DegreeWorks Information

DegreeWorks is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor student progress toward completion of a degree or certificate. DegreeWorks shows the degree requirements in the MVCC College Catalog and the coursework the student has completed to produce an easy-to-read audit worksheet. The audit is divided into blocks of degree requirements. Checkboxes indicate which requirements have been met.

All students who matriculated at MVCC after Fall 2009 and are using the 2009-10 or later College Catalog can use DegreeWorks to check their progress toward degree completion. Registered students who are continuing in a major from before Fall 2009 can still use DegreeWorks to check their record against current catalog requirements by using the “What If” feature, an option on the Audit that allows you to look at how the courses you have taken would apply toward a different major. (If this is the case, please be sure to check with an advisor about requirements that are specific to the catalog year in which you matriculated.) Non-matriculated students currently taking courses for credit will be able to look at major requirements by using the “What If” feature. 

DegreeWorks FAQ

DegreeWorks is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor student progress toward completion of a degree or certificate.

A DegreeWorks Audit is a display of past, current and planned coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree in a given major. The audit is divided into blocks for each type of requirement. The blocks consist of Degree, Institutional, DGV, General Education, and Major Requirements. Each block consist of a checklist with boxes that are automatically checked when a requirement is met.

All students who matriculated at MVCC after Fall 2009 and are using the 2009-10 or later College Catalog can use DegreeWorks to check their completion progress. Registered students continuing in a major from before Fall 2009 can still use DegreeWorks to check their record against current Catalog requirements by using the “What If” feature. Non-matriculated students currently taking courses for credit will be able to look at major requirements by using the “What If” feature.

“What-If” is an option on the Audit that allows you to look at how the courses you have taken would apply toward majors other than the one you currently are in. It does not change your major or your course history; it just allows you to see how your courses would apply if you decided to change your major. It may also be used by students matriculated before 2009 to check their progress against the current Catalog requirements.

No. You can access DegreeWorks from any computer via the internet. You access DegreeWorks through your secure MyMV account.

Yes. Once grades have been processed at the end of the semester, they are viewable in DegreeWorks. Courses that you are currently enrolled in and courses that you have prescheduled are shown as IP. Any transfer courses you have will also be shown in the appropriate block with a grade of (T).

The information in DegreeWorks is refreshed each night. Any changes made today (e.g., grade changes or classes added/dropped) will be seen in DegreeWorks tomorrow. If you are working with a Student Support Advisor, the advisor can refresh your information so that it is current.

Yes. Only you, your Student Support Advisor, and authorized staff are able to access your academic information in DegreeWorks.

Your DegreeWorks Audit clearly shows what is needed to meet the various requirements for your degree and major. Requirements not yet completed display the subject and course number for all courses that you can take to meet that requirement. IMPORTANT: Be sure your scheduled classes are shown in your audit as meeting a requirement. Taking classes that show as “Courses Not Applied to this Degree” will NOT count toward your degree. You are encouraged to review your Audit and to discuss your plan with your Student Support Advisor.

If a course has a prerequisite you will see an asterisk (*) next to the course number. To see what the prerequisite is for the course, click on it and a course description including the prerequisite will appear in a pop-up box.

DegreeWorks is a replacement for the Plan of Study effective Fall 2011. It will provide you with more complete and accurate information in a more user-friendly format. In DegreeWorks, you will be able to see ALL of your requirements for graduation in one place. You will also see your courses displayed in a manner that clearly shows how each requirement will be/has been fulfilled.

CAUTION: Unlike Plan of Study, DegreeWorks will NOT PREVENT you from scheduling a course that does not apply to your current major. It is your responsibility to check your Audit after scheduling classes to make sure that you have not schedule a course that will not count toward your degree. To do this, check for courses listed in the “Courses Not Applied to this Major” block in your DegreeWorks Audit.

Your Audit is a tool to provide you with academic information related to your degree progress. It displays courses required and completed in your degree program. Your transcript is your official College record and provides a chronological list of courses you completed in semester order, and other academic information. Your official transcript must be requested from the Office of Records and Registration.

No. You will continue to build your course schedule using the options under the Registration Menu in MyMV.

You should contact your Student Support Advisor with any questions about your academic history and your degree requirements.

If you hover over any course number with your mouse, the name and credit hours for the course will display. If you click on any course, the link will display complete information including a course description, list of any prerequisites, and scheduling information (scheduling information appears only if the College is allowing registration at the time).

This is a wild card in DegreeWorks. It allows you many choices in a given subject area. For example, if the @ sign appears after a subject prefix i.e., HU@, it means that you can take any Humanities course.

Several times a semester. You should always review your Audit:

  • Before you meet with your academic advisor to discuss registration for an upcoming semester.
  • After you register — to ensure that the courses you selected applied to your requirements like you thought they would, and that all of your scheduled courses apply to your major.
  • After your grades for each semester are posted.
  • Any time you make a change to your schedule, or have questions about what you need to complete your degree. 
  • Whenever you are considering changing your major. You will want to check your current Audit to see where you stand, and then use the “What if?” tool to check out other majors.

Once official transcripts are received from the College Board (AP scores) or your prior college(s), transfer credit can be granted and posted to your student record. Once transfer credit is posted to your record, it will appear on the appropriate place in your audit. Courses that are transferable but do NOT meet requirements of your current major will be shown in the “Courses Not Applied to this Major” block.

If your transcript were received prior to Fall 2011, only those courses that applied to your current major were entered in the system. If you change your major, your transcript will be re-evaluated for any additional credit.

