/Data, changes in access must be approved by the appropriate Administrative Data Supervisor(s).  

Data Access Privileges

Shared Folders Individuals will be granted access to shared folders upon approval from the folder’s owner.  

Domain Top Administrator Account Privileges MS-Windows Domain Administrator level access to computer and network systems shall be granted only to specific Information Technology Department personnel as authorized by the Executive Director of Information Technology.  

Sensitive Data/Privacy
Sensitive/Private data is defined as any data that could provide access to personal information of an individual or institution. Such data includes, but is not limited to, documents and files that may contain Personally Identifiable Information such as financial, human resources, payroll and student information documents and files.  

Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) is defined as any of the following: 

  • First, Middle, Last Names  
  • Social Security Number  
  • Passport Number  
  • Employee or Student Identification Number (M#)  
  • State or Federally Issued ID numbers (e.g., driver’s licenses).  
  • Date of Birth  
  • Maiden Name  
  • Mother’s Maiden Name  
  • Credit Card or Financial Account Information  
  • Results of background or criminal history checks  
  • Payroll and salary information  
  • Medical Information  
  • Accommodation requests and related information  
  • Biometric data (such as fingerprint, voice print, retina, or iris images)  
  • Digital or other electronic signature files.  

PII data should never be stored on local hard drives or external storage media. 

External Transmission of Sensitive data Sensitive data must never be transmitted outside of the College system via insecure means, including email and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The Information Technology Department shall provide secure email and file encryption resources to employees and/or departments for strict compliance of HIPAA and FERPA Privacy Regulations.  

Faculty/Staff Standard Software

  • MS-Windows   
  • MS-Office   
  • MS-Outlook
  • Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware   

Employees should contact the Information Technology Helpdesk to arrange for custom software installations. Installation of specialized software is at the discretion of the appropriate supervisor and the Executive Director of Information Technology. Employees are not permitted to perform their own installations without the authorization of the Information Technology Department.

  • Personal software shall not be installed on college owned devices.
  • Information Technology makes no warranties for the recovery of data stored on local storage devices. 
  • Employee data should be stored on the allocated network storage (M-Drive or H-Drive).  

Academic Labs Software

  • MS-Windows 
  • OSX (Mac)  
  • MS-Office   
  • MS-Outlook   
  • • Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware   

Customized software installations in Academic Labs will be configured over summer and holiday breaks to meet the specific curriculum needs. Modifications to customized software in Academic Labs will not be performed after the start of each semester’s classes unless authorized by the Executive Director of Information Technology.  

Computer Enegy Management - Best Practices 

  • All employee computers should be “shutdown” at the end of the workday.   
  • When two (2) hours or more of inactivity is expected, the computer should be shut down or placed into hibernation or standby mode.  
  • Hard drives should be configured to turn off after 30 minutes of inactivity.  
  • Computer monitors should be configured to enter power-saving mode after 20 minutes of inactivity.  
    Screen savers should not be configured.  

College Issued Laptops 
Fulltime faculty members may choose to be issued either a desktop computer or a laptop. Part time employees may request a loaner laptop from the Information Technology Helpdesk (pending availability).  

Fulltime non-teaching staff may request a laptop in lieu of a desktop with a justification that their job requires mobility of their computer.  

Upon termination of employment from the College, College-issued laptops must be returned to the Information Technology Help Desk as part of the overall College checkout procedure.  

If a fulltime faculty member (with a previously issued laptop) moves to part-time employment status, that employee shall relinquish the laptop to the Information Technology Helpdesk.  

Mobile Devices Connecting to MVCC email System

Up-to-date personal cell phones and/or other employee-owned mobile devices may connect to the MVCC Email System(s). The Information Technology Department will provide the needed credentials for the connection. The selection, purchase, updating, and configuration of personal cell phones are the responsibility of the end-user.  The Information Technology Department will provide reasonable levels of assistance for mobile devices but assumes no liability for their ability to connect and function with MVCC Systems in cases of non-compliant software and hardware.  


Damaged Equipment
Damage to College-issued equipment (laptops, desktop computers, etc.) must be reported to the Information Technology Department Helpdesk. Attempts will be made to repair the equipment; and as required, equipment will be replaced. In the case of damage due to negligence, replacement will not occur until the Executive Director of Information Technology has documented the damage with the appropriate supervisor. Any repayment of replacement costs or other corrective action is at the discretion of the supervisor and the Executive Director of Human Resources.  


Microsoft Office Software for Home Usage
With an MS365 account, active employees can login from any location. 

Disposal and Inventory of Computer Equipment 

  • At periodic intervals or due to computer obsolescence, campus computers (in offices and academic labs) will be removed and/or replaced by the Information Technology Department. 
  • The Information Technology will evaluate all equipment to see if it can be used for another College application.  
  • Information Technology will arrange for the removal of all data from the machine using a hard drive wiping application or degaussing prior to final disposition.  
  • If appropriate, the Business Office will coordinate the sale or public auction of surplus computers/equipment.  
  • If old computers are deemed no longer usable, operational, or not fit for public sale or auction (by the Information Technology Department), the Environmental Health and Safety Officer will coordinate with a NYSDEC authorized recycling vendor for removal from the College physical inventory and proper disposal.  
  • Items to be disposed will be recorded with item description, College asset tag number and item serial number.  
  • A summary list of equipment to be disposed will be approved by the Executive Director of Information Technology and the Vice President for Administrative Services prior to disposal. Appropriate updates to the Fixed Assets Module in Banner will also be maintained.  
  • Per requirements of the New York State Office of the State Comptroller, the Environmental Health and Safety Officer will retain all certificates and detailed disposal invoices.  
  • Equipment will be stored in a secure area prior to its disposal.  
  • A yearly report of computing assets will be submitted to the Vice President for Administrative Services for insurance purposes.  

