Proctored exams

Proctors are individuals that are responsible for supervising you as you take an exam. Proctors are needed to ensure educational integrity while the student is taking the exam. Examples of acceptable proctors are:

  • College Testing Center
  • College Librarian

Relatives, friends, or co-workers are NOT eligible to proctor exams. Proctors must have a professional email address ending in .edu, .gov, etc.; Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, or similar addresses will NOT be accepted. For more information, please call  315-731-5802. or email

Please note: There is a $35 charge for this service payable on the day of testing. 

MVCC Host Testing Service charge

A service charge of $35 is required for students looking to use MVCC's placement testing lab for proctored exams by other colleges. If you have questions, please contact the Assessment and Testing Center.

ESL testing

ESL stands for "English as a Second Language" and refers to students who require English language training before enrolling in college courses. To enroll as an ESL student at MVCC, you must first take the same writing test as that taken by traditional students. The results of this test determine whether or not you need to take the ESL placement test, which includes listening, vocabulary, grammar and reading sections. Once you have taken the ESL test you will schedule your courses with members of our ESL faculty.

Students with low reading scores

Students with low reading scores (below 46) should be limited to the minimum full-time course load including DS051, ED112,  and other courses that do not require significant textbook reading such as: PE, ED100, AA107, or courses in studio art or trades.

What if I test into EN101/EN110 AND DS051 or DS090?

Students who test into EN101 or EN110 and DS090 should be placed into EN106. EN106 is a 4-credit hybrid class that counts the same as EN101/EN110 toward degree requirements.

What is  MA089 ?

This course is designed for students who, according to placement test results, need preparation for subsequent mathematics courses. It develops basic skills by focusing on language and concepts. Topics include whole number, integers, rational numbers, and decimals.

How should I decide between MA108, MA110, or MA115?

Students who plan to transfer or reach higher levels of math should always choose to take MA115 Intermediate Mathematics. MA115 is a prerequisite to a number of upper-level math classes at MVCC and other institutions. MA110 Elementary Statistics always transfers; however it will not assist the student who needs to take an upper-level math course. MA108 Concepts of Mathematics should only be taken when a student’s degree program does not require a higher-level math course.