Academic Standards

All students at MVCC are expected to make reasonable progress toward the completion of their degree or certificate. In order to support students in successfully reaching Mohawk Valley Community College’s academic standards, the College will review students’ academic progress regularly. The student’s academic standing* is determined on the basis of the cumulative grade point average  (GPA) and total number of hours** according to the following table:

Total hours Attempted Unsatisfactory Progress Cumulative GPA Minimum Progress Cumulative GPA
0.05 - 12.00 0 - 1.49 1.50
12.5 - 36.00 0 - 1.64 1.65
36.5 - 48.00 0 - 1.79 1.80
48.5 - 60.00+ 0 - 1.99 2.00
  1. The first review will occur at the end of the matriculated student’s first semester (fall, spring) or term (summer).
  2. After the first review, the student’s grade point average (GPA) will be reviewed each semester or term that the student is enrolled.
  3. The student will be assigned one of the following academic standings after each review:
  4. Good academic standing
  5. Intervention
  6. Probation
  7. Dismissal
  8. A student who does not meet the “Minimum Progress” cumulative grade point average (as indicated on the table above) will be placed on academic intervention for the next semester.
  9. A student on academic intervention standing will be placed on academic probation** by the College if she/he does not earn a minimum of 1.5 term grade point average for the intervention semester or term.
  10. A student on probation must see an academic advisor before scheduling classes for the upcoming term, and is limited to a semester schedule of no more than 14 hours (which may include developmental courses).
  11. A student is not excused from academic intervention, probation or dismissal by changing the program of study.
  12. A student placed on academic dismissal loses her/his matriculated status.
  13. A dismissed student may not be re-matriculated for one academic semester (fall, spring). However, she/he may register as a non-matriculated student after dismissal for no more than two courses to a maximum of 9 hours. (Student is not eligible for Financial Aid.)
  14. If a student is re-matriculated after an academic dismissal, she/he will be placed automatically on academic probation.
  15. Action taken under the Standards of Academic Progress will be automatic unless the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs acts to make an exception based on the Academic Department or Advisement Center’s recommendation.
  16. An Academic Appeals Committee will act on appeals from dismissed students.

* Please note that academic standing is calculated differently than financial aid standards of academic progress.

** Total hours include: credits and equivalent credit hours taken at Mohawk Valley Community College.