Data Privacy and Software Use
Any person having data representation in a college database has the right to data privacy. There are specific federal and state legal rights involving personal data access, manipulation and dissemination that are afforded to everyone. They address:  

  • • Right of access - "legitimate interest" required in the normal conduct of business  
  • • Manipulation - being accomplished with full knowledge and consent of the file or account owner
  • • Dissemination of data - only to persons or agencies having a "need to know"

In addition, students have specific rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 including access to their data by themselves and their families. College procedure governing the implementation of the provisions of this Act is detailed in the Student Handbook (“Release of Student Information"). In general, student educational records should be accessible to college faculty and staff when they have a "legitimate educational interest in the data". Personally identifiable information can only be released to other persons or agencies within the limitations described in the procedure.  

Data privacy restrictions also apply to the creation and release of student data in response to special external requests outside normal college operations. 

They specify that:  

  • Release of student data must conform to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. If there is doubt regarding this, please contact the Registrar.
  • Use of the data must have a legitimate educational basis. If in doubt, please contact the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs.  
  • Creation of special lists or reports must not unduly interfere with college operations.

Data requests are handled by the Information Officer, the Vice President for Administrative Services.  

There may be a charge for creation of special lists and reports. The current College charge is $50 per hour for computer personnel and computer time to produce the material plus 10 cents per page for the printout. The rates may be changed by the Vice President for Administrative Services.  

Violation and Enforcement
Individual users are responsible for any violation of any of these procedures that may originate from their computer(s) or account(s). Violations of these procedures may result in disciplinary action, including suspension of privileges, termination of employment, and civil liability. Violations of some portions of this policy may constitute a criminal offense and may result in the engagement of appropriate law enforcement authorities.  

Periodic Review  
These procedures shall be reviewed by the Executive Director of Information Technology and the Vice President for Administrative Services on a yearly basis. 

In addition to the Mohawk Valley Community College Information Technology Policy and Procedure the College is required to follow the SUNY Information Security Policy. 

The Mohawk Valley Community College Incident Response Policy and Information Technology Incident Response Plan have been developed under the SUNY Incident Response Policy.

The College reserves the right to enact the following, unless otherwise specified by the collective bargaining units.

A. It is the intent of the Board to further the philosophy, objectives and purpose of the community college by:

1. Encouraging the design and production of more effective methods of instruction and learning evaluation through the use of media by:
a. Providing audio-visual services, material and equipment for instructional purposes.
b. Providing freedom to market for profit such productions resulting from the use of such instructional resources.

2. Making available for use by the college all such methods of instruction and learning evaluation designed and produced by staff members by:
a. Securing the college's right to the use of materials and productions developed by its staff members through the use of its staff services, equipment or materials; and
b. Requiring reimbursement for costs incurred by the college in the production of materials marketed for profit.

B. All property rights in books written, instructional materials developed (including workbooks, laboratory manuals, transparencies, audio tapes, video tapes, films, and the like) and equipment designed, developed or invented by any staff member in conjunction with his job or teaching assignment, with any extended time or released time or assigned project authorized or directed by the college, or written, developed or designed prior to becoming a member of the college staff, shall belong to said staff member.  Such property rights shall, subject to paragraph four hereto, include:

1. The right to publish for private profit and the right to copyright any book, manual or printed official material, or any other medium, and
2. The right to negotiate privately with any person, firm or corporation for the manufacture of any equipment or instructional material and the right to acquire any patent rights which may be obtainable thereon.

C. The property rights in joint projects of staff members undertaken either as part of a job or teaching assignment, released time or assigned project, or on their own time, shall be shared by the participants in the manner upon which they shall agree, in writing.

D. Notwithstanding the property rights of any staff member in any book, instructional materials or equipment published, developed, or designed by said staff member while he/she is a staff member of the College, in conjunction with his/her job or teaching assignment, with any extended time or released time or assigned project authorized or directed by the college.  Mohawk Valley Community College shall have the right, for any bona fide educational purpose, to use or purchase said book, instructional material or equipment regardless of copyright or patents thereon and exclusive of any royalties, commissions or other pecuniary profit to the applicable staff member.

The college shall be reimbursed from any royalties, commissions or other pecuniary profit received by said staff member to the extent and amount that the College paid for that part of the project or program which resulted in the creation of the book, instructional material or equipment, not to exceed the staff member's pay rate for his/her particular salary category and such other costs as may be involved in the project.

Once such reimbursement has been made, all royalties, commissions or pecuniary profit thereafter earned by the sale of any said book, instructional material or equipment to any purchaser thereof shall belong exclusively to the staff member who published, developed or designed said book, instructional material or equipment.

E. Employment of any staff member by the college binds that staff member to the Board Policy described herein.

Employees scheduled for jury duty or who have been issued a subpoena to appear in court and have provided proof of summons to Human Resources shall be granted leave with pay.  Any payments issued to employees by the courts must be turned over to the College.  Employees shall note jury duty on their timesheet.

Full-time employees of the College may participate in a leave donation program as provided for in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement or Board policy.  Leave donations may be sought to assist employees who have an FMLA approved personal illness or whose FMLA eligible dependent is ill and unable to care for themselves. 
Leave donations, in conjunction with benefits through disability insurance or workers compensation, shall not exceed the base wage rate of the employee.

Leave donation forms are available in Human Resources.

