Technology Requirements

To take online courses at MVCC, you will need:

  • Access to a computer with a high-speed or broadband internet connection. You can use a PC or Mac, laptop or desktop. The use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is not recommended. Please note that while you may be able to access the MVCC website and your courses using a computer system that does not meet the minimum requirements, you may encounter limitations.
  • A web browser that is compatible with the Brightspace learning management system. Brightspace works with different operating systems and browsers, but not all are formally supported. To find out which browser version you should be using with Brightspace, visit SUNY Online Support Services.
  • Appropriate internet access that allows you to submit forms to an external website. If you will be using a computer connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) at your workplace, check with the network administrator to sees if there is a firewall, which may limit your ability to submit the type of forms used by the college website. If you are using a computer lab on campus or at a library, the network may have a firewall or a block on users sending information to an external website. Check with support staff to ensure you have appropriate access.


Brightspace is a learning management system designed to provide educators, administrators, and learners with a single robust, secure, and integrated system to create personalized learning environments. The use of Brightspace was a SUNY-wide implementation mandate.

Operating System

Windows: Windows 10 or higher

Mac: Mac OS X 10.9 or later


Minimum Computer Specifications:

Processor: 2GHZ or Higher

RAM: Minimum of 4GB of RAM

Video Processor: Any external or internal GPU that is required by the operating system

Hard Drive: Any hard drive space that is required by the operating system


Brightspace is supported on the following desktop platforms, with the lastest broswer version:

  • Mozilla FireFox
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Apple Safari (Mac OS only)

Brightspace is supported on the following tables and mobile devices with the latest browser version:

  • Google Chrome (Android OS only)
  • Apple Safari (Apple iOS only)

Frequently Asked Questions

You don't have to be an expert, but you must have basic computer skills, such as word processing and some experience using the internet. If you don't have much experience using the internet, MVCC recommends signing on with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) a few months before the semester begins to give yourself time to practice .
If you are connecting with your own computer from home, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can help you configure your computer system so that you can connect to the internet. If you're using campus-based computers or internet connections, staff will be able to assist you. Libraries and public access computers should have their own help services to assist you with logging on.
Each computer you plan to use must to meet the requirements outlined above.
If you experience any difficulties getting access to your online course, sending assignments, or any other technical support issues, contact the MVCC Help Desk.
To review details how to clear the temporary internet files or 'cache' and cookies from an MVCC-supported web browser, please visit this page: How to Clear web browser cache and cookies.
The software MVCC uses for online learning varies; however, all online learning at MVCC  is browser-based, which means you access your course through your internet connection using a standard web browser. You may need to download the most compatible version of the browser. The most important thing is to have a good internet connection.
Some instructors require students to use special software related to their course. This information should be provided to you after you register.