General Scholarships

A comprehensive list of scholarships along with requirements and the application can be found directly through our Office for Institutional Advancement

A majority of the deadlines for these scholarships are either Nov. 15 or April 1 each year.

Adult Learner-Specific Scholarships

Zonta Club of Utica: Scholarship Awards for Women

Zonta, an international service organization of professional and executive women, recognizes the importance of education in giving women the skills to either return to the workforce or gain new training for meaningful employment. Three Zonta scholarships for $1,000 each are available annual to women who are resuming their education to prepare for employment or to achieve the education needed to improve their employment opportunities.

Candidates must be female students 25 years or older who had to leave or postpone formal education to deal with adult responsibility (caring for children, an ill family member, or the need for employment). Candidates must demonstrate significant need after all other forms of financial assistance have been exhausted. Funds may be used for any college or personal expense related to the accomplishment of the applicant's educational goal. Applicants must reside or attend school in Utica or its immediate suburbs and must be carrying a minimum of six credit hours of study per semester.

Applications are available through the Adult Learner Services Office usually no later than Feb. 1. Applications must be postmarked no later than March 1.

Finch College Alumnae Association Foundation Scholarship

This one-time $2,000 scholarship is awarded to a woman over the age of 22 who is in her second year at a community college and plans on transferring to a four-year accredited institution.

Deadline: Every May 15

For more information, please visit their website.