Resignations will be reported to the Personnel Committee at least once a semester or as otherwise deemed necessary.
1. MSDS/SDS’s are filed in three-ring binders and are organized by manufacturer, application, or appropriate grouping. This file is maintained by the department head, work unit supervisor, or the designated representative. The master file will be kept by the Environmental Health & Safety Officer on the Utica Campus. Each department will have its own file of MSDS/SDS’s for chemicals in that department. To enable employee access to MSDS/SDS’ on the work shift, MSDS/SDS’s binders are located in the work area identified for each department.
2. The Purchasing Department is responsible for requesting MSDS/SDS’s for chemicals at the time an order is placed. A request for an MSDS/SDS’s is printed on the written purchase order.
3. As chemicals are received at the College, the department receiver will check the MSDS/SDS’s against the current chemical inventory and MSDS/SDS’s file to see that the most recent copy is on file. The receiver will retain a copy of the MSDS/SDS’s and ensure that the receiving document is signed and handled in accordance with Receipt of Goods (MVCC Purchase Procedures).
4. If no MSDS/SDS’s is on file, the receiver will contact the vendor requesting the MSDS, using the appropriate form letter. The chemical is not to be used until an MSDS/SDS’s is on campus.
5. As MSDS/SDS’s are received, they are reviewed for content and completeness by the receiver. If complete, they are filed in the department, and a copy is sent to the Environmental Health & Safety Officer. If an incomplete or otherwise unsatisfactory MSDS/SDS’s is received, a letter is sent to the vendor requesting a more complete MSDS/SDS’s. When the Environmental Health & Safety Officer becomes aware of new and significant health information concerning a chemical used, he/she will notify the appropriate department head so that the supervisor(s) whose employees use or are potentially exposed to the chemical are informed and they, in turn, can inform their employees of this new information.
6. MSDS/SDS’s that meet the requirements of the HCS must be fully completed, leaving no blank spaces and received at the facility either prior to, or at the time of, receipt of the first shipment of any potentially hazardous chemical purchased form a vendor. It may be necessary to discontinue procurement from vendors failing to provide approved MSDS/SDS’s in a timely manner.
The College will pay for or reimburse a business meal or refreshment expense when it is deemed necessary, reasonable and appropriate for official business by the President or a member of the Cabinet.  This authority is not intended for use with the normal daily operations of the College, such as committee and informal meetings consisting solely of College employees.  College funds may be used to entertain guests, such as new employee candidates, speakers, and consultants, if the expense clearly benefits the College. Justification for appropriated funds must include the following:
• Purpose and necessity of the meeting, including the specific nature of College business
• Why the meeting needed to include a meal or refreshments
• The names of participants
• Cost
The primary work obligation for all full-time employees will be their primary position at College. Full-time employees should not engage in outside employment if such employment: constitutes a conflict of interest; occurs when employee is assigned or expected to perform assigned duties for the College; or diminishes the employee's efficiency or attention in performing primary work obligation at the institution.

Sales by an outside vendor will be permitted only if the individual or organization has a contract with the College.

In-person solicitation activities, including distribution of printed materials and/or advocacy of a cause/belief, must have a contract with MVCC, and/or written approval permitting such activities, before they may approach students or employees of Mohawk Valley Community College.  If a solicitor is unable to produce proof that he/she has permission, they will be reported to MVCC’s Department of Public Safety and asked to leave campus immediately.

Employee Benefits:
1. Organizations providing the basic retirement plans may have access to campus rooms as needed to provide services to existing clients.  These would be ERS, TRS, TIAA-CREF and the alternate funding vehicles (ING, Met Life and Valic).
2. Vendors of tax-sheltered investment vehicles may offer their products to employees once a year at the spring benefits fair.
3. Vendors of insurance products (health, life, homeowners, auto, etc) may offer their products to employees at both the spring and fall benefits fairs.
4. Credit unions may offer their products to employees at both the spring and fall benefits fairs.
5. Campus visits will be limited to the above times.

Special offers will be distributed at a central point on each campus.  Announcements of availability will be made in through such vehicles as MVCC Today.

Prohibition on the Marketing of Credit Cards: Mohawk Valley CC complies with the legal requirements of NYS Education Law §6437. MVCC prohibits the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards to students.

Student Groups Hosting an Outside Vendor:
1. Vendors must have a valid NYS tax certificate on display at time of sale.
2. Vendors will sell only legally copyrighted or trademarked merchandise.
3. The College at its sole discretion may prohibit vendors from selling products such as but not limited to:  phone cards, credit cards, “knock-offs” or products that may be considered “drug paraphernalia.”
4. The College at its sole discretion may end a sale at any time and may prohibit any vendor from future sales on campus.
5. Vendors will supply receipts of purchase to purchasers.
6. A mutually agreed upon contract between the vendor and the organization inviting them on campus must be on file in the appropriate college office.  This contract will contain a “hold harmless” clause, for MVCC (Trustees and employees), Oneida County, the officers of Student Congress and officers of the sponsoring student organization.  The contract will have other information and terms as deemed necessary by the college.
7. Space allotted to a vendor will not exceed two 6 foot tables in length.  Said space will be scheduled with the appropriate office no less than 5 days in advance.  Vendors will not impede traffic, compromise safety, or violate fire codes, as determined solely by the College.
8. Clubs will be notified of their ability to negotiate contracts with vendors, in an effort to maximize profitability for the club.
9. The President of Mohawk Valley Community College, or designee, may waive any of these policies as he/she deems necessary.
10. These policies will not apply to fundraising done directly by student organizations.  These apply when a student group contracts an outside party to raise funds for them.
11. These policies will not apply to artists, authors or other entertainers who wish to sell their own material on the day of their performance at the College.
12. A sign will be conspicuously posted indicating what group is sponsoring the vendor.

Mohawk Valley Community College is designated as private property and the use of the roadways and parking areas are a privilege restricted to persons who have a direct relationship with the college.

