
MVCC provides a free shuttle if you arrive at Syracuse Hancock International Airport on the day prior to orientation. For students traveling a long distance, it is recommended that you arrive early and stay at the Holiday Inn Express Syracuse Airport. This way, you will be able to better adjust to the time difference and you will avoid the confusion of missing the shuttle due to flight delays. We will pick up students staying at the hotel first, at 11 a.m., and then pick up any other students at baggage claim at the airport. We will be wearing MVCC shirts and have a sign that says "Welcome to MVCC!"

What to bring

  • Immigration documents: Please make sure you have your passport, visa, and I-20, and that when you enter the country, the officer marks your I-94 stamp in your passport as F-1, as you will be here on an F-1 student visa. You cannot enter the country as a student without your I-20, so pack this item in your carry-on luggage along with your passport. AFTER arrival in the U.S., please be sure to print your electronic 1-94 card. Click here for more information. 
  • Personal belongings: Winter in Upstate New York is cold, so please plan for the weather and snow by packing warm clothes. We will go on a shopping trip during Orientation, but you may want to bring any toiletries and other personal items you typically use, along with bed linens (sheets) to sleep in the residence halls.
  • Cultural Clothing/Art: We will be having an international festival in the spring so bring traditional attire from your country to share your culture. 


PLEASE NOTE: Payment is due upon arrival. Please see the payment options document that was included in your acceptance packet.

  • Wire transfer: If you would like to transfer (wire) money from your bank to MVCC’s bank, please plan to start this process BEFORE you leave your home country as it often takes one week or more. All of the information needed to transfer funds is provided on the form. When you do a transfer, please be sure include your name and M# (student ID) that was given to you in your acceptance letter.
  • Traveler’s checks: You may pay by traveler’s checks when you arrive.
  • Credit/debit card: You also may pay by credit or debit card upon arrival, but note that many banks give you a limit on how much you can charge, and often the tuition fee is more than the standard limit. Please contact your bank prior to departure and confirm whether or not they will allow U.S. transactions and large credits.  Please check the Costs and Fees for specific amounts.


  • Orientation dates: Check your email for an exact schedule!
  • During Orientation, we cover topics including college resources, residence hall living, and cultural acclimation. In addition, we facilitate placement testing and course scheduling, and there will be a number of trips and social activities. These sessions are mandatory, so please plan on attending for the entire week. If you have a conflict, please contact the International Admissions Office as soon as possible at