Job Search

Finding that first job after completing your degree takes a lot of time and commitment. The most successful students typically have a plan and work consistently toward their goals.

The Career Development Center staff are available to support you at any point in your process, whether you are just beginning to consider your options or are deep into the process.


The purpose of the resume and cover letter that you spend hours working on is to get you an interview, and so it is the interview itself that helps you get the job. The interviewer wants to know: Why should we hire you?

Interviews come in all shapes and sizes. There are the screening-type interviews over the phone or video, very structured interviews where each candidate is asked exactly the same questions so their answers can be compared, and informal interviews that feel more like a conversation. In most cases, the preparation for any of these interviews is much the same and we’re here to help. You will want to know as much as possible about the organization and the role you are interviewing for. You should be prepared to answer typical questions and talk about your experience and skills (both industry-specific skills like graphic design or welding, but also transferrable skills like communication and teamwork).

The Career Development Center can help you develop your answers to common interview questions, do your research, and answer questions about other key pieces including what to wear.

Resources and Assistance

One-on-one Assistance

  • Available on both the Utica Campus and virtually. Contact our office at 315-731-5847 to set up a time to discuss your job search and/or interviewing.

Interview to Impress: Job Search and Interview Strategies Workshops

  • Offered regularly on the Utica Campus and virtually. Find the complete schedule and register here.
