Yes, we provide accommodations for those students with temporary disabilities. There are a variety of supports; some to let people know where the elevators are; special seating or coordinating missed assignments due to a hospitalization. We might provide a note taker for a student with a broken arm; extended time on tests if required to complete the test; use of the computer to assist the student, or other options. Always send the student to discuss their situation with our office.

Yes, If a high school student is taking class on our campus, we will provide accommodations to that student with a disability. If the high school student is involved in a class at their home school site, the secondary school is responsible for providing the accommodations.

No, all students have testing anxiety at some level. This is not considered a diagnosis. Some individuals have other areas of anxiety, are seeking support from a professional and might qualify for services. However, test anxiety alone is not a disability. Many students may need to be encouraged to contact a counselor or physician if the anxiety is unmanageable and seek consistent support services and treatment.

Yes, many veterans do not associate themselves with having a disability when they might be eligible for services with our office. Please encourage veterans that indicate they have a diagnosis of some sort to seek out services through our office.

The process is similar in requiring documentation and setting up an accommodation plan, but can be completed fully online. The most commonly used accommodation is providing extended time on tests, but many of the other accommodations (ex. note taking, tests read to them) are the responsibility of the student to have the tools available for them to use online.  Our office can assist students with Apps, and software suggestions that might assist them in the online environment. 

Provide contact information and suggest that students or families contact our office and discuss options. Our office email is and the main office number is (315) 792-5644. We will be happy to assist them through the process.

Many students don’t associate with having a disability, but they may have a diagnosis related to ADHD, substance abuse, or received services a long time ago (returning adult). These students are often eligible for services and should come and set up an appointment to discuss options.

The beginning of their senior year in high school is a good time to make the first connection with our office. We are happy to speak with prospective students and provide information.

Ask the staff at the Office of Accessibility Resources to assist you with mediating the situation. A staff may not prohibit recorders in classrooms or other aids such as dog guides in campus buildings that have the effect of limiting the participation of students with disabilities in their education program or activity. In order to allow a student with a disability the use of an effective aid and, at the same time, protect the instructor, the disability office has an agreement so as not to infringe on a potential copyright and will not be allowed to use the recording for any employment evaluation of the staff.

1. Many professors/staff send ESL students to the Office for Accessibility Resources for extended time on tests. Our office does not recognize ESL as a disability. However the student should speak directly to the professor and ask about options for extended time. If the professor decides they will allow the student more time, they can provide the extension themselves, or contact MVCC Testing Center to coordinate testing through the out of class testing options.

2. The Office of Accessibility Resources provide E-text and alternate format books for students that have a reading, visual or physical disability that is documented. We typically process 200 or more requests per semester. We cannot provide e-text or audio books to students that do not qualify as having a disability. There are options through the bookstore and websites for students to purchase these formats if preferred directly from the publishers.

3. A student with a disability does not have to seek services for accommodations. The Office of Accessibility Resources provides information for students to locate our office and find out about services; including all students that check the optional support services with the advisors at admission inquiry that they have a disability.  If the student does not come into the office to set up services, accommodations will not be provided. It is not until the student arrives to inquire about services that we have to provide services. There are no “retroactive” accommodations.

The Office of Accessibility Resources typically works with approximately 450+ students per semester. The average number is increasing. The largest increase of student diagnosis is ADHD, Autism Spectrum (AS) and Mental Health. The numbers of accommodative tests range about 600 per semester. The number of alternate format book requests increases every year for students with a print disability. 

The Office of Accessibility Resources webpage has information for students, families, and staff. How to get a wheelchair parking permit is located on our website.