Beginning Fall 2011 ALL of the courses on new official transcripts that might be transferable to MVCC will be posted to your student record when we receive your transcript. This makes all of your transfer credit show in your DegreeWorks Audit. Those courses can then be applied to your MVCC student record and shown as meeting requirements in your Audit. Any courses that do not count toward your current major will be shown in the “Courses Not Applied to this Degree” block. Because all potential transfer credit has already been identified, DegreeWorks can show you how your transfer courses might count toward a different major when you use the “What if?” tool.

Transfer Finder is a DegreeWorks tool that helps you prepare to transfer between SUNY schools. It allows you to see how completed MVCC courses will apply toward a bachelor's degree elsewhere. Click here for more information.

You can use the “What-if” button to do an audit for potential major.

NOTE: “What-if?” audits show you what the requirements for a major are and how the courses you have already taken will apply to the major you are investigating. They do not guarantee that you will be able to major in the area you select, nor do they change your major with the College. If you decide to change your major, you must go to the Advisement Center to initiate the change.

DegreeWorks looks at your program holistically, and places each course using a “best fit” scenario. We've also programmed priorities that govern how certain courses will be used in your major. This process will not always be perfect, particularly when multiple possibilities exist. However, as you complete your requirements, it generally works out. If you are concerned about a course that does not appear in the area in which you wanted to use it, you may contact your advisor or the Office of Records and Registration for assistance.

In most cases, yes. DegreeWorks is programmed to recognize that some courses can fulfill more than one requirement. For example, EN102 is often used to fulfill both your DGV course requirement and your Tier 1 Humanities requirement. Be sure to look through to make sure that this duplicate placement is appropriate. If you have any concerns about your Audit, check the requirements for your major in the College Catalog, before contacting your advisor.

Generally this is not a problem and will work itself out as you complete more of the courses in your major. However, if you are concerned, contact your Student Support Advisor.

If your request to substitute, waive, or transfer an MVCC course is approved, it will be programmed in, and will appear in your audit. The substitute course will be used to fulfill your requirement, and, in most cases, an additional line will appear under it that explains why the exception was entered.

This is common. In order to ensure your degree meets the College’s General Education requirements, a specific course that is required in your major may be designated to fulfill that requirement. This enables you to obtain your degree without taking extra classes.

If you matriculated in your major prior to Fall 2009, you will not see a General Education block. Complete Audits are available only for students who matriculated since Fall 2009. However, you can see an unofficial Audit by using the “What if?” tool. Also, if you are enrolled in an AOS or certificate program, your major does not have a General Education requirement, so you will not see the block on your audit.

Because your two majors will both be awarded the same degree (e.g.: AAS), you will have a single audit with two “Major Requirements” blocks. A separate “Major Requirements” block will display the courses required for each major.

There are two reasons you may not see an Audit for both of your majors in the same Audit.

  • Your majors are different degree types (e.g.: one degree is an AS and the other is an AAS degree). If this is the case, look at the degree information next to your name at the top of the screen. You will notice that the degree box has a drop-down arrow. Use this to select your second degree and view that Audit.
  • You matriculated in one of your majors prior to Fall 2009. No Audits are available for majors prior to Fall 2009. However, you can see an audit by using the “What if?” tool.

Yes. On the “Worksheets” tab, click on the “Class History” link at the top-right for a list of all courses you have taken at MVCC displayed in semester order. (Transfer courses that have been evaluated will also be shown.)

A few. While DegreeWorks has been designed to check almost everything you must complete to qualify for graduation, there may be additional requirements for your major that must be completed as well. You should use DegreeWorks in conjunction with the College Catalog and with any information that your Academic Department provides to ensure that you remain on track for graduation. If you have questions about any additional requirements for your major, talk with your advisor during your next advising appointment.

The degree progress bar will not show 100% completion until you finish all of your in progress courses and earn acceptable grades in them.

Each term DegreeWorks will reset the In-Progress term to the upcoming term. This will happen the day after completion of grade processing.

If you repeat a course, the highest grade you earn will be the one that counts toward degree requirements. This will be the grade that appears on your worksheet as fulfilling the requirement. After your second attempt is complete, the lower grade will be placed in an "insufficient" category at the bottom of your worksheet. The courses in this area do not count toward your total hours, and they cannot be used to fulfill requirements.

Please ask your advisor for assistance. Below are the most common problems and courses of action:

  • My major is wrong on my audit.
    • If you have not officially changed your major, contact the Advisement Center to apply for a Change of Major.
    • If you have already officially changed your major, understand that the DegreeWorks will NOT display your Audit in the new major until the effective term of the change. For example, if you change your major for Fall semester, you will not see the new major in your Audit until the beginning of the Fall semester.
    • Remember: You can always see what your new Audit will look like by using the “what if?” tool.
  • The requirements for my major are wrong.
    • Requirements for most majors change over time and are tied to the Catalog year in which you matriculated in your major. If you think your Audit is incorrect, check the catalog term that appears on the major requirements block of the audit. According to our records this is the catalog term that applies to you. If you believe the Catalog year is incorrect, contact your Dean’s office.
  • Classes are not applying in the “right” place.
    • DegreeWorks uses a ‘best fit’ approach for meeting requirements. This means classes maybe applied differently as you, take more courses. This is normal and should be in your best interests. However, if you are concerned, please contact your advisor.
  • My transfer courses don't appear in the right place.
    • If you are concerned about how transfer credit is being applied to your Audit, contact your advisor.
  • My Student Support Advisor or  Dean gave me permission to substitute a course, but it's not showing on my audit.
    • Talk with your advisor. Exceptions approved prior to Fall 2011 may not have been added to your record.

If none of these problems describe your situation, or if you need additional help contact your advisor.

Your first point of contact should be your Student Support Advisor.