All motor vehicles on campus property MUST be registered with the Department Of Public Safety, and properly display the official College decal. This requirement includes faculty, staff, and all currently enrolled students on either the Utica or Rome campus. To obtain a vehicle registration decal for the Utica Campus, you can click Vehicle Registration Form,  print and complete the form, then return it to the Department of Public Safety in the Academic Building room 109. Alternatively, you may visit the Department of Public Safety and obtain a printed copy there. For the Rome Campus, Student Services processes vehicle registration. You can print and complete the form, or stop by the Student Services Office to complete the vehicle registration process. You will need your MVCC student ID, a valid driver’s license, and vehicle registration to complete the form. The decal is to be affixed inside the rear driver side window

  • Students are not permitted to park in Staff or Faculty lots at any time unless authorized by proper signage. All traffic rules and regulations are enforced 12 months a year.


  • To receive a pass for all night parking, the driver of the vehicle must contact the Department of Public Safety (Utica (315) 731-5777 or Rome (315) 334-3559). The pass must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle. Unauthorized vehicles parked overnight will be issued a traffic citation.


  • Violation of parking in a handicapped parking space and parking or standing in a fire lane are serious offenses. Unauthorized vehicles found illegally parked in these areas will be issued a traffic citation and may be towed at the owner’s expense.


  • Traffic citations are issued as necessary. Fines are to be paid at the Payne Hall Business Office in person or by mail. Make Check or Money Order payable to Mohawk Valley Community College. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL DOUBLE THE FINE.


  • Violators have the right to appeal a citation. Appeal forms are available at the Department of Public Safety, Academic Building room 109 on the Utica Campus or in the Plumley Complex room 119 on the Rome Campus, and must be turned in within ten (10) days from the date of the violation.
 Employees are paid bi-weekly on Tuesday.
Direct Deposit Forms are available on the Human Resources website.
Payroll calendars
Employees may access their electronic pay stubs, leave balances and W-2 by logging into SIRS
Employees may change their W-4 (Federal) and  State Tax withholding
 All employees shall obtain an official College issued Photo Identification Card upon hire.  Cards may only be issued after the employee has been assigned an M# and PIN#.  Photo Identification Cards are required to access services throughout the College and may also be required to park in designated areas.

You may obtain a card at one of the following locations:

  • Utica Campus (Payne Hall 100) – Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m.– 7:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Rome Campus (Plumley Center, Room A30) – Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
 Members of the faculty, administrators and college officers may be appointed as delegates by the Board of Trustees or the President to represent the college on appropriate occasions, but no such delegate may commit the college to any doctrine, policy or action without first obtaining the approval of the Board, through the President.  The President and Treasurer are the only individuals authorized to execute contracts in behalf of the college.
 In compliance with the New York State Labor Law Section 206-c ( the following guidelines were developed to meet the requirements regarding the rights of Nursing Mothers to Express Breast Milk in the Work Place:  An employee who wishes to observe this right is expected to give her supervisor reasonable notice (preferably, the nursing mother provides notice prior to returning to work) so that a schedule can be arranged and an appropriate location identified.  The supervisor will work with Human Resources to identify a reasonable space to express milk.  Unpaid break or meal time, paid break time (including charging appropriate leave credits such as personal leave or vacation accruals), or flexible scheduling will be made available each day to permit nursing mothers to express breast milk for up to three years following the birth of a child.  The benefit is available to an employee during her basic work week, as well as during any overtime or additional hours worked.  Upon election of the employee, a break time may run concurrently with regularly scheduled paid breaks or meal periods.  The College will make a reasonable effort to provide a room or other location, in close proximity to the employee’s work area, where an employee can express milk in privacy.  The College is not responsible for insuring the safekeeping of expressed milk stored in any refrigerator on its premises. The employee is required to store all expressed milk in closed containers, and regardless of the method of storage, bring such milk home with her each evening.  This policy does not apply to breastfeeding in the workplace.  No employer shall discriminate in any way against employees who choose to express breast milk in the work place.
No member of the staff shall receive financial gain from direct dealing of students with regard to the sale, rental, or leasing of books, instruments, lecture notes or similar materials.  All such dealings with students shall be handled in the manner prescribed by the Vice President for Administrative Services.


The goal of MVCC’s use of social media is to foster an online community for various MVCC constituents, reflecting the mission, vision, and values of the institution. Although these sites are outside the direct control of the institution, MVCC maintains an interest in how it is portrayed by them. Social media should be used to enhance communications, providing value to the College’s target audiences.

This regulation does not apply to an individual’s private use of social media on private resources. Instead, this administrative regulation establishes standards for employees and students who create, administer or post to social media pages on behalf of MVCC and the use of public resources. They should be seen as supplementing, and not in lieu of, existing Board policies and regulations, official public stewardship responsibilities, technology resource standards, marketing and communications guidelines, and other applicable laws and administrative standards. It is important to remember and respect the privacy of others when using social media in the context of the educational setting. When posting photographs, videos, quotes or recorded statements of individuals on MVCC social media pages, forms that authorize MVCC may be required for their use; for instance, when interviewing or photographing an individual for a story that will be posted online.

Nothing contained in this regulation shall be construed as denying the civil and political liberties of any person as guaranteed by the United States Constitution, nor does it seek to impede upon the tenants of academic freedom that are extended to faculty.


Social media can be defined as media based on the use of web and mobile technologies that allow for user-generated exchanges of information. Social media are powerful communication tools, enabling collaboration and communication as an interactive dialogue, enhancing the value of conversations across a global audience. Social media includes, but is not limited to, social networking sites, collaborative projects such as wikis, blogs and micro-blogs, content communities, virtual game worlds, and virtual communities.

Institutional Social Media Guidelines and Procedures

Institutional Social Media includes various sites, pages, profiles, projects, and virtual communities that are created specifically on behalf of MVCC, and that exist to serve as official MVCC communications. Creation and use of social media sites on behalf of MVCC is for business use, such as for educational, research, service, operational, marketing, and management purposes. Likewise, data, voice, images, videos and links posted or transmitted via MVCC’s technology resources are limited to the same purposes.

