Academic Information 

Academic Credentials

MVCC offers two-year associate degree programs designed for career and transfer opportunities, one-year certificate programs and short-term microcredentials that are career-oriented.

Associate degrees (AA, AS, AAS, AOS)

Associate degrees are undergraduate degrees that can be completed in two years and generally require students to complete a minimum of 60 credit hours. Students interested in transferring to a four-year institution should confer with their Student Support Advisor or Faculty Advisor to determine which degree option is most appropriate.

  • AA and AS degrees: The two most common types of transfer associate degrees are the Associate of Arts (AA), a liberal arts degree, and the Associate of Science (AS), a liberal arts degree with a greater focus on math and sciences. Students who complete an AA or AS are guaranteed transfer of all credits upon transfer to a SUNY four-year transfer partner and there are many agreements with non-SUNY schools.
  • AAS and AOS: Occupational associate degrees are designed to help students acquire specific knowledge and skills in preparation for a particular career path. These associate degrees include the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and the Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS). Unlike an AA or AS, the AAS and AOS are not transfer degrees and four-year transfer partners are not required to accept all credits from an AAS or AOS degree.  

Certificates (Cert)

Certificates are designed for a student to complete 24 - 42 credit hours. Most certificate programs prepare students for technical jobs or career advancement in one year or less.

Microcredentials (Micr)

Micro credentials are groups of three to five courses that can be taken as a standalone credential or can be organized around particular skills. In some cases, they can be stacked to earn a degree or certificate. See microcredentials offered by MVCC. 

Academic Amnesty

Academic Amnesty is designed to give matriculated students a fresh start after being away for four years or more and who return to complete a degree or certificate. Students may apply to have unsatisfactory grades excluded from the calculation of the grade point average (GPA). See eligibility requirements, procedures, and limitations in the Student Handbook.

Adding a Class

Students can add classes to an existing schedule by using their MyMV account prior to the start of classes in any semester. Changes to a schedule are typically handled in consultation with a Student Support Advisor and use the forms on the Create or Change your Schedule card in MyMV.

Adding a Class Once the Semester Begins

Students requesting permission to enroll in classes after the first week of instruction must use the Late Enrollment Request Form. Enrollment in courses during the second week of classes requires course instructor permission. Enrollment in courses after the second week of classes requires permission of both the course instructor and the appropriate Academic School Dean.


Students are expected to make all necessary arrangements to be in attendance and on time for all classes. Faculty will include attendance policies in the course syllabus. Please note that policies may vary from class to class, so it is critical to read the syllabus for each class. Also note that repeated absences may result in failing the course. The State University of New York requires evidence of attendance. Students who fail to satisfy state regulations may be withdrawn from the class and risk losing financial aid.

Change of Major

Matriculated students wishing to change their program of study should contact their Student Support Advisor. Changes of Major initiated before the end of the third week of classes are in effect that semester. Changes of Major initiated after the third week of classes go into effect the following semester.

Dropping a Class Once the Semester Begins

Students can drop a class any time during the refund period assigned for the class. No grades are assigned to classes dropped during these times. Students can drop classes using the Drop Form prior to the end of the third week of classes with no grade posted on the transcript. Students dropping classes after the third week of classes (census date) will have a grade of W assigned to the class. A grade of W will not affect the GPA but will be posted on the transcript. Students should consult the Academic Calendar for the last day to drop without penalty. 

Dropping classes may affect: Academic progress, Athletic eligibility, Financial Aid, Residence Hall occupancy, Veteran’s benefits, Unemployment benefits, etc.

Students are encouraged to speak with the Student Support Advisor and any offices/staff to discuss the effect dropping a class may have. Students who “walk away” without officially withdrawing after the third week of classes (census date) will not be granted a W grade. Those students will be graded based on the amount of work completed.


Grades consist of the following:

  • A: Excellent
  • B+: B Plus
  • B: Good
  • C+: C Plus
  • C: Satisfactory
  • D+: D Plus*
  • D: Minimum Pass*
  • F: Fail
  • FI: Fail Incomplete
  • W: Withdrawn prior to the official last date established by the Office of Records and Registration
  • S: Satisfactory (midterm only)
  • U: Unsatisfactory (midterm only)
  • I: Incomplete (temporary)
  • AU: Audit
  • NR: Not a grade, but a symbol indicating that a grade was not submitted

*See individual Academic Program requirements. 

“W” grades appearing on the record do not affect the student’s grade point average (GPA). “W” grades count in attempted hours. See “Dropping a class” or “Withdrawal from a Class.”

Students expelled from a specific class, or expelled or suspended from the College, will receive a final grade for each course as determined by the faculty member’s grading policy. However, a grade of “Incomplete” is not an option. Any assignments not completed as of the date of suspension (expulsion) will be factored into grade calculations as zeros.

Audit (AU)

No formal grade will be assigned and participation in exams is not required. Audited courses do not satisfy graduation, certificate, or license requirements and do not affect the GPA. Audited courses are not counted as part of full or part time enrollment status for Financial Aid. Audit requests must be made no later than the end of the first week of classes. Changes from credit to audit may not be initiated after the end of the third week of classes for a regular semester.

Final Grades

Final grades can be viewed on MyMV. Students may also request a copy of their final grades from the Office of Records and Registration. Please review them carefully. Any alleged errors, including any missing grades, should be reported immediately to the instructor of the course. If the instructor cannot be reached, the appropriate School Dean of the course should be contacted. Students have one year from the end of a semester to request, in writing, a correction to their official transcript and must provide appropriate documentation to support the request. For Academic Complaints, see the online Student Handbook.

