testing accommodations

Options to Schedule an Accommodative Test with the Testing Center

  1. Call the testing office directly:
  2. Come into the Utica  Testing Center  (PH 104A) or Learning Commons (WH 129A or B) or Rome (PC 102G) office to schedule.

Each semester, the MVCC Testing Center oversees several hundred hours of testing. This service is provided to eligible students with a wide variety of disabilities, including visual impairments, learning disabilities and some types of emotional, orthopedic and health- related disabilities. Its purpose is to eliminate or diminish any negative impact a person's disability might have on the testing process, by providing extended time, readers, scribes, or other assistance depending on the nature of the disability.

In order to receive testing accommodations, students must provide the Office of Accessibility Resources with written information that documents that the requested modification is necessary and must follow all established testing procedures. An accommodation plan and accommodative testing policy must be signed by the student to receive the accommodative services.

Procedures for scheduling the MVCC Placement Test with accommodations are included on the Placement Testing web page.

Visual Chart of How to Schedule Tests

Test Scheduling Chart

For more information on scheduling tests

Test Scheduling Discussion