The purpose of these workshops is to bring the entire college community together in a fun, relaxed and informal manner in order to share information and reaffirm our collective commitment to an idea, value or topic of importance to us all.  From “student success” to “campus safety” to “wellbeing,” we know we can't do it alone!  All of us are inextricably connected to each other within this community.

Additionally, the content and activities of these two hour experiences are intended to help us learn more about each other, and gain a greater appreciation for who we are individually and what we do each and every day.  By spending this meaningful time with colleagues we may not see every day, we hope to inspire new connections that can help us continue to co-create an increasingly positive and affirming community at MVCC.

The purpose of this fun workshop is to bring us together, and remind us about the significance of our mission of student success here at MVCC - and just as importantly, to highlight the fact that each of us plays an important role in making that success happen.  We can't do it alone - all of our jobs are inherently connected, with everyone playing some part in helping our students to succeed.  In addition, the content and activities of this two hour experience are intended to help us learn more about each other, and gain a greater appreciation for what each of us does at the college every day. With a broader understanding of our mission, and the different elements contributing to student success, we can connect what we do in our jobs even more directly to the impact we can have on individual students.  Finally, by spending this meaningful time with colleagues we may not see every day, we can make new connections that can help us with how we do our jobs every day - right here at MVCC.

Student Success Core Workshop Powerpoint

The purpose of this workshop is to bring us together in a fun, relaxed and informal manner in order to reaffirm the significance of our commitment to campus safety here at MVCC - and just as importantly, to highlight the fact that each of us plays an important role in making that safe environment happen.  We can't do it alone - all of us are inherently connected within this community, with everyone playing some part in nurturing our collective security.  In addition, the content and activities of this two hour experience are intended to help us learn more about each other, and gain a greater appreciation for what each of us does at the college every day. With a complete understanding of our mission, it will be made clear that safety is an utterly essential element contributing to our institutional and personal well-being that requires our cooperative attention and focus.  Finally, by spending this meaningful time with colleagues we may not see every day, we can make new connections that can help us co-create a more positive and secure community right here at MVCC.

Campus Safety Core Workshop Powerpoint

The purpose of this workshop is to bring us together in a fun, relaxed and informal manner in order to reaffirm our collective commitment to wellbeing here at MVCC.  We hope to share research based information from the Gallup organization that can help us make wise individual choices that foster our personal wellbeing; as the cliché goes, “knowledge is power.” 
We also know we can't do it alone, and all of us are inherently connected to each other within this community.  Thus, we hope to glean feedback from you that helps the college to more closely align its day to day practices, processes and culture in a manner that favorably encourages our collective wellbeing.   

In addition, the content and activities of this two hour experience are intended to help us learn more about each other, and gain a greater appreciation for who each of us is, and what each of us does at the college every day.  By spending this meaningful time with colleagues we may not see every day, we hope to inspire new connections that can help us co-create a more positive and affirming community at MVCC that empowers us to wellbeing.

Wellbeing Core Workshop Powerpoint

Starting November 2015 and continuing through February 2016, the College will be providing mandatory training for all full-time employees regarding workplace violence prevention, discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment (Title IX).  One or more of the components of this training are required by law, therefore attendance at this training will be monitored to ensure each employee attends.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring us together in a fun, relaxed and informal manner in order to reaffirm our collective commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion here at MVCC.  We will share information to help us honor and live out our fundamental values as this community’s college, in relation to creating a welcoming, affirming and empowering culture for everyone who works here, studies here, or visits here.  

We know that none of us can do this alone, and that all of us are inherently connected to each other within this community.  Through this work, we aim to glean feedback on our proposed diversity plan from all of you in hopes of improving our efforts further. Our goal is to more closely align our day-to-day practices, processes and culture in a manner that encourages greater diversity, equity, and inclusiveness.   

In addition, the content and activities of this two hour experience are intended to help us learn more about each other, and gain a greater appreciation for who each of us is, and what each of us does at the college every day.  By spending this meaningful time with colleagues we may not see every day, we hope to inspire new connections that can help us continue to co-create an increasingly positive and affirming community at MVCC that empowers us all to be our best selves.

This workshop is designed for us to have fun together while we make sure that everyone is familiar with the Middle States standards. We will learn about the college’s report to Middle States on our strengths and the areas in which we can improve, and we will learn what to expect when the Middle States accreditation team comes to visit. 

In addition, the content and activities of this 55 minute long experience are intended to help us learn more about each other. By spending time with colleagues we may not see every day, we hope to encourage new connections that can help us continue to co-create an increasingly positive and affirming community at MVCC that empowers us all to be at our best. 

Members of the Utica Police Department will be giving a presentation on the Run, Hide, Fight philospohy to increase the survivability in the event an active shooter is in your area.  Other applicable topics will be discussed during the presentation and there will be time for a Question and Answer session

In this participatory workshop, you will examine how personal backgrounds and society at large create differences in how you see and react to people, even in ways that you are not conscious of, and consider how to use this knowledge to improve interactions on campus.

In this participatory workshop, you will examine the key elements of difficult conversations and the importance of having them. At the conclusion of the session, individuals will have a common set of tools for how to enegage in difficult conversations with various individuals in their professional and personal lives. Please Note - this is two-hour expected workshop.

This year’s Core Workshop topic is bandwidth recovery and was designed with the assistance of Cia Verschelden, author of the book Bandwidth Recovery: Helping Students Reclaim Cognitive Resources Lost to Poverty, Racism, and Social Marginalization.  Participants will explore the concept of bandwidth and how various uncertainties affect the cognitive abilities and capacity of our students and ourselves.  Practical mitigation interventions that can help students and colleagues regain bandwidth will be discussed, along with simple ways to introduce these concepts into the classroom, your personal life and work environments.

During this one-hour workshop, participants will explore the personal impacts of giving back to one’s community and benefits to the organizations served.  As the community’s college, this workshop will provide the basic framework for our first annual MVCC day of service that is planned for the spring semester.