Listen to our podcast with FuzeHub on some of your apprenticeship questions!

SUNY Apprenticeship Program FAQ

If you have any questions regarding apprenticeships, feel free to contact the NYDOL or the contact information provided on this page.

As a registered apprentice

  • You are part of the employer's workforce
  • You must meet the employer's minimum qualifications for employment. Each employer has different minimum qualifications. Most require:
    • A high school diploma
    • The equivalent of a high school diploma

Some employers require

  • Specific high school courses
  • Prior experience
  • Occupationally-related courses

Each apprenticeable occupation has a standard training outline. This assures that apprentices across the state have the same set of skills.  The length of time it takes you to learn the skills of the occupation will depend upon the standard training outline and how fast you learn.

Each trade has a definite term of training listed in years. As a registered apprentice, you may progress according to that training term. Or, you may become skilled more quickly or more slowly than the training term. You may even start your apprenticeship with credit toward your goal. This is because your employer may choose to award you credit for prior work experience or coursework in the occupation.

You work under the guidance of experienced craft workers called journeyworkers. From them, you learn the skills of the trade. As you master each skill, you become a more productive employee.

At the same time you are working, you are also required to attend classroom related instruction. This is usually in the evenings. The place and time of instruction is set up by the employer and the local educational provider(s). It may be at one or more of these locations:

  • A trade school
  • Community college

Your progress is tracked by

  • You
  • Your employer
  • Your educational provider

At the successful completion of each registered apprenticeship, the Department of Labor awards the apprentice with a "Certificate of Completion." This is a nationally-recognized credential.

A new trend in apprenticeship is for the apprentice to earn an educational degree. This builds on the current required classroom instruction. Some sponsors do this by combining the standard on-the-job skill part of apprenticeship with expanded classroom instruction in a particular field. This classroom training is offered at the community college level. As a result, the registered apprentice will then earn both:

  • A Certificate of Completion from the New York State Department of Labor
  • An Associate Degree from a community college

Apprenticeship training is usually offered by the employer at no cost to the apprentice. There may be some rare instances where the apprentice is asked to pay for the total cost of the related instruction. In other cases, the employer may pay for the related instruction but specify that if you leave the program before completion, you must pay back those costs. As a rule, there are no costs to you. 

Opportunities exist when and where registered sponsors want to increase the number of people in their training program.

This program connects veterans to careers in construction and building. We are excited about the potential of this program to expand career opportunities in the skilled trades for all qualified veterans.

Who can participate in Helmets to Hardhats?

Veterans that have received Honorable Discharge from U.S. military service,

To get started:

  • Register for Helmets to Hardhats
  • Review the current apprenticeship openings
  • Follow the procedures for applying to those positions
  • Or, call (866) 741-6210 for assistance

If you are interested in becoming an apprentice you may:

  • Contact your Local Apprenticeship Office
  • Search NY's Job Bank. We list all apprenticeship openings in the Job Bank
  • Respond to a press release. Large sponsors that hold a public recruitment will announce this in a press release
  • Contact an organization in your area that trains through apprenticeship
  • Find an employer in your occupational field who might be interested in training through apprenticeship

Only apprenticeship programs officially registered with the New York State Department of Labor are recognized nationally. Only these programs can offer a Certificate of Completion to the apprentice at the conclusion of the approved training.

NYS Division of Equal Opportunity Development Apprenticeship Information - Know your equal opportunity rights when applying for an apprenticeship