Authorization to create and administer social media sites on behalf of MVCC must be coordinated through the Marketing and Communications Office. Before you start, send an email request with the following information to the Media Content Coordinator:

• The purpose of the profile. What are the goals of having a social media page or profile for your department or organization?
• Who will be responsible for updating the page? Keeping the page up-to-date may seem like a daunting task, but it is important to keep your followers engaged.
• A rough outline of what content you will post throughout the year. Having a basic plan for what you will post to your page for the next three months, six months and year will be helpful in making sure you have enough content to warrant a profile. Remember that information an always be posted via the College’s main channels, just email your posts to the Media Content Coordinator.
If having a social media profile makes sense for your department or office, Marketing will work with you to create a page that is branded consistently with MVCC’s social community.

• Remember the mission of MVCC: Any official MVCC social media profile must provide a link to the official MVCC website. You don’t have to link to the homepage. For example, CCED may link to the CCED subpage on the site. Links can be placed on the Info section of the page profile.
• Disclaimer: Every social media site must make an effort to display or link to the following disclaimer (or some version of it) in a conspicuous manner: The statements, comments, or opinions expressed by users through use of MVCC’s social media platforms are those of their respective authors, who are solely responsible for them, and do not necessarily represent the views of MVCC.
• MVCC identity: Use of any MVCC logos, marks or likeness on personal social media sites is forbidden. Social media sites established for conducting MVCC business must adhere to established brand identity standards.
• Add a Marketing Admin: The Marketing & Communications Office should be given access to all MVCC social media accounts to ensure backup in case of absence or employee turnover.
• Keep it real: Make sure to communicate in an authentic voice. Talk to your followers like you would talk to real people in real life. Avoid language that is too formal or technical.
• Post smart: As a representative of MVCC, you have more responsibility than the average user about what you post on social networks. Realize that there are real-world consequences for things that you communicate online, just as there are real-world consequences for how you conduct yourself on the job. Also, familiarize yourself with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For information on this, email Kate Barefoot at
• Post frequently: If your page isn’t active, followers won’t have a reason to return. Pages should be updated at least once per month. Some pages will be updated more often, perhaps several times a day. If your page doesn’t have enough content to post at least one update a month, consider posting to the main MVCC profile instead of having a separate one. Inactive sites will not be supported by the College and will be deactivated.
• Exercise good judgment: You are communicating with many people who all have varied opinions. Think twice about everything you post.
• Consider accessibility: Remember that not all students have the same abilities. Facebook has an Accessibility and Assistive Technology page that outlines its resources. If you have specific questions about your page and accessibility, email Tamara Mariotti in Disabilities Services at
• Respect copyrights: Always give people proper credit for their work, and make sure you have the right to use something before you share it. Never post copyrighted photos, music, text or video content without permission of the copyright owner.
• Consider College policies: Refer to the Board of Trustees policies, Information Technology Policy, Student Handbook Code of Conduct, and on the Office of Human Resources for policies that cover social media usage.
• Respect privacy: Social media sites have varying levels of privacy settings and terms of agreement. Agents posting on behalf of MVCC must be aware of the social media site’s privacy policy, terms of use and community guidelines. Be aware that no social media privacy option completely protects information being shared beyond desired boundaries.

Guidelines for Employees

Employees should remember that students and the community might judge them and MVCC by their posts. Employees should be honest and transparent about their identity and role at MVCC. Maintain accuracy by verifying facts before posting information via social media. Exercise restraint and show respect for the opinions of others. Do not use MVCC-related social media to promote services, products or organizations that are unrelated to MVCC or its business. Use good judgment in connecting with others via social media sites.

Employees will keep their personal social media sites separate from MVCC social media. In personal posts, employees may identify themselves as an MVCC faculty or staff member. MVCC telephone numbers, email addresses, and images are not to be posted by employees on personal social media sites. Employees need to be clear that they are sharing their views as a member of the higher education community, not as a formal representative of MVCC or its member institutions.

Guidelines for Students

Students are not restricted from using social media. However, they must understand that any content made public via MVCC social media sites is expected to follow acceptable social behaviors and comply with the law, Student Handbook, the Student Code of Conduct and Commitment to Civility, Information Technology Policy, and other MVCC policies and procedures.

A student who feels that he/she has been treated unfairly or unjustly by a fellow student or faculty member (full-time or part-time) with regard to communications conducted via MVCC social media sites should contact the Office of Civic Responsibilities.

Inappropriate Content

The malicious use of MVCC social media, including derogatory language about any member of the MVCC community; threats to any third party; incriminating photos or statements depicting hazing, sexual harassment, vandalism, stalking, underage drinking, illegal drug use, or any other inappropriate behavior, will be subject to disciplinary action.

Employees should be advised against perpetuating negative media from official MVCC social media sites or damaging the MVCC brands in any way. This type of negative social media engagement from official MVCC sites can result in a loss of privileges to use social media in any official capacity.

The following list includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate content posting to social media sites:

• Conducting MVCC business using social media sites that are not authorized as an official means of communication per marketing standards and processes.
• Posting confidential or propriety information about MVCC students, alumni and employees that is in violation of MVCC policies or FERPA.
• Violating any provision of MVCC’s Information Technology Policy.
• Violating any provision of the Student Code of Conduct and Commitment to Civility.
• Posting comments to MVCC-authorized social media sites that are not directly related to MVCC business or accomplishing work-related goals.
• Posting any text, images or links to content that violate copyright law.
• Violating MVCC’s Harassment Policy.
• SPAM comments. All platforms that enable comments should be reviewed regularly for SPAM, removing SPAM comments as quickly as possible.
• Violating the terms of use, conditions or community guidelines as defined by each social media platform.


