Requesting Use of VA Educational Benefits

If you plan on using VA Educational Benefits, please follow the procedure below every semester you wish to use VA Educational Benefits.

Before you use your Benefits, ensure your Certificate of Eligibility is on file with the Veterans Education Services office.

  • Finalize your schedule for the semester.
    • Classes not in your Program of Study will not be certified for payment. Please ensure through DegreeWorks that the classes you are taking apply to your Program of Study.
  • Fill out the VA Enrollment Certification Request.
    • Those using Chapter 30 (MGIB-AD), Chapter 35 (DEA), and Chapter 1606 (MGIB-SR) need to sign a Veterans Deferral Form. Request the Veterans Deferral Form by emailing
  • Confirm your charges through your MVCC MyMV account.
    • Once all steps are completed, the Veterans Education Services office will submit your Certification to the VA for payment.

VA Guest Student

Those students matriculated at another college and plan on taking a class during the semester here at MVCC to fulfill a requirement at their primary college need to follow the instructions below.

Before you use your Benefits, ensure your Certificate of Eligibility is on file with the Veterans Education Services office as well as a Guest Letter sent from your primary college's school certifying official.

  • Submit your Certificate of Eligibility and Guest Letter to the Veterans Education Services Office.
  • Fill out the VA Enrollment Certification Request
    • Those using Chapter 30 (MGIB-AD), Chapter 35 (DEA), and Chapter 1606 (MGIB-SR) need to sign a Veterans Deferral Form. Request the Veterans Deferral Form by emailing
  • Confirm your charges through your MVCC MyMV account.
    • Once all steps are completed, the Veterans Education Services office will submit your Certification to the VA for payment.