The mission of the Student Veterans Association (SVA) is to institutionalize programs and policies that support student veterans on the Utica and Rome campuses of MVCC, as well as any other satellite or distance-learning programs in which student veterans participate.
Other SVA goals include:
- to support veterans and their family members in the transition from military to civilian life.
- to provide a support network that will help ensure academic success of all student veterans.
- to help student veterans become active participants in the social life of the college and the community.
to raise awareness of veterans' issues throughout the college community.
For more information please contact: vets@mvcc.edu
In 2014, the Student Veterans Association (SVA) of MVCC became a recognized chapter of the Student Veterans of America. Here is more information about their mission, vision, and history, which align perfectly with the goals of our association:
To provide military veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation.
All veterans will succeed in higher education, achieve their academic goals, and gain meaningful employment.
About SVA
Today's veterans face numerous obstacles in their path of attaining a college degree. These challenges range from a missing sense of camaraderie to feeling like an outsider amongst 18 year old traditional students, to a lack of understanding by College faculty. When coupled with the visible and invisible wounds of war, a college degree can be an elusive goal for men and women returning from military service. Student Veterans of America (SVA) makes that goal a reality.
SVA is a 501(c)(3) coalition of student veterans groups on college campuses across the globe. These member chapters are the "boots on the ground” that help veterans reintegrate into campus life and succeed academically. Each chapter must be an officially recognized student group by their university or college and provide a peer-to-peer network for veterans who are attending the school. Additionally, chapters often coordinate campus activities, provide pre-professional networking, and generally provide a touchstone for student veterans in higher education.