Complaints or allegations of a violation of these standards will be processed through MVCC’s articulated grievance procedures, Student Code of Conduct and Commitment to Civility or resolution of controversy.

Upon determination of a violation of these standards, MVCC may unilaterally delete any violating content, and terminate the user's access. It is the user's responsibility to demonstrate and/or establish the relevance of content in the event that a content complaint is made official.

On-campus solicitation for the benefit of an employee, non-employee or for an outside  organization shall be made only with the consent of the appropriate administrator to be identified by the President. 

Travel expenses that are related to College business will be reimbursed according to the following guidelines.

I. Local Travel
Mileage between campuses and local work or meeting sites will be reimbursed for teaching or other job-related duties without prior approval.  This includes internship sites, business calls, and meetings within the County or a 30-mile range of either campus. This also includes recruitment activities regardless of distance or length of stay. 

Employees who have professional obligations at more than one site on the same day and who use their own motor vehicles for transportation shall be reimbursed at the IRS mileage rate for travel between work sites.  Employees who are assigned to fulfill their professional obligation at off-campus sites located ten miles in excess of the distance normally traveled to their primary worksites and who use their own vehicles for transportation will be reimbursed at the current Internal Revenue mileage rate for travel for the excess distance.

No meals will be reimbursed for same-day visits.

Travel to campus social events and community service meetings/events is not reimbursable.

A Travel Voucher and, as necessary, a Travel Register, is used to claim reimbursement for local mileage and expenses.  These forms can be obtained at ( 

II. Long-distance Travel
Long-distance travel is defined as travel that is for job-related duties or professional development and is:
• Beyond a 30-mile radius of the employee’s primary worksite, or
• Outside of the County, or
• For meetings/conferences for which there are fees, and/or
• For overnight stays

For such travel, all documented incurred expenses will be reimbursed with prior approval, contingent upon the following regulations.  For the purposes of travel reimbursement, members of the MVCC Board of Trustees are considered employees of the College.  All procedures, except those outlined in A, must be adhered to by Trustees to obtain reimbursement.

A. A completed Request for Travel Authorization form ( must be submitted to the Business Office prior to departure.  It is the responsibility of the employee to ascertain that it has been received.  The authorization must include the employee’s and another authorizing signature (generally, the employee’s supervisor, at Director level or above).  Depending upon the total cost of the travel, a second signature, at the next higher level, is required (supervisors are apprised of their signing limits).  The President’s approval is required for his direct reports, regardless of the amount of the travel.

B. A Purchase Requisition ( may be utilized to pre-pay such items as registration fees, airline tickets and hotel registrations.  A full description, including the attendee’s name, and the name, date and location of the conference must be stated on the form; copies of the Authorization and registration form or airline/hotel documentation must be attached.  Indicate “prepayment required” on the form.  Such requests must be submitted to the Business Office four weeks prior to the due date for the prepayment.  The Business Office will mail the check with the original registration form unless other arrangements are made.    

C. Travel advances may be obtained through the Auxiliary Services Corporation; the Application for Travel Advance is available at (  Repayment must be made within 15 days of return to campus.

D. The method of travel should represent the greatest economic benefit to the College in terms of time and expense.  It is expected that reasonably priced airfare, lodging and meals will be selected.  Travelers will be requested to justify charges that appear to be excessive.  All reservations for air, hotel, and conference fees, and any changes or cancellations, should be made as early as possible to avoid unnecessary costs.  The supervisor and the Business Office must be notified of any changes.

E. Mileage reimbursement will be paid on the same basis as for local travel.

F. The following types of expenses are not reimbursable by the College: personal telephone calls, valet service, laundry, dry cleaning, personal services, parking and traffic tickets, movie rental, alcoholic beverages, room service, added costs because of guests in company of employees, and any expenses incurred by extending official travel into personal week-ends or vacations.  Lodging is reimbursed for single occupancy.  The employee is required to pay all costs for the guest(s), including transportation, lodging, meals and registration.  Submitted telephone charge receipts must be accompanied by an explanation of to whom the calls were placed, and the purpose of the call.

G. Meal reimbursement during travel will be made according to the following guidelines:

    (View meal reimbursement table)

H. There is no reimbursement for New York State tax.  Tax exempt forms are available in the Business Office.

I. Travel expenses are reimbursed upon submission of actual costs for applicable transportation, lodging, meals, registration fees, and other expenses, via a Reimbursement Voucher (  The Voucher must include the travel destination, purpose of the trip including statement of “Benefit to the College,” and departure and return times and dates.  It must be signed by the employee and the appropriate supervisor, and a copy of the approved Request for Travel Authorization must be attached.  Original itemized receipts are required.  The only exception is the cost of meals; meals will be paid at the per diem rate when no receipts are supplied: $5.00 for breakfast, $10.00 for lunch and $15.00 for dinner. 

J. Reimbursement Vouchers, with all receipts, must be submitted to the Business Office within thirty days of the travel.  Travel that occurs near the end of the fiscal year must be submitted by August 15th of the current year. 

K. It is the responsibility of the employee to follow these guidelines, and of the supervisor to review the voucher and supporting receipts prior to signing approval.

L. For international travel:
i. Immunizations required by the country being visited will be paid by the College in excess of the amount covered by the employee’s insurance.  The “explanation of benefits” from the insurance company must be submitted to show the amount to be paid by the College.
ii. Passport issuance fees will not be reimbursed.
iii. Entrance visas and departure/exit fees required by some countries are reimbursable, as well as reasonable bills for visa application photographs. 
iv. In cultures where it is appropriate to bring gifts, the College will pay for such gifts, if discussed with and pre-approved by the appropriate Cabinet member in advance.
v. Foreign exchange rates must be documented by exchange receipts.  Use of major credit cards is encouraged for reporting purposes and fairness of exchange rates.

