
Networking is about building relationships and is an important career development skill that is worth building. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking. This means it is important to be strategic about growing your professional network as a student and we can help.

Networking is the process of making personal and professional connections and building genuine relationships over time. Your network already includes family, friends, neighbors, MVCC faculty and staff, and colleagues.

The Career Development Center can help you connect with alumni and employers through events and our LinkedIn group, in addition to helping you prepare to have great conversations as you grow your network.


LinkedIn is a professional social networking tool you can use to showcase yourself and your career interests. Having a strong profile will benefit you when recruiters are seeking candidates for their open positions.

Our LinkedIn 101 Guide will help you to build a strong profile and understand how this great tool works.

The MVCC Student & Alumni Career Network group will help you connect with your peers, MVCC Alumni, and employers/recruiters so please join us once your profile is built.