GPA Calculation

The overall GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of GPA hours. A = 4.00 quality points, B+ = 3.33 quality points, B = 3.00 quality points, C+ = 2.33 quality points, C = 2.00 quality points, D+ = 1.33 quality points D = 1.00 quality points, and F = 0.00 quality points. A grade of "A" (A = 4.00) earned in a three-credit course would be 4.00 x 3 = 12.00 quality points in all. MVCC GPA is calculated by truncating the numbers to two decimals and is NOT rounded up.

Incomplete Grade (I)

An incomplete grade may be assigned when a student has not completed a small portion of a course for reasons beyond their control. Subject to approval by the instructor, a plan will be established on how the work will be completed. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the instructor to establish a time limit and the work must be completed no later than the end of the following regular semester (Fall and Spring). An incomplete grade will convert to an “FI” if the instructor submits no grade at the end of the following semester.

Incomplete Grade (FI)

The grade of FI will be assigned when the grade is the result of a failure grade after requesting an Incomplete grade.

Midterm Grades

Midterm grades are not official and do not appear in any permanent record. They are intended to inform students of their progress. Students may view their midterm grades via MyMV. Students should seek out a Student Support Advisor (SSA) soon after midterm grades are posted to discuss progress.

Graduation Requirements

Students must meet the following requirements:

  • A final high school transcript showing graduation information or GED Certificate must be on file.
  • Students must pass all courses required for the program or certificate in which they are matriculated.
  • Students must achieve at least a 2.00 program GPA. All courses should be completed as specified in the Catalog including general education requirements.
  • Students must meet the Residency Requirement. A minimum of 25 percent of the required classes in the program or certificate must be completed successfully at MVCC.
  • Students expecting to have transfer credit to count toward graduation should have all official transcripts on file. All transfer courses must be posted on the official transcript prior to graduation.
  • Financial obligations to the College must be fulfilled.
  • Matriculation is terminated by graduation. Students intending to pursue another degree or certificate need to matriculate in the new degree or certificate.
  • The Academic School Dean certifies graduation and must approve any exceptions and waivers.

Dual Degree

Providing that all requirements are fulfilled for both programs, including at least a 2.00 GPA in both, a student may concurrently or consecutively undertake a second-degree program at the same level as the first. A second degree will be awarded only in those cases where the second program requires at least 15 semester credit hours of specific courses which are not part of the requirements of the first.

Physical Education

Physical Education is a graduation requirement for most degree programs at MVCC. Students with physical limitations or disabilities should consult with a member of the Physical Education faculty to discuss their specific needs. Although physical education courses may be repeated for credit, any given course may be counted only once toward the two-credit requirement. Some physical education courses may have additional fees attached.

Graduation with Honors

A cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher is required to Graduate with Honors. 

Graduation with Distinction

Students completing the requirements for the Honors program will Graduate with Distinction.

Honors Program 

The Honors Program at MVCC strives to motivate exceptional students in all fields of study to develop to their fullest potential. The program enriches students’ learning experiences through independent research, challenging projects, and collaborations with faculty and peers — all while preparing them for further study, a vibrant career, and a lifetime of achievement. The program emphasizes deep learning and support of students in becoming independent, creative, and self-confident learners. Students must meet one of the following criteria to be eligible for the Honors Program:

For students with fewer than 12 college credits: 

  • A GPA of 3.5 (90) or higher from an accredited high school 
  • An SAT score of 1240 or higher (or comparable ACT score) 
  • Top 10% standing in graduating class at an accredited high school 

For students with 12 or more college credits: 

  • A cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher earned at MVCC or another college 

Interested students may apply before the start of each Fall or Spring semester. Applications are available online at

President’s/Vice President’s List

  • All students who successfully complete a semester with at least six credits and with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.75 or higher will be placed on the President’s List. 
  • All students who successfully complete a semester with at least six credits and with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 to 3.74 will be placed on the Vice President’s List.

Repeating Courses

If an MVCC course is repeated, only the highest grade will count in the computation of the GPA.

Withdrawal from a Class

Students who officially withdraw from a class after the third week of classes (for 15-week courses), but prior to the deadline established by the Office of Records and Registration will be assigned a grade of W. To officially withdraw, a student must submit a Drop Form to the Office of Records and Registration. Withdrawal deadlines for classes of length other than 15 weeks will be prorated. See the Academic Calendar dates posted by the Office of Records and Registration. Students who do not officially withdraw from a class are not eligible for a grade of W. The instructor will grade students based on the student’s fulfillment of class requirements. The Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs may waive the above under special circumstances (discipline, illness, etc.). Academic and Financial Aid advice is strongly suggested prior to withdrawal from a class.

Withdrawal from the College

Students who feel that it is necessary to withdraw from the College must notify the Office of Holistic Student Support. An exit interview is required to constitute official withdrawal. The Office of Records and Registrations will NOT accept withdrawal forms directly from the student. All forms must be submitted by the Student Support Advisor only.  Grades will then be assigned for official withdrawals from the College on the same basis as for official withdrawal from a class. Students who do not officially withdraw from the college are not eligible for a grade of W. The instructors will grade students based on the student’s fulfillment of class requirements.