Who can participate in the SUNY Apprenticeship Program?

Any SUNY community college is able to receive funds from this grant. Please review the funding guidelines, then complete and submit the following application.

Process on how SUNY colleges receive reimbursement funds from Apprenticeship Programs at SUNY.

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Use the map as a guide with the video.
  3. Use the color-coded Related Instruction matrix with the video and map.

1A: Employer contacts New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) to start a Registered Apprenticeship Program.

1B: Employer completes NYSDOL paperwork and sponsors a trade(s). Employer also chooses Related Instruction (RI) provider.

1C: NYSDOL approves company for requested trade(s).

1D: Employer collaborates with SUNY college about RI courses AND provides all necessary information for the college to submit an application to the SUNY Apprenticeship Program (SAP) team. 

2A: Participating college requests the following forms from employer:

  1. "Employer apprenticeship agreement" form. 
  2. "Information Release" FERPA form. 

2B: Employer sends both signed forms back to college.

3A: Participating college submits application to SAP team including "Information Release" and "Employer apprenticeship agreement" forms. 

  1. Application form

3B: SAP team approves application AND sends agreement and letter of approval back to the awarded college.

3C: Awarded college sends signed agreement back to SAP team.

4A: The awarded college, with the approval of the employer, registers students in RI courses.

4B: Once the apprentice has started or is close to starting RI, the awarded college submits an "Intake" form to SAP team.

  1. Intake form: Complete the appropriate intake form based on the industry sector and whether the individual is a registered apprentice or a pre-apprentice. Visit https://www.suny.edu/apprenticeship/colleges/ for all other forms from other sectors.

4C: Once training is complete, the awarded college submits "Invoice" form and "Apprentice Training Details" form to the SAP team including all backup documents.

  1. Invoice form  
  2. Training Details form

4D: SAP team sends payment to the awarded college for invoice submitted.

Illustration of the Apprenticeship Application Steps

SUNY Funding Guidelines | Apprenticeship Application

What can your college apply for?

Funding Amounts

1) Industry Roundtables: Up to $2,000 per roundtable
2) Pre-Apprenticeship Program (per person): Up to $500 per pre-apprentice
3) Related Instruction (RI): Up to $5,000 per apprentice
4) Curriculum Development: Please contact the MVCC apprenticeship team
5)  Hybrid and competency-based assessment tool development: Please contact the MVCC apprenticeship team
6) Hybrid and competency-based assessment tool administration Please contact the MVCC apprenticeship team
7) Project Management (all projects are eligible): Up to 10% of the amount invoiced