Teaching Practice Bank

Increase your knowledge and strengthen student learning with our bank of research-supported teaching practices.

Total topics: 23
Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the Classroom

Active Learning

Flipping the classroom is a teaching technique where instruction and course materials are introduced outside of class, and in-class time is used for assessment, inquiry, and applying knowledge.

Flipped, pedagogy, higher order thinking, activity

One minute paper

One minute paper

Active Learning; Assessment

Short writing activities during class is a powerful way to assess student learning.

periodic free recall, writing, activity, metacognition



Active Learning; Assessment

Journaling as coursework is a less formal, more private than discussions, and reflective form of assessing learning through writing.

journaling, writing, activity

Exit tickets

Exit tickets

Active Learning; Assessment

Exit tickets are a quick means of surveying student comprehension and promoting the synthesis of class content.

formative assessment, exit ticket, metacognition, activity

Tech Tools for Interactive Slideshows

Tech Tools for Interactive Slideshows

Active Learning; Assessment, Ed Tech

There are several software add-ons available to make lecture slideshows interactive to promote student engagement.

formative assessment, ed tech, interactive activity, quiz, polling

Just-In-Time Teaching

Just-In-Time Teaching

Assessment, Student Motivation

The instructor changes or improvises lectures or activities to adjust to student confusion revealed by students' responses to a quiz or poll.

metacognition, formative assessment

Physical Location

Academic Building 249