Academic Dismissal Appeal Guidelines

If you are academically dismissed, your dismissal letter will provide time sensitive directions on how to proceed with an Academic Appeal. Please pay close attention to the due date included in the letter. Questions should be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (VPLAA).

The student’s written appeal and any supporting documentation must be in the Office of the VPLAA no later than the date and time listed in the dismissal letter.
Supporting documentation may include verifiable written statements from physicians, therapists, police, attorneys, financial counselors, family members, or others who can confirm the particular circumstances supporting the appeal. 

A prompt and thorough review of the student’s submitted written material and a review of the student’s academic history will be made. 

The VPLAA will notify the student of the final decision in writing.

The student, if readmitted to a College program upon appeal, shall remain on academic probation. Students must contact their School Dean to reschedule and/or reassess their academic progress.