Travel Requests
Travel expenses that are related to College business will be reimbursed according to the following guidelines:
I. Local Travel: Mileage between campuses and local work or meeting sites will be reimbursed for teaching or other job-related duties without prior approval.  This includes internship sites, business calls, and meetings within the County or a 30-mile range of either campus. This also includes recruitment activities regardless of distance or length of stay. 
Employees who have professional obligations at more than one site on the same day and who use their own motor vehicles for transportation shall be reimbursed at the IRS mileage rate for travel between work sites.  Employees who are assigned to fulfill their professional obligation at off-campus sites located ten miles in excess of the distance normally traveled to their primary worksites and who use their own vehicles for transportation will be reimbursed at the current Internal Revenue mileage rate for travel for the excess distance.
No meals will be reimbursed for same-day visits.
Travel to campus social events and community service meetings/events are not reimbursable.

A Travel Voucher and, as necessary, a Travel Register, is used to claim reimbursement for local mileage and expenses.  These forms can be obtained at the Business Office located in Payne Hall, Room 108 on the Utica Campus or Plumley Complex, Room A30 in Rome.
II. Long-distance Travel: Long-distance travel is defined as travel that is for job-related duties or professional development and is:
• Beyond a 30-mile radius of the employee’s primary worksite, or
• Outside of the County, or
• For meetings/conferences for which there are fees, and/or
• For overnight stays
For such travel, all documented incurred expenses will be reimbursed with prior approval, contingent upon the following regulations.  For the purposes of travel reimbursement, members of the MVCC Board of Trustees are considered employees of the College.  All procedures, except those outlined in A, must be adhered to by Trustees to obtain reimbursement.

Visitors are welcome on campus and are expected to abide by the same rules that apply to employees, students, and community members

The College maintains an open door policy and suggests that employees share their questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints with someone who can address them properly.  In most cases, an employee’s supervisor is in the best position to address an area of concern.  However, if an employee is not comfortable speaking with his or her supervisor about a possible violation, or is not satisfied with the supervisor’s response, or if the person is not an employee, such person is encouraged to speak with the Director of Human Resources or any administrator with whom the person feels comfortable discussing the issue.  Supervisors and managers are required to report suspected violations to the College’s Director of Human Resources, who has specific and exclusive responsibility to investigate all reported violations.  For suspected fraud, or when the forthcoming employee is not satisfied or is uncomfortable with the open door policy, the Director of Human Resources should be contacted directly.

The Director of Human Resources is responsible for investigating and resolving all reported complaints and allegations concerning violations and, at the Director’s discretion, shall advise the President and, as appropriate, the Board of Trustees Audit and  Finance Committee.  The Director of Human Resources has direct access to the Audit and Finance Committee and is required to report to this Committee at least annually on compliance activity.  If the forthcoming employee is not comfortable speaking with the Director of Human Resources or, if the Director is not available, the employee may contact the President or Vice President of Administrative Services.  In unusual circumstances, the forthcoming employee may contact the Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee.

The Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees shall address all reported concerns or complaints regarding College accounting practices, internal controls or auditing.  The Director of Human Resources shall immediately notify the Committee of any such complaint and work with the committee until the matter is resolved.

No officer or employee who in good faith reports a violation shall suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment consequence because of such filing.  An employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.  This Whistleblower Policy and procedure are intended to encourage and enable employees and others to raise serious concerns within the College rather than seeking resolution outside the College.

Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation must act in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation.  Any allegations that prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious offense and may result in disciplinary action.

Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant or may be submitted anonymously.  Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.

The Director of Human Resources will notify the sender and acknowledge receipt of the reported violation or suspected violation within five business days.  All reports will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation.

Incidents of workplace violence or threats of workplace violence are not to be ignored by any member of the College.  Workplace violence or threats of workplace violence must be promptly reported to the appropriate College official:
1. Any person subjected to, or witnessing, an act of violence should immediately contact Mohawk Valley Community College Public Safety Department (MVCC PSD) at 5777.   (MVCC PSD calls 911 as necessary.)
2. Any person subjected to, or witnessing a threat involving violence in the workplace should immediately contact the MVCC PSD at 5777.
3. Any person suspecting a violation of the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy should report the suspicion to his or her supervisor or contact the MVCC PSD at 5777.

1.  College
A. MVCC will disseminate to all employees a statement regarding all acts of violence, including domestic violence.  This statement will be posted in prominent locations accessible to College community members.
B. The College will provide information to all employees about services available through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) including those designed to help employees deal with any issues related to workplace or family violence.
C. The College will regularly review the workplace environment and minimize, wherever possible, environmental factors which may expose our employees or other members of the College community to violent acts.
D. Employees with questions or complaints about workplace behaviors which fall under the policy may discuss them with their supervisor, a member of management, or with a representative from Human Resources.  Concerns will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.  This may include disciplinary action for an employee, in accordance with respective bargaining agreements.
E. The College will provide Workplace Violence Prevention training to all employees at the time of hire.  Training will be offered annually thereafter.
F. The College will develop a written Workplace Violence Prevention program, which will be accessible to all employees, upon request.  The Workplace Violence Prevention Program will be maintained in the Office of Human Resources and the MVCC PSD.
G. MVCC will provide counseling services or referrals for employees, as appropriate.

2. Employees
A. All employees are responsible for helping to maintain a safe work and educational environment and are urged to take reasonable precautions to prevent violence and other unsafe conditions in the workplace and report indications of increased risk of violent behavior.
B. Employees are required to notify the MVCC PSD whenever an Order of Protection is granted which mentions College property or involves a College employee or other person working at the College.  A copy of the Order shall be provided to the MVCC PSD.  Appropriate efforts will be made to protect the privacy and sensitivity of the information provided.  Employees must also notify their supervisor.

