Information Technology

Location: AB 155  -  Phone: (315) 731-5711

  • Vincent Pellizzi, Manager of IT Administration Computer Services
  • AJ Stepanick, Database Administrator
  • Jeff Kimball, Programmer/Analyst
  • Oleg Donchuk, Programmer/Analyst
  • Sakibul Noyon, Programmer 

Summary of Services

  • Banner desktop applications (Student, Finance, FinAid, HR/Payroll, Alumni)
  • Ellucian GO
  • ORACLE database administration
  • SUNY-Information Technology Exchange Center liaison “ITEC”
  • SUNY-Student Information and Campus Administrative System Center liaison “SICAS”
  • DegreeWorks advisement system – SUNY Federation
  • Faculty load and compensation "FLAC"
  • Student web self-service
  • Faculty web self-service
  • Employee web self-service
  • Finance web self-service
  • Nelnet/Student E-Commerce, billing, payment, and payment plans
  • Argos/end-user reporting
  • Onbase imaging and workflow systems
  • Custom web based administrative systems
  • Employee directory services
  • Student judicial tracking systems
  • College ID card services
  • Diversity and Global View – student requirements tracking and reporting
  • Cbord
  • Maxient
  • Gecko
  • Time Clock Plus
  • Cornerstone