MVCC has retrained many dislocated workers for new careers. MVCC's student population consists of numerous adult students (ages 25 or older) who have come back to school to begin a "new" career. 

The key to retraining successfully is choosing a program that is both personally interesting and marketable. There are several tools through MVCC and Working Solutions to assist students who are interested in finding a new career. Interest inventories and personal assessment tools such as CareerZone and FOCUS can assist individuals who are looking into a new career path.

It is imperative for dislocated workers to work closely not only with their training provider of choice but also with their Working Solutions Office as they can assist dislocated workers through their unemployment benefits and provide them with other opportunities to alleviate some of the costs of retraining.

Frequently Asked Questions

Student Support Advisors are available for you to meet one-on-one to discuss your educational goals. We will take you step-by-step through the process of admissions, financial aid, and registering for classes. We are available to assist you both on the MVCC Utica Campus and the Oneida Working Solutions Office.

There are several resources to obtain information on career specifics including, but not limited to, our Career Services. They can help you ascertain what field of study may be closely related to your previous experience or help you determine the best plan of action for you.
There is an opportunity for individuals to qualify for scholarship monies though the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Those interested should contact their local Working Solutions Offices, CNY Works, or CDO Workforce Office for more information. 
The 599 program allows those who are approved to not have to actively search for work when they are enrolled in training that consists of at least 12 hours per week or 12 credit hours (full-time status). The program may extend your unemployment benefits for a maximum of an additional 26 weeks. This extension is based on available funds and is conditional upon where you currently are in your unemployment benefit. There is no guarantee that 599 will continue to pay benefits throughout the entirety of your education.

One-Stop Centers

The one-stop center, also known as Working Solutions, CNY Works, CDO Workforce, and others (as the name varies by county), offers individuals personal assistance with their employment needs. These offices assist the unemployed, career changers, and the underemployed with everything from resume development to upgrading computer skills. Additionally, many centers are equipped with a resource room that houses computers with internet access, office technologies such as a copier/fax, and information on community resources and educational opportunities.

The local one-stop center also assists those who are interested in receiving training. They connect individuals with local educational institutions such as public and private colleges as well as vocational programs such as BOCES. After the individual has chosen an approved training program, the one-stop assists the student with filing WIA, Trade Act, and 599 applications where applicable.

Use the following links below to find your local One-Stop Center:

Special Programs

Section 599

599 is a section of Unemployment Insurance Law that allows unemployment recipients the opportunity to enroll in an approved training course and still receive their unemployment benefit. This section also allows those individuals who are enrolled in an approved training course to not have to actively look for work. When additional money is available, those who are approved under Section 599 may be able to receive extended unemployment benefits (up to a maximum of 26 weeks).

Approved training opportunities must consist of the following:

  • Meet a minimum of 12 classroom hours or 12 credit hours per week
  • Able to complete in two years (24 months) or less
  • Be in a field of study where there are (anticipated) openings
  • Is provided by a proven and reliable training facility

The 599 application is only available through Working Solutions Offices, CNY Works, or CDO Workforce. Supporting documentation of a student’s enrollment in a training program is required by the training provider. Student Support Advisors will assist students with this paperwork and provide them with the necessary documentation to process their claim. Once the 599 paperwork has been submitted, it can take up to eight weeks to receive a decision.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

There is an opportunity for individuals to qualify for scholarship monies. Those interested should contact their local Working Solutions Offices, CNY Works, or CDO Workforce Office for more information.

Trade Act Adjustment (TAA)

Employees who are laid off due to their employer shipping jobs across the U.S. border and overseas may be entitled to have their training costs completely covered through Trade Act. Employers must apply for trade act funding for their former employees and once approved each person affected by the layoff must apply to use the funds. There are several rules and regulations regarding Trade Act funding and training opportunities. If someone becomes eligible for this funding it is best to discuss their training needs with specialists within the Working Solutions, CNY Works, or CDO Workforce Offices.

Credit Vs. Non-Credit Training

Credit Programs

Typically students who enroll in any college program or certificate intend to either seek employment after completion or transfer on to earn their bachelors’ degree. Credit bearing programs enable students to apply for both state and federal financial aid. Certificate programs at the college level often offer a student the ability to take the core courses of a degree without the general education requirements as well as assist them with preparing for state and national licensing/certifications. These programs may be favored as they provide students with a college accredited certificate or diploma.

Non-Credit Programs

These courses are typically offered to learn specific skill sets or enhance a person’s general knowledge. Some programs are more intense in nature and may prepare students for state and national licensing/certifications. However, most programs only offer students recognition of completion of the program in lieu of a formal accredited diploma/certificate. Additionally, students enrolled in these courses are not eligible to apply for financial aid.

MVCC currently offers a wide variety of non-credit training programs through its Corporate and Community Education Office. Categories of study include, but are not limited to, CNA licensure, Personal Care Aide, Phlebotomy, and Security Guard.