C. Those who are experiencing domestic violence and believe that the violence may extend into the workplace, or employees who believe that domestic or other personal matters may result in violence extending into the workplace, are encouraged to notify their supervisor, and the MVCC PSD.  Confidentiality will be maintained to every extent possible.

D. All employees have an obligation to report any incidents of violence or threats of workplace violence to their supervisor and the MVCC PSD immediately.  If an employee believes that imminent danger exists, they must contact the MVCC PSD immediately at 5777.

E. Any employee or representative of employees who believes that a violation of a Workplace Violence Protection Policy exists shall bring such matter to the attention of a supervisor.  The supervisor will obtain, or assist employee with preparing, a written statement. If, following a written notice, the matter has not been resolved and the employee or representative still believes that a violation of a Workplace Violence Prevention Policy remains, or that an imminent danger exists, the employee or representative should contact one of the following:
1. MVCC PSD (if imminent danger exists) 5777
2. Director or Dean of the area in which the employee reports
3. Vice President of the Division

3.  Supervisors
A. Each dean, director, department chairperson, executive officer, administrator, or other person with supervisory responsibility (hereinafter “supervisor”) is responsible within his/her area of jurisdiction for the implementation of this policy.
B. Supervisors are required to contact the MVCC PSD immediately in the event of imminent or actual violence.
C. Supervisors are expected to:
1. Report to the MVCC PSD any complaint of workplace violence made to him/her or any other incidents of workplace violence of which he/she becomes aware or reasonably believes to exist.
2. Inform their immediate supervisor promptly about any complaints, acts, or threats of violence even if the situation has been addressed and resolved.  After having reported such complaint or incident to the MVCC PSD and immediate supervisor, the supervisor should keep the information confidential and disclose it only as necessary during the investigation process and/or subsequent proceedings.
3. Report any knowledge of workplace violence to Human Resources Office or MVCC PSD immediately.  Failure of a supervisor to initiate appropriate action may result in administrative action.

4.   Mohawk Valley Community College Public Safety Department
A. The MVCC PSD is responsible for
1. Responding to,
2. Intervening in, and
3. Documenting incidents of violence in the workplace
B. The MVCC PSD will immediately log all incidents of workplace violence and will notify the respective supervisor of an incident with his/her employee(s).
C. The MVCC PSD will maintain an internal tracking system of all threats and incidents of violence.  Annual reports will be submitted to the President or designee which specify the number, description and disposition of workplace violence incidents, and which recommend policy, training issues, or security procedures that should be implemented to maintain a safe working and learning environment.
D. Security Staff will be trained in workplace violence awareness and prevention, non-violent crisis intervention, conflict management, and dispute resolution.
E. The MVCC PSD will maintain a record of all received Orders of Protection.

5.   Office of Human Resources
A. The Office of Human Resources is responsible for:
1. Assisting the Director of Public Safety and supervisors in responding to workplace violence,
2. Facilitating appropriate responses to reported incidents of workplace violence,
3. Notifying the MVCC PSD of workplace violence incidents reported to HR, and
4. Consulting with counseling services as necessary to secure professional intervention.
B. The Office of Human Resources is responsible for providing new MVCC employees with a copy of the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy, Procedure and documented written program, and insuring that employees receive appropriate training pursuant to NYS Labor Law 27b.
C. The Office of Human Resources will also be responsible for annually disseminating the policy and procedure to all employees, as well as posting the policy throughout the campus and on the College’s website, as appropriate.  Every employee must sign for receipt of the policy and procedure upon publication or at orientation.  Signed receipt will be placed in each employee’s personnel file.

Education and Prevention
In compliance with NYS Labor Law 27b, and in keeping with the College’s interest in making MVCC a safe living, working, and learning environment, the College will provide training to each new member of the organization as part of the orientation process.  Employee training will include a comprehensive review of the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy, details about the written Workplace Violence Prevention Procedures, and information about methods to protect themselves from potential risks.  Every employee must sign for receipt of the policy and procedure upon publication or at orientation.  The signed receipt will be placed in each employee’s personnel file.

No Retaliation Clause
Retaliation against anyone acting in good faith who has made a complaint of workplace violence, who has reported witnessing workplace violence, or who has been involved in reporting, investigating, or responding to workplace violence, is a violation of the policy and will not be tolerated.  MVCC will take appropriate formal disciplinary action, which can include penalties up to, and including, termination of employment in accordance with existing collective bargaining unit agreements for those found responsible for retaliatory action.

Employee Assistance Program
Every employee has the right to seek assistance through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to deal with any issues of violence, wherever they happen, including outside of the workplace.  The College’s EAP offers a professional and confidential source of help for people who need assistance with personal problems or concerns.  This service is available to employees and to their families.  The program recognizes that employees are people first, and are subject to stress and pressures that affect their ability to be effective at work. Contact Human Resources for the number for the College’s EAP provider MVCA.  Brochures are available in the Human Resources office and at new employee orientation.                           .

In addition to EAP, NYS Balance is available to employees who need assistance to cope with stressful situations.  Employees are encouraged to contact NYS Balance at 1-800-320-4760 or to seek professional counseling services for assistance.  NYS Balance can also be accessed at   Employees are also encouraged to utilize nonviolent conflict resolution through such organizations as the Peacemaker Program.

The College shall maintain the confidentiality of workplace violence to the extent possible.  The College will act on the basis of anonymous complaints where it has a reasonable basis to believe that there has been a violation of the policy and that the safety and well-being of members of the College community would be served by such action.