MVCC Corporate Partners Programs

Annual and Multi-Year Sponsorships

Your partnership with MVCC provides support for students and workforce development programming through
scholarships, program enhancements, and opportunities for excellence.

Establishing a relationship with MVCC enables your company to align with one of the region’s largest educators while
strategically investing in the education, advancement, technology, and growth of the Mohawk Valley. Becoming an
MVCC Corporate Partner is an investment that highlights your company as a local leader that supports the College mission to provide accessible, high-quality educational opportunities for our students and community.

Annual participation in the MVCC Corporate Partners Program can support:

  • MVCC’s areas of greatest need
  • Student support funding
  • New and existing program development
  • Campus enhancements
  • Classroom, laboratory, and technology upgrades
  • A scholarship named for your company

Enhance the impact of your gift by directing it toward a specific initiative or by committing to a multi-year sponsorship pledge.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

Standard Benefits Included for All Sponsors

  • Company name/logo featured on MVCC's Corporate Partnership Wall
  • Company name/logo featured on MVCC's Corporate Partners webpage with priority placement
  • Invitation to MVCC’s State of the College event
  • Recognition in an annual MVCC Corporate Partners email to alumni and donors
  • Company name included on MVCC’s Donor Recognition Wall
  • Acknowledgement in the MVCC Foundation’s Year-End Summary and Alumni Newsletter

Includes all standard benefits, plus:

  • Full-page ad in MVCC’s Graduate Guide
  • Priority booth placement at an MVCC Career Fair
  • Company name/logo featured on signage for
  • MVCC Corporate Partners events
  • Complimentary use of meeting space on campus
  • Invitation to the MVCC Foundation’s Annual
  • Scholarship Awards Dinner and Ceremony
  • Silver Sponsorship Package in the MVCC Foundation Golf Tournament
  • Campus naming opportunity available with multi-year commitment
  • $5,000 of sponsorship goes to fundraising match for MVCC’s annual Week of Giving Campaign
  • Portion of funding can support a new named scholarship

Includes all standard benefits, plus:

  • Half-page ad in MVCC’s Graduate Guide
  • Company name/logo featured on signage for MVCC Corporate Partners events
  • Complimentary use of meeting space on campus
  • Invitation to the MVCC Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Awards Dinner and Ceremony
  • Bronze Sponsorship Package in the MVCC Foundation Golf Tournament
  • Campus naming opportunity available with multi-year commitment
  • $2,500 of sponsorship goes to fundraising match for MVCC’s annual Week of Giving Campaign
  • Portion of funding can support a new named scholarship

Includes all standard benefits, plus:

  • Quarter-page ad in MVCC’s Graduate Guide
  • Company name/logo featured on signage for MVCC Corporate Partners events
  • Tee and Green Sponsorship Package in the MVCC Foundation Golf Tournament
  • Campus naming opportunity available with multi-year commitment
  • $1,000 of sponsorship goes to fundraising match for MVCC’s annual Week of Giving Campaign

Includes all standard benefits, plus:

  • Quarter-page ad in MVCC’s Graduate Guide
  • Recognition in an annual MVCC Corporate
  • Partners email to alumni and donors
  • Foursome in the MVCC Foundation Golf Tournament
  • Campus naming opportunity available with multi-year commitment

Includes all standard benefits, plus:

  • Hole sign in MVCC Foundation Golf Tournament

Includes all standard benefits

For more information or to become a MVCC Corporate Sponsor, please contact the MVCC Foundation at 315-792-5555 or

Sponsorship level for the MVCC CoporatePartners Program are deductible to the extent allowed by law.