Universal Design for Learning Syllabi

Part of MVCC's 2020 Strategic Plan is to advance diversity and inclusiveness. Instructors can help support this goal by incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles into their class planning. UDL is a framework of guidelines to optimize teaching and learning. The syllabus is a great place to set the class climate and demonstrate commitment to accessibility, equity, engagement, and student learning.

All instructors in the SUNY system are expected to include the following items in course syllabi:

  • College name
  • Semester & year
  • Instructor information: name, title, email, phone, office hour information
  • Course name/date/time/room #
  • Course description
  • Course objectives
  • Prerequisites
  • Credits allocated
  • Outside work & hours - Represents additional student preparation hours in which students complete homework or other preparatory activities (for each lecture hour in class - 2 hours of outside work, for each lab hour - 1 hour outside work)
  • Delivery mode: Residential, blended, or full distance education
  • Assignments/quizzes/readings
  • Method of evaluation - What percentage will each item be toward a final grade?
  • Grading scale including completion requirements
  • Textbook and other required resources
  • Course policies related to the integrity of credit
  • Disclaimer statement (Such as: "The above procedures and policies are subject to change, in the event of extenuating circumstances...")
  • Required institutional statements (Office of Accessibility, Title IX, Academic Integrity, etc.)
  • Print/revision date

 Syllabus Examples

Below you will find a variety of syllabus examples. The templates are Word files to download and edit. The completed example is a PDF of  syllabus from an MVCC professor shared with permission.

 Other syllabus resources:

Centering Equity-Mindedness in Syllabus Construction